As featured on SA Healths Australian National TV Government Anti Smoking Campaign July 2023
Sculpture of a dude with his brain falling out his head whilst pulling his cock.. "Lust" is ultimately inspired by compromising your values for a relationship, or the fact that "love" turns people into fucken retards, etc. I have struggled with the title of this & for a while changed it to the more politically correct version of "True Love" which is equally insane. However, the sculpture Lust was ogiginally inspired by the trauma of ignoring countless red flags for the sake of sticking my cock in the psychopath Rosie Bourn who destroyed everything I loved at my most vulnerable because I rejected the fuggly cunt!
Medium: Hebel Stone
Teqnique: Carved.
Artist: Mark Parker
Collection(s): Woolshed #02
Year: 2016
Production Footage exists: No
Fame & Fortune.
"Lust" features along side his raunchy "Step-Sister" statue "Ego - Self Endulgence" in the background of theGovernment of South Australia's SA Health Anti-Tobacco YouTube production Marks Story wihch can also be found with further context at Although, inconsitenceices with dates appear to exist I was informed the production had been released on the 01st September 2022.
Although completely seperate to Univeral Asylum I took part in the initiative run by Drug & Alcohol Services South Australia as a member of their Community Partnership Program. Although I had hoped they would shot me from further back benith my Social Work degree & with greater variety of art aranged as not to be cluttered in my relatively cramped living space the film crew wanted to shot me in a different postion on the couch with the window in the backgroud. Although they had diffenrt tasts in artwork we came to a compromise as I felt "Lust" & "Ego - Self Endulgence" provided the most appropriate balance of being artworks of a high enough quality to refelt my skills as an Artist & complexities of my personality within this bizarre phenominon we call life. Plus I think the the raw finish of "Lust" worked well in providing subtle yet intresting background shapes whilst "Ego Self-Endulgence" balanced out the red in my magical mushroom t-shit in a complimentry fashion!