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Where did I Cum From? My First Fuck? Or was it Love at 1st Sight?... Whenever DMT & H2O Hooked-Up Marks Our Evolutionary Origin of Life!... Now What Kinda Cunts Would Tear Such a Devine Union Apart!?

Mark Parker

Updated: Jul 19, 2024

Originally published yesterday on the 16th this work organically evolved to climax identifying the union between DMT and H2O as our earliest ancestors, and they’re actions supporting multicellular organisms. Therefore, this introduction has been added to acknowledge that and state its original intention was discussing available results of Universal AsylumsMetabolic Implications of "Psychedelics / Forbidden Fruit" upon DRUG Saturation - Planning Documentand considerations for clinical analysis of the stored blood serum samples which remains relevant for tracing evolution back to our earliest ancestral origin.

Since undertaking this experiment numerous extremely relevant scientific publications have been released in the area of opioids and immune systems. Although these include numerous fairly typical misconceptions due oppressive governance retarding scientific evolution skewing it’s perspectives by denying access to the most significant information. As interconnected commitments have lead to the identification of consistent overlaps of clear significance yet great complexity at this stage I will not be attempting to undertake thorough critique. Rather my intention is to start out by refining aspect of my original hypothesis whilst identifying some of the clearest parallels between scientific data and their relevance to this research design whilst identifying certain misconceptions. Although what I have identified as of greatest significance has potential for countless assays designs anticipated to evolve with my understanding as interconnected sets of research merge.

Maintaining it’s original form for historical purposes N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) & Other "Forbidden Fruit" - Central Nervous System Specific Nutrients. whilst the available results of experiments supports the hypothesis of DMT being an exogenous “Nutrient” or “Primary Metabolite” via the Central Nervous System (CNS) the term “specific” never was quite true to the hypothesis unless of course DMT is converted to something else prior to distribution. However, it would seem more likely that a little bit goes a long a way. According to Mishra, P (2022) Metabolism refers to a set of life-sustaining chemical reactions, including the uptake of nutrients, the subsequent conversion of nutrients into energy or building blocks for organism growth, and finally the clearance of redundant or toxic substances.

The available results of this experimental research provide evidence of Ayahausca, Psilocybin and Mescaline supporting theGeneralised Cellular Divergence such Harmonious Efficiency that it was almost impossible to precipitate the slightest sign of Opioid withdrawal with the administration of Naloxone. Refining my original Hypothesis that DMT is a critical form of nutrition within its own class of “Primary Metabolites” I’m uncomfortable with my previously suggested prefix ‘Alpha’ due to it implying the top of a hierarchy or a constant requirement. Although certainly up there in significance I see commonalities between DMT and water which Popkin, BM, et al. (2010) confirms is also a critical nutrient 75/55% Baby to Elderly ratio and is essential for cellular homeostasis. Therefore, for DMT to support Generalised Cellular Divergence, Intracellularly, Extracellularly and Transcytosis of such Harmonious Efficiency as to prevent Naloxone precipitated Opioid withdrawal water is likely facilitates conductivity action(s) between DMT and Cells within such systems.

Another recent unintended breakthrough lead to the identification of extremely relevant parallels of this research design and its potential value regarding viruses.

For the sake of an introductory spectrum it seems necessary to refer to this as a state of Hyper Cellular Divergence in contrast to Hypo Cellular Divergence as the opposite extreme. The majority of human population have endured states of Hypo Cellular Divergence which emerged a significant time into and rapidly increased with the pace of the Neolithic Revolution. One of several consistently overlooked factors in such delay may have been due to the plausible and highly probable possibility of agriculture originally being inspired by demand for such nutrients. However, some evidence indicates that “Healthy” could be more appropriate prefix to “Hyper” on the upper end of the spectrum.

Under conditions supportive of Healthy Cellular Divergence there is enough evidence to indicate symbiotic coevolutionary relationships between DNA and RNA of multicultural lifeforms such as humans and both DNA and RNA viruses, interconnected to complex metabolic processes collectively contributing to healthy epigenetic coevolutionary crosstalk on genetic and chromosomal levels. This is not to suggest that all viruses are good or bad as such symbiotic relationships are likely to include all kinds of intimate coevolutionary relationships across species. It does however suggest that 1000’s of years of intergenerational Hypo Cellular Divergence is likely to have drastically distorted Phenotypic Divergence in all kinds of critically serious manner. This includes retardation of genetic evolution within human whilst hosts to rapid evolution of RNA viruses in particular making us more vulnerable and dangerous in terms of being primary culprits of cross species infection which scientific evidence indicates has already contributed to the extinction of countless healthy species. However, this gets complicated due to Humans also forcing various animals into states of Hypo Cellular Divergence weather via domestication or ecological destruction.

Although I have refine the wording of the above which was published yesterday my ego was shattered tonight to stumble upon scientific publications as recent as this month directly related to DMT and gene expression such as by Nogueira, et al. (2024) which I’m am only so far able to access more than the abstract and sounds as if theres evidence but they remain unclear as to why. I’d figured out most the above on my own via experience leading to increasingly advanced experiments which purely came by chance, experience and necessity.

These quotes from Szabo A (2012) “DMT has been found to activate the sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R), an intracellular chaperone fulfilling an interface role between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria”… and…Based on these complex intracellular actions the Sig-1R has been conceptualized as a “pluripotent modulator” in living systems, as a controller of cell survival and differentiation” do a very good covering various aspects of what I’m trying to fine the right language to accurately articulate. However, describing the intricacies of something with a primary role facilitating dynamic convolutions so many varying components is difficult. I tripped out to learn that scientific fields such as virology and immunology were seperate, if I recall right and that is true the only logical reason I can think of for that is because someone wants to sell vaccines. Along these lines I cannot understand why Szabo hasn’t come to similar conclusions regarding DMT being a powerful form of energy. I’m also surprised he hasn’t challenged the unproven claim that it’s “endogenous” also.

Until now I have mainly spoken to therapeutic actions in more general terms with occasional reference to receptor groups in previous publications due to a combination of speaking to a broader audience and investing time into understanding as much as possible about whatever happens to be of greatest priority at any give time. However, I have developed enough familiarity and understanding over countless hours studying the scientific literature cited throughout previous work to identify parallels of great significance in the interconnection between different sets of research. Plus I probably should have been working on this for the past couple of years basically took a year off life. Anyways in regards to this freezer full of blood serum...

My first encounter with or T cells specifically CD4+T helper cells Th1 and Th17 relation to DMT’s actions was via Szabo (2015) providing the first scientific evidence supported my conclusions from years of experience. Followed by Szabo, et al (2014) throwing Dendritic Cells into the mix riddled with technical terms between clear english such as “DMT emerges as a potent and promising candidate in novel therapies of peripheral and CNS autoimmune diseases (such as multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and cancer.” to warrant almost breaking my brain going over with a fine tooth comb motivated by pure insanity aka “love”. Before eventually stumbling upon Szabo (2016) which isn’t really any less technical but more condensed including similar therapeutic action like regulation of inflammation, cellular proliferation, anti viral and anti tumour. Oh, and of course ‘immunomodulation’.

Recently another love story of great significance lead to scientific publications regarding CD4+T helper cells Th1 and Th17 and Dendritic cells which according to Liang (2016) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells and play a critical role in the innate and adaptive immune system. Whilst most articles describe opioids as immune-modulators despite some paying more attention to their dis-regulations which may have pros and cons under different conditions inducing degradation of time (Mikati 3023 & Sacerdote2013). In human bone marrow, δopioid receptor mRNA express at a low level in immature dendritic cells, conversely, at a high level in mature dendritic cells which is an area of congestion which is particularly painful in a “regular” state. Whilst reoccurring patterns in congestion, mutation and dysfunction are likely to occur at any given point of intracellularly, extracellularly and transcytosis under similar hypo congested conditions. Tracing what really complex processes going on in there on a nanoscale during hyper cellular divergence it is trick. However, the fact that basically all science is based on systems in states of hypo cellular divergence with consistent pattens in comorbidity in associated malady such as inflammation. This research model is about as consistent as it gets. As for the extreme of Hyper Cellular Divergence I’ve found once clear the more frequently the less you need them and the less noticeable the effects. Although, depending what your system is fighting will vary the nature of any potential psychological experience along with physical purging in different forms. I have previously hypothesises that the Ayauhasca activates the appendix excretion toxins into the lower intestinal tract where they can be efficiently purged via the anus.

Such Modulation is more of a sing of confection hypo. As differences with different groups of Opioids were mentioned it would be interesting how these fit with those identified with risk of serotonin syndrome.

Whilst taking a piss I looked up the composition of water H2O. The wonders of technology. 2 hydrogen (H) atoms and 1 oxygen atom. I’m not familiar enough with the intricacies of cells, and even if I was fuck knows how to prove it but that’s the only possible way of completing the circuit(s) on 50-100 Trillion living cells (khan 2024) doing their best to work together to keep us alive. DMT is also likely activate the hydrogen and oxygen atoms which I expect plays a significant role in the regulation of inflammatory systems and transcytosis across and between various forms of cellular tissue.

Hang on... DMT was originally N,N-dimethyltryptaminium described as a “major microspecies at pH 7.3 it is a conjugate acid of a N,N-Dimethyltryptamine”. With a Hydrogen Bond Donor Count of 2. Synonyms: N,N-dimethyltryptaminium, CHEBI:193124 and AKOS001584151. Molecular Formula C12H17N2+ (Pubmed, 2004). According to Anon (2023) “A hydrogen bond is an intermolecular force (IMF) that forms a special type of dipole-dipole attraction when a hydrogen atom bonded to a strongly electronegative atom exists in the vicinity of another electronegative atom with a lone pair of electrons. Intermolecular forces (IMFs) occur between molecules. Other examples include ordinary dipole-dipole interactions and dispersion forces. Hydrogen bonds are are generally stronger than ordinary dipole-dipole and dispersion forces, but weaker than true covalent and ionic bonds.”

Fuck. I think I just found the beginning of life!


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