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Universal Asylum's Global Bioterrorism Intervention: A System Capable of Ensuring the Corporate Giants, the World Health Organisation, United Nations & World Governments Cannot Commit Global Genocide.

Mark Parker

Updated: Oct 18, 2024

Over the past few years unchallanginged in its claim over the Universe and intention to facilitate the transition to it One World Leaderless System of Governance, Universal Asylum has become gravely concerned with the potential threat of bioterrorism. Particularly in relation to the World Health Organisations Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord. After undertaking extensive independent enquires Universal Asylum upgrades it's previous allegaltions against World Govenments in relation to the overregulation of scientific research in to DMT and other "Forbidden Fruit" from criminal negligence to acts of terror, extending such allegations to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations (UN) as terrorist organisations with evidence indicating they are actively preparing a mass casualty bioterrorism attack capable of genocide on a global scale. The United States of America Government is a Terrorist Organisation associated WHO and UN which has known for at least 2-4years that vaccines are unnecessary and the the regular consumtion of psychedelics supports healthy RNA processing and prevents basically all forms of disease and that abstructing consumption is contributing to the spread of viruses and disease [23]. Regardless of origin, this patent also confirms that the US gov also knows China wasn't the "cause" of Covid19.

The term mRNA is only included in the written sections [0078], [0093] and [0166] of the Patent document. However, the complex interrelated pathways, protines and context this is prodominately in reference are strongly associated with mRNA all of which upon enquiry include dysfunction associated with countless diseases. The fact that this doccument claims regular consumption of such substances resolves such a range of issues by default directly implays knowledge that restricting consumption of such substance is causing the spread of associated diseases. Irrefutable evidence supporting such allegations are published in Via pH N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Converts "Amino Acids" to LIVE Major Species Configuration Capable of Conscious Dynamic Stereochemical Actions Including Reversal of NAc & RNA Protein System Regulation!

The following qoutes provide contextual regarding bioterrorism leading into discussion of the situation and univarsal asylums solution to bioterrorism and the rest of the worlds problems.

According to Williams M, Armstrong L, Sizemore DC (2023) "Terrorism is the intentional use of indiscriminate violence to create fear and terror as a means to achieve an ideological, financial, religious, or political aim. It is often used against non-combatant targets. Terror tactics may include biologic, chemical, nuclear, or explosive events."

"Bioterrorism is the intentional release of biological agents to cause illness or death in humans, animals, or plants. These agents may be bacteria, fungi, toxins, or viruses. They may be naturally occurring or human-modified" (Williams M, Armstrong L, Sizemore DC, 2023). This also includes drug pollution which is a recognised global problem with forseeable ecological threats warranting urgent scientific attention [24].

According to Rathish B, Pillay R, Wilson A, et al (2023) "Biological weapons are devices or agents used or intended to be used in a deliberate attempt to disseminate disease-producing organisms or toxins using aerosol, food, water, or insect vectors. Their mechanism of action tends to be broadly through infection or intoxication.[1] Bioterrorism involves the deliberate release of bioweapons to cause death or disease in humans, animals, or plants. These biological agents can include bacteria, viruses, toxins, or fungi.[2] ."

"Bioweapons are the biological entities or organisms which can be used as a weapon in the wars. Several countries are believed to have offensive biological weapons programs, and some independent anti-national groups have suggested their intention to use biological weapons. As the possibility of a terrorist attack using bioweapons is especially difficult to predict, detect, or prevent, it is among the most-feared terrorism scenarios."(Gera P, Gupta A, Verma P, Singh J, Gupta J, 2017).

"Biological weapons may be developed or used as part of a government policy in biological warfare or by terrorist groups or criminals. Biological weapons can initiate large-scale epidemics with an unparalleled lethality, and nation-states and terrorist groups have used dangerous and destructive biological weapons in the past.[1] The degree of the potential damage, coupled with the unpredictable nature of these agents, has led to an increased interest by numerous countries, including the United States, in drawing up policies and guidelines in the event of such an attack to be prepared" (Rathish B, Pillay R, Wilson A, et al 2023). This is an extremely interesting quote given that it acknowledges a government policy which might include perpetuating fear, to justify political action to facilitate the use of a bioweapon in a mass-casualty act of warfair or terrorism. Black (2003) raised concers over 20years ago over the potential milterisation of gene therapy as bioweapons, acknowledging the history of governments breaking treaties whilst advocating for the need for preventative political action. At the time others recognised an urgent need for global surveillance sysytems capable of eliminating the threat of biological weapons despite uncertaintiy of the parcicality of developing such systems at that stage in technological advancement (Boulton 2003).

Covid19 provided a great example of an RNA Virus that DMT was proposed as a viable treatments (Parker, 2020, Parker, 2021 & Escobar-Cornejo, GS, et al 2022) which perhaps could have been prevented. However, due there preventative actions along side the WHO & UNs role in scientific overregulation can be considered as having caused a mass casualty event.  Williams M, Armstrong L, Sizemore DC, (2023) advise that whist "Terrorism is generally considered to be the use of force or violence outside the law to create fear among citizens with the intent to coerce some sort of action. Health professionals should be aware bioterrorism is a perfect vehicle for terrorists to strike fear into the hearts and minds of citizens in the hopes they will bend the will of the people to support their agendas. All health professionals need to be prepared for this potentially catastrophic event."  Given recognised scientific evidence such as Szabo A (2015) & Szabo A, Frecska E. (2016) this can be considered indiscriminate use of violence to create fear and terror as a means of achieving a political agenda such as the WHO Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord. The United States Patent Pub No: US202/0143051A1 is proof the united states are aware the UN and WHO overregulation of such substances is a primary cause of health problems in humans and animals and the fact that this doccument is yet to recieve global media attention is of critical concern.

Williams M, Armstrong L, Sizemore DC (2023) are correct that the uncontrolability of viral bioweapons are dangerously impractical. In this respect the types most likely to use such a weapon are least likely to be in a position to develop them. Not all bio weapons are uncontrollable tho. "Terrorists use biological agents because they are often difficult to detect and illness onset may be delayed for hours to days increasing dispersal" (Williams M, Armstrong L, Sizemore DC, 2023) which is what makes the WHO Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response accord the perfect delivery system for a safely targeted bioweapon in the form of a vaccine for the purpose of genocide. The United Nations definition of terrorism describes it as “an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group, or state actors, for idiosyncratic, criminal, or political reasons, whereby—in contrast to assassination—the direct targets of violence are not the main targets.” This is to say that the real targets are the majority of the population yet to be "depopulated".

According the to United Nations rather aggressively titled in capital letters "FINAL ACT OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE FOR THE ADOPTION OF A PROTOCOL ON PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES" the UN has been in bed with WHO for over 50years (United Nations 1971). Based on the nature and timing of this political document they were slobbering all over the tiny cocks of the United States of America Government and the Pharmaceutical industry who arguably hold the most dangerous positions of power to create and employ a bioweapon on a global scale. According to Gfroerer (2018) the above document coincides with the Nixon administrations "war of drugs" and peace in general which is now recognised as the deciptful act of terrorism it was then and arguably still is now. The pharmaceutical industry is the most economically dominant industry in the world which from 2005-2024 has gone from 0.6 - 1.6Tillion USD (Statista 2024) and therefore presumably has greater access state of the art scientific technology to create bioweapons than other countries and independent extremeist groups.  Considering the above, the hitory of the United States Government and the timing in respect to our aging population the UN's 1971 document is possibly evidence of a long term collaborative plan for global depopulation.

Gfroerer (2018)

The UN is well aware of the problems associated with aging population which it claims will "lead to a significant shift in the burden of population ageing away from public programmes and toward individual labour earnings, savings and family resources. In addition, the age profiles of healthcare and education may be shifting in some countries due to additional investments as the population ages." (United Nations & Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2019). Whilst this doccument creates the face of caring it it only mentions the word advantage on 5 pages usually as disvantage. However, it fails to even acknowledge the vulnerabilty and blatantly forseeable threat of people or governments taking advantage of aging populations on local or international scales.

Based on the extensive scientific evidence supporting Universal Asylums extensive portfolio of intelectual property regarding DMT/DMT+ there is no way that the Pharmaceautical Industry, US Government, WHO and UN are unaware of the critical significance of such substances to humans and litterally all life within our broader ecological context (Parker, 2024, Parker, 2121). Furthermore, their commitment to recklessly defying logic, ignoring the ever increasing scientific evidence regarding the critical significance of such substances whilst maintaining such strict disproportionate overregulation of scientific research into them is of grave concern regarding, contributing to a mass casualty incident creating enough fear to justify their interest in developing a global "pandemic response".

In doing so they are not only contributing to the critical challanges faced by 1st world counteries associated with healthsystems unable to cater for the needs of aging populations and preventing exploration of the only forseeably viable solution, but essentially bio-weaponising Human Beings by retarding the immune systems causing degenerative genetic evolution, causing the mutation and spread of RNA viruses in particular (Parker, M 2024). Nogueira, et al (2024) confirms the role of DMT in healthy gene expression without understanding the mechanisms by which this is possible. Essentially this truns Humans into "agents" or "disease-producing organisms" and spreading diseases such as viruses (Williams M, Armstrong L, Sizemore DC, 2023 & Rathish B, Pillay R, Wilson A, et al 2023).

Based a brief look at the 29pg World Health Organisations "Revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement 2024" being more thoroughly commenting on specific aspects in greater detail it is alarming to see their bare minimum political correct BS to pretend they care about everyone especially the third world countries in manner that are clearly more concerned with ensuring as much of the global population as possible recieves a "vaccine".

Failure to acknowledge the vulnerability of the elderly and communities currently unable to facilitate care for them and potential for this to be taken advantage of is extrememly concerning. It's alomst as if they don't want to allert people to the potential for far more dangerous threats than yet another pandemic which for millions of years werent a problem until DMT was removed from sevring as an essential regular component of a healthy diet. If the WHO really means what it says throughout the majority of the document it will support Universal Asylum which is designed to facilitate that in a manner that cannot be abused.

"Recognizing that the World Health Organization is fundamental to strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as it is the directing and coordinating authority on international health work" (WHO 2024) no Universal Asylum staked its unchallanged claim over the Universe and Global Authority in 2021 to ensure dangerous people can never attain and abuse positions of power like the WHO.

"Recalling the Constitution of the World Health Organization, which states that the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being" (WHO 2024). Whilst this is 100% true and appeals to most people the WHO are very laoded in their medical model bias surrounding this. Universal Asylum calls for a more scientific approach that isn't biased by economic dominance and corrupt retarded cunts.

"Recognizing that the international spread of disease is a global threat with serious consequences for lives, livelihoods, societies and economies that calls for the widest possible international cooperation in an effective, coordinated, appropriate and comprehensive international response, while reaffirming the principle of sovereignty of States in addressing public health matters" (WHO 2024). If this is true then the WHO will humbly cooperate with Universal Asylum. However, Universal Asylum is intenteded to eventially relinquish Sovernty of States in adressing public health matters. Universal Asylum recognised that the WHO overregulating scientific research into DMT/DMT+ retarding human immune systems and contributing to genetic disorders and disease poses (Parker, 2024) "a global threat with serious consequences for lives, livelihoods, societies and economies that calls for the widest possible international cooperation in an effective, coordinated, appropriate and comprehensive international response".

"Deeply concerned by the gross inequities at national and international levels that hindered timely and equitable access to medical and other coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic-related products, and the serious shortcomings in pandemic preparedness," (WHO 2024). Universal Asylum is concerned with the fact that the last vaccine was shit and that medical science supporting the forseeability of safer, more effective and environmentally friendly treatments options was ignored.

"Recognizing the critical role of whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches at country and community levels, and the importance of international, regional and cross-regional collaboration, coordination and global solidarity in achieving sustainable improvements in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response" (WHO 2024). Yes. However, this applies to understanding a problem first. Universal Asylum is designed to include the whole of society in working collaboratively towards understanding probems before acting rather than taking orders for a pack of genocidal CUNTS who refuse to allow research into a solloution that prevents them from employing a bioweaponised vaccine to depopulate the world. Universal Asylums unortherised medical research into DMT and other "Forbidden Fruit" provides an enormous amount of evidence that over-regulation of scientific reseach in this is possibly responsible for virtually all pandemics since the Neolithic revolution. Overworking people doesn't help too and is linked to at least 50 health conditions (Ervasti J, et al 2021)

"Recognizing the importance of ensuring political commitment, resourcing and attention across sectors for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response" (WHO 2024) Universal Asylum recognises the need to undertake scientific research into "psychedelics" and incorporating modern technology into building a leaderless system of governance capabel of facilitating comprehensive global research in relation to the complex interrelationships between all aspects of the unverse and ongoing monitoring of ecological systems, as a component of thoroughly and efficiently informing a system able to adapt to the collective needs of humans and our ecological contexts supporting healthy coevolution. FUCK politics!!!

"Reaffirming the importance of multisectoral collaboration at national, regional and international levels to safeguard human health, including through a One Health approach" (WHO 2024). Fuck "One Health", Universal Asylum see the need for the above from a biophysiological perspective in supporting Universal Health. However, Universal Asylum also recognises the need to safegaurd human health from the WHO, UN, World Governments and the psychopathic CUNT up top of the Pharmaceautical industry.

"Reiterating the need to work towards building and strengthening resilient health systems, with skilled and trained health and care workers, to advance universal health coverage and to adopt an equitable approach to mitigate the risk that pandemics exacerbate existing inequities in access to health services," (WHO 2024). Inequalities such as perpetuating health issues in the countless ways disgussed on Universal Asylums webisite. Whilst research into DMT etc would help strengthen health system as consistently stated such substances are of greatest value to the community as a component of a regular healthy diet in preventing health conditions and demand for health systems.

"Recognizing that the protection of intellectual property rights is important for the development of new medical products, and recalling that intellectual property rights do not, and should not, prevent Member States from taking measures to protect public health, and further recognizing concerns about the effects of intellectual property rights on prices," (WHO 2024). Universal Asylum asserts copy right over all intelectual property to be be signed over to Universal Asylum as a leaderless global "authority" owned by everyone. This is to adress problems within primitave systems, and Universal Asylum encourages others to do likewise. I've don't my best as a Social Worker who knows enough about enough to design Universal Asylum andlong with its research designs and medical models which I would like at least enough to live a reasonable lifestyle with including working along side multidisciplinary professionals on a range of collaborative projects.

"Recognizing Member States’ sovereign rights over their genetic resources and underscoring the importance of promoting the early, safe, transparent and rapid sharing of samples and genetic sequence data of pathogens with pandemic potential, as well as the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising therefrom, taking into account relevant national and international laws, regulations, obligations and frameworks", (WHO 2024) Universal Asylum is designed to apply the latest technology into genetic sampling of all forms globally feeding such information into the one quantum system capable of complex multifactorial analysis of global ecology.

"Acknowledging that unequal development in different countries in the promotion of health and control of disease, especially communicable disease, is a common danger that requires support through international collaboration, and that pandemic prevention, preparedness and response at all levels and in all sectors, particularly in developing countries, requires predictable, sustainable and sufficient financial, human, logistic and technical resources," (WHO 2024) Does this include unequal scientific development? such as the WHO and UN preventing science from thoroughly and efficienty examining the most important aspects of ecosystem skewing scientific understandings of everything. Or economic system that places priority on science focused on "profitable medical interventions" (weather financially or for example genocide to aviod ecological collapse) rathers than advancing understandings in areas likely to inform more humane and ethical solutions.

Article 3. Principles (WHO 2024)

"1. full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons, and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health of every human being;..... 6. the best available science and evidence as the basis for public health decisions for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response." Both 3.1 & 3.6 require science to be able to study the blatantly obvious solution that the WHO and the UN have consistently disproportionately illogically and unethically over-regulated thorough and efficient scientific analyses of.

2. the sovereign right of States to adopt, legislate and implement legislation, within their jurisdiction, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the general principles of international law, and their sovereign rights over their biological resources; Universal Asylum having staked claim to the Universal & as a International &/or Universal Authority overrides the Charter of the United Nations and the General Principles of "international law".

Given the nature, history and interrelationship between the Pharmaceautical Industry, US Government, WHO and UN are the last insitutions on the planet who should be trusted with the development and management of "pandemic response". The fact of the matter is that outdated leadership structures which have proven consistently corrupt throughout history are insufficient to manage something of such critical threat to the global population. We have reached a point in technoligical advancement capable of safely and effectively establishing a global survalience system such as Universal Asylum which was originally inspired at the start of my Social Work degree in 2008. At that point in time it wasn't technologically practical and has evolved organically under pressure of adversity to the solution to all the worlds problems that for countless complex reasons it's virtually impossible to get anyone to even consider looking at. The people who've taken Universal Asylum most seriously Counter Terrorism of the South Australian Federal Police who have proven themselve to me in the commendable integrity and ethicality the have demonstrated.

Unfortunately due to complex range of factors I can't even give it away. advancements that now make efore 6managing social issues form viruses to the threat of bioterrorism and other means of people attaining positions of power from which they can cause mass cassualty acts of terror, including war. Fact of the matter is anyone who believes such systems should exist, either way shouldn't be trusted with such positions of power whilst we work cocllectively to build a universal system where noone can commit such atrocities.

Universal Asylums solution to militarisation of bioweapons is a global leaderless system of governance inspired by demilitariation as one of the three greatest threats to humanity. I hadn't considered bioweapons until last week whilst writing my recent publications and planning to hand myself over to authorities for Universal Asylums unothorised medical experiments as a last resort attempt to challange the overregulation of such substances after years advocating for their therapeautic value particularly in relation to managing aging populations being another of the three critical social social challanges. Research into such substances and humans as one of the lesser desearving forms of life on earth is tied into the the third challange being ecological collapse which will require the establishment of a system designed for unbiased science to inform the evolution of a technologically advanced anti-oppressive leaderless futuristic social structure. This will require collaborative support building some kind of quantum computer system capable of of facilitating a global approach to science from a biophysiological perspective designed to double as ecological and sociological surveillance system. Perdue (2003) expressed concerns about birds being used to carry bioweaponised viruses and the destruction of crops. Sabotaging food supplies is as old as war itself. However, whilst preting bioterrorism itself, Universal Asulum global approach to unbiased science is as as much concerned with addressing the threat of ecological collapse likely to inspire global institutions such as the UN and WHO to conspire with corporate elete and dominat Governments likely to choose less intelegent unethical solutions to such problems.

According to Hilleman (2002) some great points were raised at the World Economic Forum regarding the need to end poverty and hunger in the world as a means to reduce the incentive to engage in warfare. Universal Asylum concurs and offers a solution to that as Governments haven't bothered adressing that in the past 23years. Hilleman puts it beautifully stating "In its simplest sense, direction of bioweapons against the military is biowarfare. Direction against civilians is bioterrorism." Reminding the scientific community

"the practice of science itself which created the tools for chemical, nuclear, and biological warfare" and that scientific advancements undertaken with pure intentions "are sometimes subverted to destructive purpose by the political process" (Hilleman 2002).

Schwartz (2020) raised some great points regarding gene therapy most of which I concur we shouldn't be fucking with. However, as I have suggested a new form of gene therapy in my previous unfished publication it seems approriate to adress this issue here too. All evidence supports my hypothesis that disconnection from adiquate concentrations of DMT since the neolithic revolution has resulted in intergenerational retardation of immune systems and genetic degeneration. This also applys to the malutrition of animals as a result of what cunts humans are. Having personally consumed Ayahausca to treat NRA viruses such as Covid19 and a life threaterning bacterial infections in the form of sepsis the use of DMT to induce a state of hyper celuar divergence (basically turning our system on full blast from 10% TO 99% minus 1% for fucking up evolution) offers the most powerful natural means of clearing our systems and maintiang them. Therefore, inducing hyoper celular divergnce combined with controled exposure to virual or bacterial pathenagens offers the closest thing I can come up to natural immunisation and supporting healthy genetic evolution. According to Broecker & Moelling (2019), small ncRNA was identified as a genetic factor transmitted via sperm cells as a transgenerational carrier.132 Due to the impacts of malnutrition upon genetic and viral evolution it difficult to predict the genetic capacity of any individual to recover in particular ways other than it having a better chace with a "healthy diet". Though how many variations of that have been proposed.

For people with more serious degenerative diseases "genetic transplants" may also be possible allong with the potential use of DMT to pair organ transplants without requireing immunosupressive medication for the rest of peoples lives. Obviously this will require thorough clinical scientific investigation. However, the WHO claims to have full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons, and the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health of every human being;..... 6. the best available science and evidence as the basis for public health decisions for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Therefore, one would hope they will to be jumping for joy and fully supportive of Universal Asylums proposed global system designed to facilitate all of the above and much more.

Universal Asylum proposes offically recognising its unchallanged claim to the universal authority with a historically monumental Special Purpose Legal Document Officially Declaring "Universal Asylum"... formalising its claim over the Universe with reference to all right and authorities over DMT/DMT+ & other "Forbidden Fruit" and as a global authority facilitating the transition to a One World Leaderless system of Governance with executive shares over all original intellectual property associated with the concept, and Universal Asylum and all assets signed over to everyone as a public asset.

If I'm mistaken and the UN and WHO were genuinly unaware of the above and really mean all of the politically correct seemingly community spirrited suggestions they have made - they will be delighted to formally pledge fealty to Universal Asylum by joining me in forfeiting executive shares of their institutions to Universal Asylum, which is to be signed over to everyone as a collectively owned asset.

I also invite those within the scientific community to assist in undertaking fundamental research capable of thoroughly and efficiently informing it's intitutional development and appropriate adaptive responses throughout our ecological coevolution informed by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Tryptophan & Serotonin Convert to LIVE Microspecies Connecting Ancient RNA-Binding Motif to SM Domain via Unexplained C-Terminal in Lsm1 Complex & Eat PAT1 whilst RNA Splicing! & Inclusion Body Disease Symptoms in Python "Cured" with "Ayahausca" after 40years of Science Blaming RNA Viruses: What Snakes can Teach Science About Evolution Before the UN & WHO Bioterrorist Attack! and considering the development of an appropraite technological platform enabling unbiased science to lead the way at the heart of One World Leaderless System of Governance.

The following publication from 68 years ago proposes a basic scientific hypothesis similar to Universal Asylums secondary amino configuration stating that it being removed from human diets was causing disease [25].

Reference [25]


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  5. Gera P, Gupta A, Verma P, Singh J, Gupta J. Recent advances in vaccine development against Ebola threat as bioweapon. Virusdisease. 2017 Sep;28(3):242-246. doi: 10.1007/s13337-017-0398-0. Epub 2017 Sep 11. PMID: 29291209; PMCID: PMC5685003.

  6. Gfroerer J. President Nixon Launches the War on Drugs. In: War Stories from the Drug Survey: How Culture, Politics, and Statistics Shaped the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Cambridge University Press; 2018:8-25.

  7. Hilleman MR. Overview: cause and prevention in biowarfare and bioterrorism. Vaccine. 2002 Aug 19;20(25-26):3055-67. doi: 10.1016/s0264-410x(02)00300-6. PMID: 12163257.

  8. Broecker F, Moelling K. What viruses tell us about evolution and immunity: beyond Darwin? Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019 Jul;1447(1):53-68. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14097. Epub 2019 Apr 29. PMID: 31032941; PMCID: PMC6850104.

  9. Nogueira, Margareth & Golbert, Daiane & Menezes, Richardson & Almeida, Raíssa & Galvão-Coelho, Nicole & Siroky, Andressa & Lima, Thiago & Peixoto, Helton & Leao, Katarina & Leao, Richardson. (2024). Serotonergic psychedelic 5-MeO-DMT alters plasticity-related gene expression and generates anxiolytic effects in stressed mice. Molecular Psychiatry. 1-11. 10.1038/s41380-024-02655-w.

  10. Parker, M 2020 *Old News from 2020 - in relation to Universal Asylums previous attempt to see DMTs anti-viral actions clinically tested against Covid-19.

  11. Parker, M 2021 N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) & Other "Forbidden Fruit" - Central Nervous System Specific Nutrients.

  12. Parker, M 2024 How N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Works?: DMTs Biophysiological Hydrogen Bond with H2O Supporting Multicellular Life & Hyper Generalised Cellular Divergence, Intracellularly, Extracellularly & Transcytosis.

  13. Perdue ML. Molecular diagnostics in an insecure world. Avian Dis. 2003;47(3 Suppl):1063-8. doi: 10.1637/0005-2086-47.s3.1063. PMID: 14575112.

  14. Rathish B, Pillay R, Wilson A, et al. Comprehensive Review of Bioterrorism. [Updated 2023 Mar 27]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

  15. Statista Website 2024 Revenue of the worldwide pharmaceutical market from 2001 to 2023

  16. Schwartz PH. Ethics of Gene Therapy in the Military: Promise and Potential Problems. Mol Ther. 2020 Apr 8;28(4):987-988. doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2020.03.008. Epub 2020 Mar 23. PMID: 32208167; PMCID: PMC7132612.

  17. Szabo A, Frecska E. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): a biochemical Swiss Army knife in neuroinflammation and neuroprotection? Neural Regen Res. 2016 Mar;11(3):396-7. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.179041. PMID: 27127466; PMCID: PMC4828992.

  18. Szabo A. Psychedelics and Immunomodulation: Novel Approaches and Therapeutic Opportunities. Front Immunol. 2015 Jul 14;6:358. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2015.00358. PMID: 26236313; PMCID: PMC4500993.

  19. United Nations 1971, Convention on Psychotrophic Substances, 1971. FINAL ACT OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE FOR THE ADOPTION OF A PROTOCOL ON PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES  [Accessed 2 August 2024]

  20. United Nations & Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2019, World Population Ageing 2019 [Accessed 3 August 2024] file:///Users/user/Downloads/WorldPopulationAgeing2019-Highlights.pdf

  21. World Health Organisation 2024 Revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement 2024  [Accessed 2 August 2024]

  22. Williams M, Armstrong L, Sizemore DC. Biologic, Chemical, and Radiation Terrorism Review. 2023 Aug 14. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan–. PMID: 29630269.

  23. Manfredi et al. Inventors: Paolo L. Manfredi, Miami Beach ,FL (US); Charles E. Inturisi, New York, NY (US); Sara De Martin,Vigonza (IT); Andrea Mattarei, Perarolodi Vigonza (IT); Maurizio Rolando, Genova (IT); Giovanni Giordano, Genova (IT); Claudia Lodovichi, Padova (IT); Paola Brun, Padova (IT); Marco Papagalo, NewYork, NY (US); Franco Foli, Milane (IT); Andrea Alimonti, Belinzona (CH); Jacopo Sgrignani, Almenno San Salvatore (IT); Andrea Cavali, Zurich (CH) Aplicant: Arbormentis LLC, Miami Beach, FL (US) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODSOFUSE COMPRISING SUBSTANCES WITH NEURAL PLASTICITY ACTIONS ADMINISTERED AT NON -PSYCHEDELIC /PSYCHOTOMIMETIC DOSAGES AND FORMULATIONS, United States Pub No: US202/0143051A1; May 12, 2022

  24. Lertxundi U, Hernández R, Medrano J, Orive G. Drug pollution and pharmacotherapy in psychiatry: A "platypus" in the room. Eur Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 23;63(1):e33. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2020.32. PMID: 32200774; PMCID: PMC7355124.

  25. Fish, M.S.; Johnson, N.M.; Horning, E.C., 1956, t-Amine Oxide Rearrangements. N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Oxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society Aug 1956 78(5) 3668-3671

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