America's outright psychopathic butchering of what remains the highest standards of academic and/or multidisciplinary scientific nomenclature in history which has proven far too advanced to ever completely erase. But why would anyone erase such work when you can just steal it and rearrange it to suit your own unethical agendas. Right? Who's gonna know? No-one speaks German and yeah, the holocaust. I had no idea that Germany holds the record for the greatest standard of education in the history of man kind.
I've actually swung away from and back to being sold that it is algebraic nomenclature advanced enough to map out our entire DNA/RNA system whilst including the formula in the two top amino acids.
Germany's approach to applying mathematics and ancient Geek to nomenclature whilst maintaining precedents was second to none. Particularly throughout the 1800's [1]. "Algebra” and “analysis”, separately or jointly in expressions like “algebraic analysis”, have changed meaning over time particularly due to the interruption of periods of war [2]. However, the application of such advanced systems to the naming of virtually all of the amino acids and the biological systems we know today with such accuracy without any of the technology we have today is another great example of how much better our species could be doing. Masterminds combining mathematics, geometry and linguistics in a systematic manner capable of providing consistency in meaning ensuring everyone was on the same page and preventing any chance of confusion in serious fields of practice like science [3]. Providing a culture where academics lifted one another up like Kühne or at least challenged one another to do better like

The Cambridge Mathematical Tripos began annually publishing from 1747 [4] in between the Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) released the Systema Naturae (1735) and Species Plantarum (1753), marking the beginning of a true revolution introducing a systematic approach of standardised nomenclature that did away with subjective and ambiguous elements which had become unmanageable at the time. His system mainly drew from latin and was mainly concerned with plants and animals through to bacteria [5]. Triptos referred to a system that was in order of merit rather than alphabetical order [4] and due to it coming first may have had some influence upon the use of the TRYPT along with numerous other fitting candidates. However, glancing over the controlled vocabulary guidelines and given the fact TRYPT could be applied mathematically in interchangeable algebraic combinations, along side the precedented use of terms such as Cryptogamia as a sexual system, and the fact that Tryptophan and Tryptamine represented King and Queen molecules of the entire amino family. A family connected to nitrogen-fixing bacteria and bacteriophage in a reproductive cycle that regenerates the cellular matrix of the host some of which Kühne would sure have been aware even if not to a great enough understanding to publish. In addition to their interrelationships with literally every plant, animal and mineral on this planet. Collectively, all makes it an insult to everyones intelligence to pretend that Kühne pulled the name Tripsin out of a hat and that tryptophan was named after that with no explanation or questions asked. Although the Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works may be a 2010 [6] publication, it covers countless criteria which would have been required to have been met in officially coining names such a tryptophan and n,n-dimethyltryptamine. However, mysteriously there appears to be no such records for the two most significant essential amino acids.
The futile task of decrypting the countless forms of nomenclature likely to apply to the two most essential amino acids which are linked to both bacteria, parasites and elements within their plant and animal hosts speaks for itself as to how important it is to do so... Early in my Social Work degree I recall them drilling into us things like "who decides" regarding language? Given half our anatomical, biological and ecological systems are already predominately named under the old advanced system ti would make sense to abandon unethical nonsensical changes and work together globally to help one another hybridise the evolution of future language which will eventually hybridise into a global dialect. Our only hope is to go back to the original roots which fortunately is not of my native tongue since I'm the one suggesting it. The most efficient way forward is to help one another understand the past so we can all collectively contribute to the evolution of society.
To immediately contradict the title the first letter is tentative at the stage. This fits with the rules of consistency with nomenclature precedents where if it were a minor oversight it may remain unchanged regardless. Whats more Important is the origin of crypto relating to the form of sexual reproduction suffixed by phanerogamea. This basically means that Tryptophan and DMT &/or Tryptamines are female and male counterparts that require one and other to for regular reproductive cycles regenerating on a cellular level and whilst doing so facilitating critical RND/DNA processes necessary for healthy evolution. By removing DMT from are diets such processes are left undone leading to pathogenic consequences on an immediate plane and degenerative genetic consequences on an intergenerational plane. Ha here's where I left off I might start I new blog prior to moving my work over to Wikipedia.

Jahnke, H.N. (2019). Mathematics and Bildung 1810 to 1850. In: Jahnke, H., Hefendehl-Hebeker, L. (eds) Traditions in German-Speaking Mathematics Education Research. ICME-13 Monographs. Springer, Cham.
Meanings of “algebra” and “analysis” between two Encyclopedias: From the Enlightenment to the Great War L. Español () Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis VI.January 2017,135-152
James Dow Allen, 1998-2024. Greatest Mathematicians born between 1800 and 1859 A.D.,
Bushell, W. F. “The Cambridge Mathematical Tripos.” The Mathematical Gazette, vol. 44, no. 349, 1960, pp. 172–79. JSTOR, Accessed 4 Jan. 2025.
Paterlini M. There shall be order. The legacy of Linnaeus in the age of molecular biology. EMBO Rep. 2007 Sep;8(9):814-6. doi: 10.1038/sj.embor.7401061. PMID: 17767191; PMCID: PMC1973966.
Patricia Harpring 2010 Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works First edition, The Getty Museum in Los Angeles, California