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Phase #02: Metabolic Influence of Mescaline & Narcan upon Opioid, Diazepam & Amphetamine Saturation

Mark Parker

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

The following blogpost is to be read in accordance with & provide additional information relating to "Phase Three" of Universal Asylums Metabolic Implications of "Psychedelics / Forbidden Fruit" upon DRUG Saturation - Planning Document

Growing pressures resulted in me jumping into "Phase Two" of the experiment late yet in many ways underprepared. One of the difficulties I am experiencing is running low on ADHD medication. Unfortunately, as a result of various publicity stunts & due to a combination of incompetence & arrogance of various psychiatrists & an over regulated system, whilst I've been declared "sane" & as having severe ADHD & PTSD I cannot financially afford &/or am yet to fully explore how many hoops I have to jump through to get back on a medication I have taken half of my life. Although, once prescribed 6 per day, I am down to around 19 tablets & have found my mental & physical health is deteriorated having been forced to have breaks from them more recently as I save the last few I have for when I need them. After a break I recommenced treatment of my ADHD with Deamfetamine in the days leading up until "Phase Two" of this set of experimental research.

After struggling to get straight answers from anywhere on how to formulate a manageable protocol for centrifuging bloods I was was relived to come across the following which I interpreted as "SPIN the absolute FUCK out of the CUNTS" for a consistent amount of time (1). As the particular article said one minute & due to the possibility of irritating the neighbours the first lot of blood samples labeled 0.1 were spun @ 4000rpm for only one minute. I am fairly certain that I spun samples 0.2 & 0.3 were spun for 4minutes @ 4000rpm & were taken at the same time in establishing a protocol surrounding order of draw, etc that would seem most realistically possible to maintain consistency in sample collection, handing & storage throughout the experiment. In the end the baseline sample #0.1 through to #7 were all spun for 5minutes @4000rpm. According to other publications on their website I'm unsure I have ruled out what would to me seem like potentially valuable options (2) by taking this too literally.

Although I'd considered using my home made thingamajigs to take blood samples directly out of the IV catheter - I became spooked by the potential for tube additives to cause blood clots if the one way valve became damage due to excessive repeated use. I did actually take the first "0.1" lot of bloods successfully using the device. However, due to the combination of the fear of such dangers being further provoked after the first IV Catheter become blocked & also the practical aspect of reliability - I elected to resort back to syringing the blood out prior to transferring into tubes.

In establishing a consistent order of draw I filled Two 30ml & One 2+ml Syringes. I started by filling from left to right. I believe the baseline sample 0.4 that I started with a non additive tube then ran out 2/3 into the dark green tube. Therefore, as I had topped up the dark green tube with the Second 30ml Syringe for the following samples I excluded the white non-additive tube & ensured that I inserted the Second syringe into the Dark Green tube to maintain sample consistency.

As I have also found it difficult to acquire consistent information on order of draw in reducing the likelihood of cross contamination I hope that the order I have chosen is close enough to the mark for the most important samples to remain viable. Whilst this is consistent with order of draw charts such as the Henry Ford Health System Order of Draw and Collection Tube Chart (3) I have found a number of inconsistencies between other sources such as SA Pathology (4), PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA (5) & Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology / Barrat & Smith Pathology (6) particularly in relation to the placement of the Pink & Dark Blue tubes in relation to the Violet ones.

Obviously the simplest most, realistic & accurate way of labelling "Phase Two" samples was numbers & little stick figure cactus pictures as displayed below.

According to the University of California, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (7) vacutainer tubes should never be frozen. However, as the process of taking & spinning that many bloods was a full time job itself - it is unrealistic for me to consider adding any further steps such as attempting to remove & separately store whilst maintaining correct labelling, etc. Although in total I collected 122 tubes throughout the test I expect that 88 of these will be of greatest value for scientific analysis.

Dietary Supplement / "Drug" Chart Spreadsheet between Phase One & Two...

Phase Two...

As with Universal Asylums Ayahausca Assisted Opioid Detoxification Treatment Model & Phase #01: Metabolic Influence of Psilocybin & Narcan upon Opioid, Diazepam & Amphetamine Saturation administration of Naloxone / Narcan via Intravenous Catheter whilst under the influence of the equivalent of ONE foot of Trichocereus bridgesii (40ml of 60ml from 45cm of T. Bridgesii) FAILED to induce any significant physical signs of opioid withdrawal or hypotensive crises that would typically be expected upon administering Naloxone / Narcan to an Opioid saturated person.

Of the more severe physical symptoms noted in the Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS) (8) & Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) (9) I did not experience symptoms such as muscle cramps, goosebumps, hot & cold flushes, anxiety, tremors, Goosebumps, bone or joint aches, or GI upset. In support of this the current research design the SOWS scale was in fact tested or tested in placebo trials involving the administration of naloxone to opioid dependant patients throughout their early development (10). Although that test involved methadone as opposed to Buprenorphine it serves as one clear example of the significance of the lack of withdrawal symptoms precipitated by the administration of naloxone whilst under the influence of "Mescaline".

It is important however, to note that some of the more minor withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal draw parallels with common effects of the consumption of "Mescaline" in particular such as yawning & mydriasis or enlarged pupil dilation.

Mescaline also tends to have stimulative effects too. However, although it was hard work & I was kinda kept on my toes keeping up with the collection, processing & stage of samples throughout the experiment I wouldn't say that I was overly restless or experiencing any higher anxiety or psychological distress than usual.

The subject of pupil dilation & "psychedelics" is neither something that I am well read up on or expect is properly understood. However, I do find the following photograph taken @ 2151pm during the experiment to be of particular interest in terms of the size & shape of the pupil dilation.

Having extensive experience with such a bizarre phenomenon, I personally consider pupil dilation fluctuating between "abnormal" shapes as being typical to the influence of the substance & expect that science is a long way of determining whether under such conditions that this is more a case of advanced or retarded sensory facility. Nevertheless, without having the technological facility to properly examine video footage from what I recall of looking in the mirror during the experiment my pupils generally remained a size above what is pictured above which was consistent with what I'd consider fairly typical of my experience with both Opioid withdrawal & the influence of Mescaline.

I also recall yawning on at least two or more occasions throughout the experiment. However, from what I recall this was no more than I would consider typical of the consumption of psychedelics. Particularly given the fact that I had had a poor nights sleep prior to the experiment. Although, I'm sure I yawned at least three times I do not recall yawning to the same extent that I remember opioid withdrawal. However, it is to be noted that it has been almost 20years since I have undertaken opioid withdrawal in a medicated detoxification facility & until I check footage it is also possible that I yawned more than I recall.

In fact, another possible sign of opiate of opiate withdrawal I experienced throughout phase two of the experiment was the fact that it was far more easy for me to bring myself to climax than usual. Although premature ejaculation is not included in either the SOWS or COWS opiate withdrawal scales it is one of the more embarrassing symptoms that I have personally discussed that is consistent with other sensitivities associated with withdrawal.

Purely for the sake of science & repeatability of test results, throughout the experiment I masturbated three times between sample collections with consistent results. To reduce potential psychological biases associated with variation of sexual attraction & kinks - I watched three variations of the following Madelyn Monroe MILF Stepmom Laundry video. I am yet to confirm the original producers of the film. However, I accessed it via XNXX website & have credited Madelyn Monroe as the primary artist.


(1). ThermoFisher Scientific, Tech Tip 40.

(2).ThermoFisher Scientific. Website. October 2022

(3) Henry Ford Health, Pathology & Labority Medicine. Sited October 2022

Henry Ford Health System Order of Draw and Collection Tube Chart

(4) SA Pathology, Order of Draw - Quick Guide. Sited October 2022

(5) PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA. Manual: PathWest Pre Analytical Procedures Manual Title: PathWest Recommended Order of Draw. Sited October 2022

(6) Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology / Barrat & Smith Pathology, Tuber Guide & Order of Draw April 2019. Sited October 2022

(7). University of California, Department of Pathology & Laboratory

Medicine. October 2022.

(8) Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (SOWS)

(9) Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS)

(10) Handelsman L, Cochrane KJ, Aronson MJ, Ness R, Rubinstein KJ, Kanof PD. Two new rating scales for opiate withdrawal. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 1987;13(3):293-308. doi: 10.3109/00952998709001515. PMID: 3687892.



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