The mysteriously buried nomenclature of TRYPT has remained an ongoing saga to get a straight answer on for months which after additional discussion is looking more and more like algebra. However, after finding an 1891 textbook discussing the importance of nomenclature with reference to Berzelius [118] who applied superscriptsto physics which were later made subscripts in chemistry [119]. The textbook makes reference to early amines and the word "styptic" [118] Therefore, the following likely eplores some deadends between making many relevant links. The following haphazardly takes another look at trypt leading into amino acids associated with the heterocyclic parasite tryptanosomada, how this fits with metallic coated carbon nano coordination complexes and Ayahuasca. Whilst doing so and exploring the general nature and purpose of these consideration will be given to the most likely dominant nuclear Actinide or Actinide's which at this stage looks to be Neptunium, Plutonium and Uranium but remains subject to change.
After months of dead ends lead to experiencing conflict over the significance of the subject in the psychedelic community, Tony Davis put it to me a few weeks back, a that "The prefix “tryp-” in Latin nomenclature often relates to the Greek word “trypanon,” meaning “borer” or “auger.” It is commonlyused in biological terms to refer to organisms that bore or drill, such as certain types of parasites or fungi. For example, in the name Trypanosoma, a genus of parasitic protozoa, “trypano-” refers to the organism’s ability to bore into host tissues." . And that Tryptamine was named after Tryptophan. Now this takes some working out and stumbles upon numerous additional citations of increasing credibility whilst unpacking things so hopefully gets close leading into exploring the interrelationship between trypanosoma and where they fit amongst it all.
Although having tentatively sat with that until stumbling upon enough evidence to be initially satisfied with [TRYP] = Tryptano (Borer) Suffixed or Prefixed by [T] = "Period T time of Oscillation" when beginning this publication, new information has revealed that ".Kühne named "trypsin" (a byproduct of Tryptophan) "from the Ancient Greek word 'thrýpto' which means 'I break' or 'I break apart'.[6]" [5] and According to Mutt (1981) IN their well-known book, Die Verdauung nach Versuchen, Tiedemann and Gmelin [57] described how they had evaporated dog pancreatic juice to dryness, extracted the residue with alcohol and found that the residue obtained on evaporation of the alcohol gave a rose-red color with chlorine water. An apparently identical color reaction was subsequently found by others to be given by proteins and the unknown protein constituent responsible for this was named "protei'nchromogen" [56]. However, the reaction was somewhat erratic and often did not take place unless the protein had first been enzymatically degraded. The term protei'nchromogen was therefore changed to tryptophan, appearing on trypsinization as a phantasm [52]i Trypsinization: process of cell disassociation using trypsin, a protolytic enzyme which breaks down proteins. Phantasm: an illusion, apparition or ghost.
With Limited access to the publications above there are still missing peices to the puzzle with the following few paragraphs covering some of the possibilities I've more recently covered starting with the typical basic Tryptophan was named after Trypsis [17] and tryptamine after tryptophan. Although the latter seems most fitting, both are relevant due to trypanosoma sharing names and based of evidence suggesting they play synergetic active role in their hosting ecosystems subject variable pH activating secondary amino acid configuration at around pH 7.3. However, "I break apart" still works as a prefix to [T] = "Period T time of Oscillation" (when in the presence of DMT or Tprytophan) supports the secondary amino configurations. Regardless of weather the initial [T] represent a "period of osculation" which fits in every respect of being suffixed in the context of tryptamine, tryptophan and tryptase, etc. Perutka Z, Šebela M. (2018) make a great case for tryptic which I'm unsure was the purpose of their work [29]. However, it also supports "Period T time of Oscillation".
As it would turn out Kühne was a pioneer of catalytic enzymes supporting the time "Period T time of Oscillation"hypothesis.According to Puspal Mukherjee, Prashant Chandra Singh (2013) "Enzymes, which are typically proteins, act as biocatalysts and as same as any other catalyst, they speed up biological reactions (Robinson, 2015). The term was first coined by German scientist Wilhelm Kühne in 1878 and it literally means “within yeast” (Robinson, 2015). Enzymes are classified based on the reactions they catalyze and by principle, enzymes are named in singular manner based upon to the reaction (Classification and Nomenclature of Enzymes, 1992). However, they are grouped according to broad category of reactions. The main classes of enzymes are oxidoreductases (catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions), transferases (transfers one or more functional groups), hydrolases (catalysehydrolysis), lyases (takes part in elimination reactions), isomerases (catalyze isomerization reactions) and ligases (catalyzes addition/joining reactions)(Classification and Nomenclature of Enzymes, 1992). Enzymes in each of this category varies in their specific functionalities; however, while discussing enzymes, sometimes it is easier to refer them as per their broad classes. [30]. Therefore, it would make far more sense if the names of something with such complex geometric and mathematical equations as amino acids associated with the enzymes be named by some kind of code alluding to their formula or interrelationships of their characteristics. It is kinda hard to believe the worlds greatest scientists were so flippant with naming things of such great significance that they were surely obsessed enough with to wanna give them a name they all deserve.
It would seem more likely [ophan] in tryptophan is a dirivitive of ancient greek ὀρφανός “without parents, fatherless” which has a range of fitting definitions. From Proto-Indo-European h3órbhos (“orphan”), from h3erbh- (“to change ownership”). Cognate with Latin orbus (“orphaned”), Sanskrit अर्भ(árbha, “small”), Old Armenian որբ (orb, “orphan”). With definitions including ὀρφᾰνός (canonical), & perhaps most fittingly ὀρφᾰνή (feminine), [10] & then due to potential appropriateness there's also [10, 11].
ὀρφᾰνοφῠ́λᾰξ • (orphanophúlax) m (genitive ὀρφᾰνοφῠ́λᾰκος); third declension
(at Athens) one who guards orphans
(in the plural) guardians of orphans who had lost their fathers in war [12]
Saffran, M. (2010) claims the [T] represents pep[T]ide which is marginally possible. Whilst nomenclature certainly includes inconsistencies there is often complex meaning. [TRYP] "I break apart" has enough meaning it's reasonable to expect a little thought went into any potential suffixes. Whilst T could be pep[T]ide as one basic action the complexities of variables associated with T as “time T period of osculation” [26] seems far clearer and more fitting descriptively. "Guardians", "canonical", "to change ownership"and feminine all seem far more scientifically plausible possibilities than cell[ophan]e [22] particularly given tryptamine's seemingly masculine gender according to the C. elegans. Not to mention Serotonin. However, I've since stumbled across Joe claiming "the ‘phane’ coming from the Greek word ‘phainesthai’ or ‘phaino’, meaning to appear, or to bring to light. On the surface this makes complete sense: in digestions of proteins with trypsin, a colour can be made to appear. Trypsin is used in both the publication in which tryptophan is discovered, and in the one in which is it named, so this sounds perfectly plausible and could very easily have been the end of this story. However, a footnote in a 1931 review of the discovery of the amino acids provides an alternate theory that throws some doubt onto this accepted belief, and leads one to re-examine the wording of Neumeister’s original naming." [28]. The quotation in question is hard to believe. It's hard to believe only two publications survive and that after such effort they settled for such lame excuses for names.
"the new compound, which is the mother substance of the most characteristic coloured product, should continue to receive Neumeister’s designation of tryptophane. Continuity of nomenclature will thus be secured" [33]. This quote, though rather vague suggests there was something correct about the nomenclature at the time. The many symbols that have been changed and possible mathematical, geometrical and biophysics symbols that may have been involved with be covered in...
The following screenshots taken after Expanding Upon: Via pH & Salinity DMT Converts "Amino Acids" to LIVE Major Species Configuration Capable of Consciously Coordinating Dynamic "Reversal" of NAc, mRNA Protein Systems & Pt Nanotubes!.... leads into the last of nano tubes and what metal ion DMT contains along with the BIG question? Which bit is concieous?

Whilst levels of symbiosis vary, after Billions of years of coevolution and due to the nature of life itself it's hard to argue that any species is or possibly even ever truely was completely independent. A recent study titled "A neo-functionalized homolog of host transmembrane protein controls localisation of bacterial endosymbionts in the trypanosomatid Novymonas esmeraldas" confirms various variations in protein host coevolution. These include Strigomonas galati, a human tryptasomatid, featuring a preserved charged tail with the characteristic motif SKKXQ rather than a C terminus described as deleted, in addition to a number of variations in C and N protein terminius lengths [88]. Although, maligned according to MSASv7 (multiple sequence alignment software version 7) based on conserved proteins "the loop between TMH2 and TMH3 in TMP18e is divergent and predicted to contain a single a-helical turn" [88]. Whilst distant in this sense Strigomonas galati likely fits one of the motifs in the Sm Domain it also shares similarities with fits with Herpetomonas muscarum and Angomonas deanei which along side the Sm Domains N terminus helix, and the terminuses of Lsm1 complex and Pat1 protein could possibly indicate they share human hosts. Genetically the former would be the equivalent of an aunt and the latter a sibling [88]. However, the motif suggests there are likely others too. However, it would seem likely that the aminos connect to the N terminus playing a biochemical role in unfolding the crystal structure enabling access to the motifs [91] and also in providing additional support such as transitional metal nanotubes, biochemical/physiological roles and neuro transmission covered in greater detail in the following.
According to Gawryluk ( 2023) Trypanosomatida, a group of insect- vectored obligate parasites that includes numerous medically relevant species, including those in the genera Trypanosoma and Leishmania. And although Novymonas is a close relative of Leishmania, it is not a pathogen. Rather, it is an insect- limited parasite that inhabits the hind-gut of a bug, Niesthrea vincentii(Hemiptera: Rhopalidae), and was first isolated during a diversity survey in Ecuador. Novymonas harbours a small but variable number of b- proteobacterial symbionts, and alternates between a substratum-attached proliferative ‘rosette’ stage and an elongated motile ‘swimmer’ stage [89]. Whilst there are many questionable aspects of the article it provides further confirmation of evidence between the interrelationships between amino acids, tryptanosoma and even short nano-tubules which is the first evidence I have seen that's even close to what I'm more confidently and comprehensively trying to articulate. This raises the question of consciousness again and weather it's the aminos or the tryptanosoma and if so which one? or ones? Or do different ones share consciousnesses with different ions, etc. The greatest opposite view is that a true symbiotic relationship between a host with countless complex interrelationships is that feeding them DMT to awaken them, not only raises their health but doing so clears out their ecosystem. Despite activating the system could also empower pathogenic or otherwise malignant entities in most cases the symbiotic micro community of the host having home ground advantage has so far always proven enough when given the right tools or food for the job.
Zakharova A, Saura et al (2021) "The closest relative of human pathogen Leishmania, the trypanosomatid Novymonas esmeraldas, harbors a bacterial endosymbiont "Candidatus Pandoraea novymonadis." Based on genomic data, we performed a detailed characterization of the metabolic interactions of both partners. While in many respects the metabolism of N. esmeraldas resembles that of other Leishmaniinae, the endosymbiont provides the trypanosomatid with heme, essential amino acids, purines, some coenzymes, and vitamins. In return, N. esmeraldas shares with the bacterium several nonessential amino acids and phospholipids. Moreover, it complements its carbohydrate metabolism and urea cycle with enzymes missing from the "Ca. Pandoraea novymonadis" genome. The removal of the endosymbiont from N. esmeraldas results in a significant reduction of the overall translation rate, reduced expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and mitochondrial respiratory activity, and downregulation of several aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, enzymes involved in the synthesis of some amino acids, as well as proteins associated with autophagy. At the same time, the genes responsible for protection against reactive oxygen species and DNA repair become significantly upregulated in the aposymbiotic strain of this trypanosomatid." [90]. The beginning of this abstract highlights the problematic nature of stating something to be pathogenic and continues to concisely map out the complexities of deleting any component that distorts the equilibrium creating additional problems for every attempted solution. Whilst starving them is one way feeding them is another. Good or bad sustenance is required to heal symbiotic relationship and purge pathogen and malignant entities. However, the only way to accurately study the complexities of such relationship in the broader context of who's who in relation to what is within a natural host.
Due to the fact that mast cells are distributed across all aspects of our bodies apart from the central nervous system it would seem reasonable to expect the tryptanosomatida species that naturally inhabits them are our oldest most dominant natural symbiotic relationships and possibly even that the amino acids someway connect them to the central nervous system. If mast is in fact short for “master” it is in fact possibly that from there the aminos play a role connecting them other cell groups hosting other tryptanosomatida species. For example whilst Strigomonas galati & potentially two other motif tailed species are equipped to connect to the Sm domain via the N terminal helix which also possibly acts as an anchor [91] for nanotubes, and perhaps in some way connects to the Lsm1 complex. However, the Lsm1 complex is also and perhaps exclusively able to connect to Tryptanosomatida species with C terminus tails such as Herpetomonas muscarum or Angomonas deanei which are potentially capable of connecting to TMP18 as the most universal of proteins [88]. There's also the possibility of certain species connecting to the amino acid system and consuming certain proteins fuelling the aminos throughout polypeptide production. Without a familiarity of 100s of combinations species of protein systems it is necessary to speak in principle. Whilst this could apply to Pat1 protein which will be discussed at some point after taking a look at amino acids it is possibly that trypt-amines connects directly .to Pati1 although the former seem more likely. Regardless the complexity of such complex combinations symbiotic relationships presents major challenges for the latest combinations which the above studies are helping resolve.
A review on seventeen Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and nanostructure treatments focused on three of protozoan origin with their own unique challenges, namely leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, and African trypanosomiasis, caused by the parasites Leishmania spp., Trypanosoma cruzi, and Trypanosoma brucei respectively. As collectively, these parasitic diseases cause more deaths worldwide than all other NTDs combined it was refreshing to see some consideration of prevention and treatment methods [16]. An interesting quote on immunity "Similar to leishmaniasis, resistance to Chagas disease is mediated by a Th1- polarized immune response, which in turn activates innate immune cells [11][16]. Along with Th1 immunity, Cd4+, CD8+ and Th17-mediated responses are characteristic of protection against Chagas disease [40][41][89] Differently from leishmaniasis, in Chagas disease, a balance between a pro and anti-inflammatory response seems necessary once the infection moves onto the chronic stage, the former to limit parasitic replication and spread of the infection, the latter to control and repair tissue damage [39][42]. Interestingly, of relevance to the considerations for Universal Asylums Blood/Urine Analysis - Metabolic Implications of Psychedelics / Forbidden Fruit upon DRUG Saturation of Universal Asylum's Metabolic Implications of "Psychedelics / Forbidden Fruit" upon DRUG Saturation - Planning Document - is the fact that cell groups Th1 and Th17 appear congested. One must be careful to consider particular Trypanosoma parasitic before understanding the problem in its context. Particularly where malnutrition and foreign entities may be the actual cause of the pathogenic response. Given the evidence of Tryptamines and amino acids control over metal nano structures as depicted below....

Image citation [16]
Metallic coated carbon nano tubes (CNTs) have proven to be effective and selective under the right conditions. Unfortunately their nature has pros and cons for scientific analysis of their nature and natural purposes. Chances are symbiotic "parasites" when given what they need will keep foreign intruders at bay just as is also possible that once ill themselves even symbiotic parasites can become pathogenic creating challenges in determining who's friend or foe in regards to both parasites and bacteria [92]. The article speaks of long term solutions [16]. However, fails to consider that long term solutions may require ongoing maintenance. Trypanosoma are metacyclic and basically require "feeding" once a week to maintain optimum health of them-self and their hosts.
The following abstract on this subject is too good not to quote in full stating in no uncertain terms what they like to eat. "Ayahuasca is a psychoactive and psychedelic decoct composed mainly of Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis plant species. The beverage is rich in alkaloids and it is ritualistically used by several indigenous communities of South America as a natural medicine. There are also reports in the literature indicating the prophylaxis potential of Ayahuasca alkaloids against internal parasites. In the present study, Ayahuasca exhibited moderate in vitro activity against Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes (IC50 95.78 μg/mL) compared to the reference drug benznidazole (IC50 2.03 μg/mL). The β-carboline alkaloid harmine (HRE), isolated from B. caapi, was considered active against the trypomastigotes forms (IC50 6.37), and the tryptamine N, N- dimethyltryptamine (DMT), isolated from P. viridis was also moderately active with IC50 of 21.02 μg/mL. Regarding the in vivo evaluations, no collateral effects were observed. The HRE alone demonstrated the highest trypanocidal activity in a dose-responsive manner (10 and 100 mg/kg). The Ayahuasca and the association between HRE and DMT worsened the parasitaemia, suggesting a modulation of the immunological response during the T. cruzi infection, especially by increasing total Immunoglobulin (IgG) and IgG1 antibody levels. The in silico molecular docking revealed HRE binding with low energy at two sites of the Trypanothione reductase enzyme (TR), which are absent in humans, and thus considered a promissory target for drug discovery. In conclusion, Ayahuasca compounds seem to not be toxic at the concentrations of the in vivo evaluations and can promote trypanocidal effect in multi targets, including control of parasitaemia, immunological modulation and TR enzymatic inhibition, which might benefit the treatments of patients with Chagas' disease. Moreover, the present study also provides scientific information to support the prophylactic potential of Ayahuasca against internal parasites." [18]. Now the fact that this study claimed Ayahausca increase the activity of the parasites during treatment yet heal the infection is very much inline with points previously attempted to articulate. In all likelihood the only reason trypanothione reductase enzymes aren't in humans is that we are not allowed to consume essential nutrition such as tryptamines or The β-carboline alkaloid harmine.
Additional tests with synthetic substances proved to have similar positive results [19]. however, not as great as the above which has an overwhelming correlation between the interrelationship between everything named with "tryp" in it. Almost as if they were all scientifically named to reflect their interrelationships with one and other like nomenclature had rules that made sense. Earlier studies against a different parasite using actual tryptamines failed to reveal any anti-parrasitic actions [5]. This could be for a number of reasons including dated analytical technologies. However, it also could be in relation to the difference between either symbiotic and foreign parasites, or even dormant macro-cyclic parasites and others that don't require and are otherwise unaffected by tryptamines. The fact there is almost no early literature on amines available is concerning particularly throughout that period in history late 1800 to 1940's. More recent studies have found that MAO-B's and similar admixtures significantly increased the therapeutic value of tryptamines [24]. Whilst yet another study demonstrated "a metabolic enzymatic cascade dependent on a host-pathogen interaction that determines potency against T. brucei of a series of benzoxaborole compounds. More importantly, this pathway represents a metabolic interaction network between host and pathogen, illuminating an important perspective on understanding mechanism of action." [21]. During another It was realised that methyl esterification of the compounds increased the trypanocidal activity of the compounds with the exception of the natural L-Trp. [23]. Whilst in ways it's getting closer and closer to ayahausca being accepted as the healthiest cup of tea anyone could drink on a regular basis most research has an insidious medical arbitration undertone about it.
Mast Cells which are one of the many types of cells that "produce", or are associated with the production of tryptase are unique in that they are found in all organs except the central nervous system and are believed to play a role in defence against trypsanosoma. Therefore, their interrelationship is of particular relevance due to their prevalence in the skin, bone marrow, heart and lungs [6][25][26] potentially connecting the symbiotic parasites and/or amino acids..This is not only relevant to sample testing but aditional personal experience healing a damaged coronary artery with Ayahausca after 8-9moths of severe chest pain due to a spontaneous coronary artery dissection heart attack. I have also used Ayahausca to clear sepsis and when I think about the environments I used to trip balls, fucking on the back lawn with chickens and animals all around us I'm hardly surprised that they clear parasites too. Mast cells play a role in polypeptide production and there is evidence that they can be considered to act as a parasitic trap [26]. As mast cells can fall host to a range of parasites and bacterium the big question is do they have they own symbiotic endogenous trypanosoma dormant awaiting for N,N- Dimethyltryptamine to turn the pH up so they can clear the intruders out? which appears to be the case based on available evidence [92]. Although trypanosoma are often associated with pathogenic responses [8] this is likely due to problems associated with a lack of regular DMT which needs to be urgently reconsidered as an essential intermittently required indolamine. This is to say that it is possible that invader parasites create infections that sicken symbiotic trypanosoma whilst trapped defenceless without weekly nutrition. Trypanosoma are also associated with nano tubes [7] which is the amino acid related subject that lead me back to the nomenclature of "T'RYP'T" coincidentially associated with tripsin, triptase, "cryptand amine", or cryptand carbon nano-structures.
Apparently, in 1876, trypsin was first named by Kuhne who described the proteolytic activity of this pancreatic enzyme. He compared trypsin and pepsin, discovering the differentiating factor to be the optimal pH. "The most typical active forms are the single-chain β-trypsin and the two-chain α-trypsin, which is produced by a limited autolysis of β-trypsin. An additional intra-chain split leads to pseudotrypsin (ψ-trypsin) with three chains interconnected by disulfide bonds, which can be isolated from the autolyzate by ion-exchange chromatography. Based on experimental data with artificial substrates, peptides, and protein standards, ψ-trypsin shows altered kinetic properties, thermodynamic stability and cleavage site preference (and partly also cleavage specificity) compared to the above-mentioned proteoforms" [93]. "The most typical active forms are the single-chain β-trypsin and the two-chain α-trypsin, which is produced by a limited autolysis of β-trypsin. An additional intra-chain split leads to pseudotrypsin (ψ-trypsin) with three chains interconnected by disulfide bonds, which can be isolated from the autolyzate by ion-exchange chromatography." [95]. N, N-Dimethyltryptamine frequently cooccurs with disulphide. ψ-trypsin shows altered kinetic properties, thermodynamic stability, cleavage and site preference [95]. Due to pH leading to autocatalysation with some similarities to the secondary configurations to tryptamines several independent groups in the 1960's also removed ψ-trypsin at the expense of countless peptides, genetic transcription.
All of the above fits consistently with the following which is interesting given the tryp words are all conveniently interrelated. Now the random Serotonin is associated with something that fits with it's name that appears to have evidence of a reverse configuration supported by DMT. Tonin is a mammalian serine protease enzyme that is capable of generating the vasoconstrictive agent, angiotensin II" [9][27] which randomly fits with the name of Serotonin. However, not as well as the algebra of the biophysics and geometrical, mathematical equations [97] linking to DMT and Tryptophan.

According to the Collins (online) Dictionary...
Ammine in American English (ˈæmin; ˈæmɪn; æˈmin) noun Chemistry
see also amine.
Metals such as Zink etc are known to playplay roles in dendritic however we will hopefully get back to this with dendritic metals [102].
Tungsten aka Wolfram (W) would seem like the most dominant of the transitional metal groups and conveniently comes in α-Tungsten and β -Tungsten with characteristics that fit the secondary amine configuration notion [37]. Including a reversibility of the amine donor/acceptor systems [37][38]. However it is unclear whether it is the amines of the tungsten which have different configurations, possibly both but which is more dominant? Which makes the decisions??
See that tiny little dot below the HN+...

Presumably the Tungsten cation as it came up in a Tungsten search which possibly included ion.
But where's the conciousness? In the α-Tungsten to β -Tungsten burried deep within the Carbon?
Several studies prove possible to extract Tungsten and other metals such as Lanthanum (La), Cerium (Ce) and (neodymium (Nd) from Scheelite which is a calcium tungstate mineral that is an important ore of tungsten using tertiary amines. Whilst under certain conditions it was able to extract the other metals the amines held onto 99.5% of the Tungsten. It was then possible to extract the tungsten in ammonium solution [35][90]. The results show the dominant affinity between tungsten and amino acids which may suggest stronger powers at works such as nuclear energy [87]..
Another study showed that increased pH increased the uptake of tungsten and a broad range of trace elements in plants including Psychotria species [36, 40]. Although initially leaning towards the possibility of DMT modifying the pH which may in fact be possible under the right circumstances, it would seem more likely a case of Tryptophan having α-Tungsten which is far more common and N,N-dimethyltryptamine and similar substances have β -Tungsten. Of course both DMT and Tryptophan also likely has a staple supply of similar heavy transitional such as Molybdenum (Mo) and Chromium (Ch) along with other a broad range of transitional metals in mineralised forms. However, as studies revealed a preference for Tungsten it is also possible tryptophan and DMT have preferences too, at least until they are consumed and the studies above suggest sharing is caring with reversible exchange of virtually any other element potentially required.
Ha!... If only I'd read Wiki & it's reference material properly first. Although I'm pretty sure I had a brief look to know it was pyrophoric which I have covered in the following but only just borrowed the references now!!!
74. It is a rare metal found naturally on Earth almost exclusively as compounds with other elements. It was identified as a distinct element in 1781 and first isolated as a metal in 1783. Its importantores include scheelite and wolframite, the latter lending the element its alternative name.
Tungsten exists in two major crystalline forms: α and β. The former has a body-centered cubic structure and is the more stable form. The structure of the β phase is called A15 cubic; it is metastable, but can coexist with the α phase at ambient conditions owing to non-equilibrium synthesis or stabilization by impurities. Contrary to the α phase which crystallizes in isometric grains, the β form exhibits a columnar habit. The α phase has one third of the electrical resistivity [49] and a much lower superconducting transition temperature TC relative to the β phase: ca. 0.015 K vs. 1–4 K; mixing the two phases allows obtaining intermediate TC values.[50][51] The TCvalue can also be raised by alloying tungsten with another metal (e.g. 7.9 K for W-Tc).[52] Such tungsten alloys are sometimes used in low-temperature superconducting circuits.[53][54][55]
Tungsten is the only metal in the third transition series that is known to occur in biomolecules, being found in a few species of bacteria and archaea. However, tungsten interferes with molybdenum and copper metabolism and is somewhat toxic to most forms of animal life.[47][48].
pH is know to clearly effect the behaviour and uptake of Tungsten in plants [18] to an extent that it is not unreasonable to seggust the possibilty of a tungsten ion in tryptamine, with Molybden able to change pH toactivateTungsten βphase
Beta-tungsten (β-W) is a metastable phase of tungsten widely observed in tungsten thin films. While the commonly existing stable alpha-tungsten (α-W) has a body-centered cubic (A2) structure, β-W adopts the topologically close-packed A15 structure containing eight atoms per unit cell,[43][44] and it irreversibly transforms to the stable α phase through thermal annealing of up to 650 °C.[45] It has been found that β-W possesses the giant spin Hall effect, wherein the applied charge current generates a transverse spin current, and this leads to potential applications in magnetoresistive random access memory devices.[46]
It would be interesting to know if Tryptamine has the same carbon molecules as tryptophan or are they possibly a different species which is partial to α-Tungsten. Whilst Tryptohan is thought to produce tryptamines this would not be possible if trypamines contain α-Tungsten & it is also entirely possible that they same processes that converts the tungsten also converts the carbon. This would provide a plausible explanation as to why trypamines are only ever found in trace amounts, making them an exogenous essential amines rather than “endogenous dangerous drugs” as they’re typically claimed to be.
The following figure is borrowed from [37] depicts the 24 massive Dirac fermions in the β-tungsten phase which initially had me confused weather α-tungsten and β-tungsten were different or the same yet in a different transitional state of solid, liquid and gas. Prior to learning that once converted to β-tungsten it can’t go back to α-W it sounds as if it still carries on as βW once using it's initial charge, the concept was easy. However, at times it appears to read opposite. The only other option was two hybrid compounds. However, had that been the case one would hope they would be described accordingly.

"Figure 4" Images and qoutation above sourced [37]
The sacred geometry above is almost identicle to that covered in Via pH & Salinity N,N-Dimethyltryptamine Converts "Amino Acids" to TRYPT Major Species Configuration Capable of Consciously Coordinating Dynamic "Reversal" of NAc, mRNA Protein Systems & Pt Nanotubes! and fits neatly with many of the ring structures provided above in making a muli layered nano tube.

The picture to the left (minus the dots which I believe are representing 24 tungsten (W) particles in a gaseous states) is "An eighteen-membered homodetic cyclic peptide which is isolated from Oscillatoria sp. and exhibits antimalarial activity against the W2 chloroquine-resistant strain of the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum.". Now Imagine a several layer tubular structure like the one below to the left and layers of previous structures and the ones directly below escorting the W++ W++ and/or good or bad parasites or bacteria where they need to go. As Tungsten is Pyrophoric, with fine particles spontaneously igniting upon contact with oxygen below 54 degrees [55][56]. Therefore, within an insulated nanoparticle carbon fra med structure to encapsulate and incinerate the nasties Tungsten could could sacrifice itself in serving the greater good. Right when the world thought chivalry is dead!!

As things would have it Molybdenum and Tungsten have been traced back to the universal Ancestor, playing key role in the beginning of life but which came first remains unresolved."In the course of the catalytic reactions, the Mo and W ions are thought to cycle between the IV and VI redox states, potentially passing through an intermediate Mo(V) or W(V) state. These paramagnetic (V) states have been the subject of intense scrutiny with EPR spectroscopy to learn about the structure of the active site of many molybdoenzymes. Molybdoenzymes are further divided into three subfamilies based on the structure of their oxidized active site" [41]
The following table shows the oxidisation states of tungsten from α-Tungsten to β -Tungsten. Whilst they are aware of some of the processes and presumably have acquired a great deal of information via scientific catalytic processes they having figured the process out yet. Fucked if I know how, or if I even believe they haven’t figured it out yet but some of them do seem legitimately excited to do just that. To me it’s blatantly obvious the N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and similar substances play a major catalytic role in the process. Furthermore, as I expect both DMT and Tryptophan share an intimate conscious role in managing countless interrelated coordination complexes capable of sharp thermonuclear spikes for purposes including but not limited to “hydrophilic” splicing of mRNA, etc.
Table 7. Synthesis of Binary Tungsten Carbonyl Anions from W(CO)6
Anion | Cr oxidation state | Reducing agent | Solvent | Remarks | Ref. |
[W(CO)5 ]− | −1 | electrochemical | MeCN | stable for few seconds | 57 |
[W(CO)5 ]2− | −2 | Na | DME | stable indefinitely under N2 | 58 |
[W(CO)4 ]4− | −4 | Na | liquid NH3 | reduction of [W(CO)4(amine)2]; orange | 59 |
[W2(CO) 10]2− | −1 | C8K | THF | stable indefinitely under N2 | 60 |
[W3(CO) 14]2− | −23 | NaBH4 | THF | poorly characterized; synthesis has not been repeated | 61 |
• "Since the serendipitous discovery of ferrocene in 1951,1,2 cyclopentadienyl ligands, [C5R5]−, have become indisputably one of the most important ligands in organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis.3 In fact, their coordination complexes extend to virtually every metal in the periodic table.4−6 Their versatility is evidenced as well by their variable hapticity (from η1 to η5)7,8 and synthetic flexibility."[42].
As a rough proof of concept regarding Tryptamines via atomic processes accumulate metalic nanoparticles that once consumed can be combined into metallic coated carbon coordination complexes capable of a variety of functions – and that such processes include atomic change and converting tungsten from α-Tungsten to β - Tungsten. To test such a theory one would presumably have to analyse tryptamine derived Tungsten in terms of both Tungsten and Carbon molecules in a careful manner as not to trigger any processes. Then one would have to consume Tryptamines and in addition to mapping infrastructures during the healing process somehow collect used up tryptamine backbones. I am unsure how one would tell the difference between tryptamine backbones or tryptophan after metabolism. However, there is obviously enough left over for people to act as if the whole endogenous theory is fact so perhaps there’s a way.
Expanding upon this theory it would seem likely that there is a distinct difference between individual carbons and whilst it is possible they attract similar elements it is also possible that the tryptamine variation makes particular selections. At this stage after a crash course of nuclear physics it would seem highly likely that standard aminos derived from tryptophan are at the very least carbon 12 and Tryptamines and similar variations contain carbon 13. However, this extends beyond variation between the two species as variation in carbon in tryptophan itself have also been confirmed [80][81][87][91]. So far I have a number of reliable sources to support this theory including verification of consistencies in prevalence of 12 and 13 being comparable to Tryptamines and similar substances in addition to several studies regarding the nutritional value between the variation in isotopes in humans and marine species [69][70]. Additionally studies into the prevalence in honey being disproportionately high around 50% [71] fits with previously referenced material confirming evidence of high levels of DMT, etc being found within the seeds and flowers of plants, and other reproductive systems not normally associated with honey except perhaps in the bedroom.
"Atoms having the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei are called isotopes. Carbon has both a heavy and a light isotope that occurs naturally. Most of the carbon in our environment is the lighter isotope of carbon, Carbon-12 (12C), which has six protons and six neutrons. One percent of the carbon in our world is the heavier isotope, Carbon-13 (13C), with six protons and seven neutrons."[77]. 1% is comparable to α-Tungsten to β -Tungsten and also Tryptophan and Tryptamine in adition to many nuclear compounds.
“The low carbon-13/carbon-12 ratio of lipids is shown to result from isotopic fractionation during the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A. In vitro analysis of the kinetic isotope effects of this reaction indicates that there will be a large, temperature-dependent difference in the carbon-13/carbon-12 ratio between the methyl and carbonyl carbon atoms of acetyl coenzyme A and between those carbon atoms of lipid components which derive from them” [69].

Whilst researching the configurations of Tungsten (w), Molybdenum (Mo) and Chlorine (Cr) and relevant transitional metals pattens were identified which crossed over into nuclear physics which have become increasingly clearer the deeper one digs.
The configurations will be discussed in greater depth with supporting evidence in due course. However, firstly if you look to the left and imaging rotation creating friction on the joints, including the 6 member ring connected like a spiraling slinky folding in on itself ccontributing to an equilibrium of constructive precision fields of energies capable of coordinating individual particles collectively contributing to coordination complexes such as nanotubes. Then imagine the feilds of energy of the spiralling stack of 6 member hexagonal rings interconnected via combinations of geometric structures between individual "cabon" molecules contributing to appropriately insulated multilayer nanotubes capable of containing quantum scale intermolecular interactions. Such interactions could be taveling flued, gas, molicules or waste to be excreted. They also could include creating extreme thermodynamic, electromagnetic or photosynthetic involving precise intermolecular actions likely to include triggering, containing and absorbing the energy of atomic reactions whilst protecting the broader ststem and discarding waste products. This is possibly relevant to testing of stool samples collected in Universal Asylums experiemntal research and future studies. Based purely on their aromatic rings I would expect DMT and Tryptophan to have at least 6 - 14 carbons containing a range of contrasting atoms themselves and between one another to create enough of an equalibrium to operate on their own in preparation for when they get together. However, there could be some crossover and it is also possible that Seretonin and other amines such as proline share some of the same carbon atoms with tryptamines. According to Specncer and Ditchfield each of the 9 carbon atoms of indole are unique [82]. Nevertheless, in the process Uranium can transition between Ligands and from Ligands to metals of diferent compositions and acids, and of course back again in a completely reversable manner. Well, almost completely at least most of the time until it forms a radicalised cation and serves it's purpose [87]. Despite making great progress mapping out some of the possibilities of substances like Uranium and thorium etc some comprehensive studies are having trouble getting certain complexes to line up they way they would like without DMT [88].
Start by considering Mo and Cr as two standard systems capable of limited variation. Then upon consumption of DMT, etc. containing W in it’s prime state Mo and W take over switching between configurations as required for various proposes depending on the priorities of ones state of health. Apparently, the Mo 3d spectrum of MoO2 is more complex and there is evidence of two overlapping spin–orbit doublets and that due to a Mo-Mo bone it can create two individual orbital layers with other molecules sandwiched in between for insulation, pressure or to absorb frequencies emitted in catapulting energy from nuclear reactions [64] [87].
Studies into α-Tungsten to β -Tungsten confirm that with consistency on a reductive scale that nano particles and films were capable of facilitating far more stable extreme reactions at lower temperatures which also supports their superconductivity. This is of particular relevance due to the thermodynamic differences between C12 and C13 [69]. Due to minor instabilities in their formula such studies concluded that spin diffusion length λS would have to be significantly smaller than 4.4 nm or alternatively the spin–orbit torque has an interfacial component [63]. This is consistent with sizes of motifs of certain proteins nanotubes nanotubes are likely play a role in processing. As discussed in previous publications Platinum (Pt)drastically increases in ability to create finer films when combined with Yttrium (Y). The interfacial component fits with the secondary configuration which would be expected to stably coordinate such structures, particularly under the extreme conditions suggested in this publication. Based on the charts above Molybdenum is limited to around three configurations combined with Cr. However, combing W, Mo and Cr opens the doors for literally countless potential combinations. Therefore, I will do my best to provide some clear examples that whilst possibly oversimplified hopefully do a reasonable job of stating my case in a manner that most people can hopefully understand given that I am writing form the perspective of a Social Worker rather than a nuclear physicist.

Charts screenshotted from [78]
It would even be possible for Cr to create a singular orbit on it’s dominant axis and as above 38 °C, its magnetic ordering becomes paramagnetic.[66] The antiferromagnetic properties, which cause the
chromium atoms to temporarily ionize and bond with themselves, are present because the body- centric cubic's magnetic properties are disproportionate to the lattice periodicity. From a functional perspective this allows its to create a metallic film perhaps incorporating other non magnetic transitional metals whilst directing its magnetic field towards another magnetic layer of tube or even potentially in upon itself creating a stable PRESURISED environment capable of withstanding extreme interactions whilst shielding unrelated systems which may otherwise be impacted by magnetism, temperature or small but necessary amounts of radiation.
Apparently, "Photolysis of metal azides is a typical method in transition metal chemistry to prepare metal nitrides40,41,42,43,44,45,46. However, despite continuous efforts, this method has been less successful in the synthesis of actinide nitride complexes [103]. Based on the results of numerous attempts it seems they don't have a problem creating Uranium fission rather controling it in a manner that works for their terms.
Alternately it could also operate in conjunction with diamagnetic element such as Bismuth which appears to naturally cooccure with tungsten. According to Wikipedia and A bunch of appropriately cited references... No other metal is verified to be more naturally diamagnetic than bismuth.[19][22](Superdiamagnetism is a different physical phenomenon.) Of any metal, it has one of the lowest values of thermal conductivity (after manganese, neptunium and plutonium) and the highest Hall coefficient.[23] It has a high electrical resistivity.[19]When deposited in sufficiently thin layers on a substrate, bismuth is a semiconductor, despite being a post-transition metal.[24] Elemental bismuth is denser in the liquid phase than the solid, a characteristic it shares with germanium, silicon, gallium, and water.[25] Bismuth expands 3.32% on solidification; therefore, it was long a component of low-melting typesetting alloys, where it compensated for the contraction of the other alloying components[19][26][27][28] to form almost isostatic bismuth-lead eutectic alloys.
Upon further inspection it would seem there are other forms of carbon after being lead astrey by stable carbon. However it seems C13 is still considered unstable and found in in trace amounts which supports my interpretation of previous studies. However, after quite some reading which I should have taken far better notes and mucking around seeing if there was anything that stands out in basic configurations despite the above charts indicating they are highly divergent – there were a range of factors which stood out. Nuclear carbons happen to occur in a similar quantity to protonated amino acids. Interestingly, the charts I’ve come across so far start at 8 ending at 22.

Francium can be synthesized by a fusion reaction when a gold-197 target is bombarded with a beam of oxygen-18 atoms from a linear accelerator in a process originally developed at the physics department of the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1995.[44] Depending on the energy of the oxygen beam, the reaction can yield francium isotopes with masses of 209, 210, and 211.
197Au + 18O → 209Fr + 6 n
197Au + 18O → 210Fr + 5 n
197Au + 18O → 211Fr + 4 n
Image of light emitted by a sample of 200,000 francium atoms in a magneto-optical trap
Heat image of 300,000 francium atoms in a magneto-optical trap, around 100 attograms
The francium atoms leave the gold target as ions, which are neutralized by collision with yttrium and then isolated in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) in a gaseous unconsolidated state.[43]
Furthermore, titanium-gold alloy, β-Ti3Au, is an intermetallic alloy that is up to 4 times harder than pure titanium and most steels.[4][5][6]
Francium is a prospective candidate for searching for CP violation.[34]
Only a weaker version of the symmetry could be preserved by physical phenomena, which was CPT symmetry. Besides C and P, there is a third operation, time reversal T, which corresponds to reversal of motion. Invariance under time reversal implies that whenever a motion is allowed by the laws of physics, the reversed motion is also an allowed one and occurs at the same rate forwards and backwards.
The combination of CPT is thought to constitute an exact symmetry of all types of fundamental interactions. Because of the long-held CPT symmetry theorem, provided that it is valid, a violation of the CP-symmetry is equivalent to a violation of the T-symmetry. In this theorem, regarded as one of the basic principles of quantum field theory, charge conjugation, parity, and time reversal are applied together. Direct observation of the time reversal symmetry violation without any assumption of CPT theorem was done in 1998 by two groups, CPLEAR and KTeV collaborations, at CERN and Fermilab, respectively.[1] Already in 1970 Klaus Schubert observed T violation independent of assuming CPT symmetry by using the Bell–Steinberger unitarity relation.[2]

Having experienced time reversal on at least three clear occasions whilst under the influence of mescaline the obvious place to come across this kind of transition point would unsurprisingly be between α-Francium and C14. Breifly commenting on this without looking to much into it as I desperately need to get some sleepmy imediate thoughts on the violation are in relation to conciousness traveling along the plane of light either canceling out the resistence or potentially increasing it. This subject I rarely speak of due to the fact it's hard enough to get the profound physical healing taken seriously so I will reserve further comment for interested company. Having said this Fr isotopes have some crazy spin pairity such as (33+) 11/2- or 5/2- in the form of common a-Radium 99.9% and β− Astatine (At) which can spin 25- in the opposite direction, along side (associated with cluster Decay) C14 and TI with spin parity of (35/2-) or(25/2+). Accidentally stumbled across the folllowing after missreading Tl for Ti, the light reaction will prove relevant at some point but it can stay here for now. Now I know why it was linking everywhere but where it was supposed to.
Apparently "The set of the four connected components can be given a group structure as the quotient group O(1, 3) / SO+(1, 3), which is isomorphic to the Klein four-group. Every element in O(1, 3) can be written as the semidirect product of a proper, orthochronous transformation and an element of the discrete group
{1, P, T, PT}
where P and T are the parity and time reversal operators:
P = diag(1, −1, −1, −1)
T = diag(−1, 1, 1, 1).
Thus an arbitrary Lorentz transformation can be specified as a proper, orthochronous Lorentz transformation along with a further two bits of information, which pick out one of the four connected components. This pattern is typical of finite-dimensional Lie groups." However, I'm not advanced enough yet to comprehend how to apply such exuasions whilst trying to wrap my head around the simpler variables

According to Pubmed "There are nearly ten million known carbon compounds and an entire branch of chemistry" which narrows it down a bit [79]. However, a very similar list to the above also featured on And features the hypothetical Carbon 21 which has a (1/2+) Spin. In fact the 1/2+ and 3/2+ of Carbons C19 and C17 along side the 1/2- and 3/2- in C13 and C11 under Spin and pararity fit with the Doublet in Quantum Mechanics with a standard spin orbital of 1/2 and a seondary configuration of 2/ which is said to be the same as Sodium and Hydrogen atom [101]. According to Wikipedia on Diatomic"Other elements form diatomic molecules when evaporated, but these diatomic species repolymerize when cooled. Heating ("cracking") elemental phosphorus gives diphosphorus (P2). Sulfur vapor is mostly disulfur (S2). Dilithium (Li2) and disodium (Na2)[4] are known in the gas phase. Ditungsten (W2) and dimolybdenum (Mo2) form with sextuple bonds in the gas phase. Dirubidium (Rb2) is diatomic".
Of course, a spelling mistake revealed - CRIPT is a postsynaptic protein that binds selectively to the third PDZ domain (PDZ3) of PSD-95. Here we show that CRIPT also binds directly to microtubules, thereby linking PSD-95 to the microtubule cytoskeleton. Disrupting the CRIPT-PSD-95 interaction in cultured hippocampal neurons with a PDZ3-specific peptide prevented the association of PSD-95 with microtubules and inhibited the synaptic clustering of PSD-95, chapsyn-110/PSD-93 and GKAP (a PSD-95-binding protein).

A cryptand (crypt) is basically a coordination complex which encapsulates certain nucleaphiles for different yet to be scientifically understood purposes. Pilot studies involving U(III), Np(III) and Pu(III) reported encapsulated actinide in a THF-soluble crypt complex's. Absorption spectroscopy and DFT calculations are consistent with 5f3 U(III), 5f4Np(III), and 5f5 Pu(III) electron configurations [96]. This suggests that the actnides are either conscious or possessed by consciousness and could possibly be considered alive. As reflected by the reaction diagrams above there becomes far too complex levels of biophysics to accurately predict and articulate a comprehensive map of energy exchanges involved. Therefore, it is not possible to justly speak to a well informed hypothesise on a naturally occurring phenomenon which involves advanced levels of quantum entanglement and natural Quantum cryptography with consistent rarity of 99/01% ratios of C14/C13, tryptophan/tryptamine, β -Tungsten/a-Tungsten, β-neptunium et al acting as quantum key distribution, providing limmited access to the doorway of space and time supporting the evolution of life throughout the history of the universe. Plutonium has six base allotropes and forms a seventh (zeta, ζ) at high temperature within a limited pressure range [111] which is difficult to obtain preciece information on. However, this provides another example of a quantum key given the fact that we eat such particles all the time. Some are repored to accumulate in our bones which based on Universal Asylums experimental research and supporting documentation is likely due to the keys to such doors being strictly forbidden by primitive oppressive cultural systems. There needs to be quantum kets for this secondary configuration so that animals, yes humans are animals you arogants cunts, can choose to consume these substances in a safe environment.
In addition to pH, plant species and natural Plutonium and Uranium as opposed to human processed waste producets were the greatest factors in plant uptakeof Pu and U with a mustard variety comming up high again as with tungsten [99][100]. interestingly some of the plant species included mosses and I believe a form of succulent which one would assoiate with moist environments such as the ocean. Interestingly, whilst the structure of amines has maintained consistency for billions of years there is some variation between combinations of N,N-dimethlytryptamine (DMT) and other psychedelics in ayahuasca containing β-carbolines from different plants and amongst varieties of psilocybin mushrooms. Although this is on the less extreme end of the scale. where this get really interesting is Molecular structures of , and key metabolic pathways of phenethylamines such as Mescaline due to the huge variation between plants bringing into question their Carbon isotypes which although not 100% certain also produce metalic nanotubes and varying a great deal in "pearsonality" are of unquestionable therapeutic value despite having clearly sucumbed to greater evolutionary influence.
Nanotubes in cells are not a new concept nor is melaic carbon structures which is beyond me how noones joined the dots that humans nuturally experience metalic carbon nanotubes too. Therefore, it is my original concept that they occur naturally within human systems as a result of consuming ayahuasca and similar substances. Just as quantum computations have proven stereo-inversion possible via a single water molecule in an appropriate cation in a gaseous pocket within a otherwise saturated environment - I propose the consumption of DMT facilitates the placement of any combination of available particles anywhere required to create structures capable of quantum scale nuclear fission in the production of Photons enabling the system to not only operate via an alternate neurological configurations but in excited states of consciousness quite literally at the speed of light. Additionally, Plutonium and Neptunium are both capable of absorbing energy transfer too which extends far beyond nanotubes potentially back into the amino acid system itself and in the broader electromagnetic range of complex combinations of excited particles. However, in relation to the nano structures them selves, with the right food for the job, it becomes bossible to create any combination of pressure, thermodynamics, electromagneticic coordination to maintain and upgrade bodily systems. In fact several recent studies have reported self assembling nano-structures featuring photocatalytic π–π* and n–π* transitions of 2 electrons and UV light [115][116]117]. Interestingly this involved Proline which borders on the opposies end of DMT presumably sharing some molecular similarities.
Theoretically, another possibility is that in particle physics, annihilation occurs when a subatomic particle collides with its respective antiparticle producing other particles, "such as an electron colliding with a positron to produce two photons.[1] The total energy and momentum of the initial pair are conserved in the process and distributed among a set of other particles in the final state". This is possibly how DMT and Tryptophan harmoniously connect and coordinate every cell in our bodies upon consuming Ayahausca. Such processes would explain why β -Tungsten converts to a-tungsten after certain conditions. Being pyrolythic the placement of one tungsten atom in an air pocket of the right tempriature could literally complete the process of hydrolythic splicing. However, nuclear magnetic energy more likely plays a greater role in this particular action. Interestingly, the formal +2 oxidation state of plutonium is known in the complex [K(2.2.2-cryptand)] [PuIICp″3], Cp″ = C5H3(SiMe3)2.[37].

Uranium metal has three allotropic forms:[19]
α (orthorhombic) stable up to 668 °C (1,234 °F). Orthorhombic, space group No. 63, Cmcm, lattice parameters a = 285.4 pm, b = 587 pm, c = 495.5 pm.[20]
β (tetragonal) stable from 668 to 775 °C (1,234 to 1,427 °F). Tetragonal, space group P42/mnm, P42nm, or P4n2, lattice parameters a = 565.6 pm, b = c = 1075.9 pm.[20]
γ (body-centered cubic) from 775 °C (1,427 °F) to melting point—this is the most malleable and ductile state. Body-centered cubic, lattice parameter a = 352.4 pm.[20]
Effects of pH
The uranium fraction diagrams in the presence of carbonate illustrate this further: when the pH of a uranium(VI) solution increases, the uranium is converted to a hydrated uranium oxide hydroxide and at high pHs it becomes an anionic hydroxide complex.
When carbonate is added, uranium is converted to a series of carbonate complexes if the pH is increased. One effect of these reactions is increased solubility of uranium in the pH range 6 to 8, a fact that has a direct bearing on the long term stability of spent uranium dioxide nuclear fuels.
Stoop, Ruedi & Stoop, Norbert & Stoop, Ralph & Kanders, Karlis. (2020) provide a brilliant example of algebra proving the ζ of the equasion on an intermolecular plain beyond the sum of about nine yet using similar numbers to the geomitry and other units of measure relevant to the amines [98]. I came across this whilst confused having mixed up Neptunium and Pluonium and stumbling acreoss Plutoniums ζ configuration. Asside from not being able to follow the majority of the algebra it did a wonderful job of demonstrating the obsurdity of most cultural measures or attempts to measure the unmeasureable. I'm failry sure one of these two infinently donates and recieves a spare electron throughout the unpredictability of evolutionary growth. Regardless, at this stage I'm thinking Neptunium is in tryptamines in combination with one of the others. Although I have thought of Tryptophan being the big W for Tungsten, it is possible it is in representation of the constant usual configuration with W being common for a series V Valour symbols.. It is difficult tto attempt to pick a type of Algebra due to the nature of amines. In some ways lie algebra is fittinng in other ways a hypersphere covers many dimesions for example...

Additionally qouted from the same Wikipedia article
There is an interesting action of the circle group T on S3 giving the 3-sphere the structure of a principal circle bundle known as the Hopf bundle. If one thinks of S3 as a subset of C2, the action is given by
The orbit space of this action is homeomorphic to the two-sphere S2. Since S3 is not homeomorphic to S2 × S1, the Hopf bundle is nontrivial.
Tracing origins of what was being used in the late 1800s along side the possible geometric and other biophysics measurments is difficult though but can see plaements for certain letter representations which so far fit like gloves. Will slowly narrow them down as I learn algebra.

Ok back to work... Remember these?...

Check these out.... After noticing the structure of Melatonin was very similar to serotonin which was probably named at the same time as Tryptophan and DMT - I also noticed that Dopamine is almost identicle to Mescaline. There is even a part of the brain called the Mesocorticle Pathway and Mesolimbic Pathways which fall under the mesocorticolimbic projection.[104][105]. Interestingly the crossoves between the names of fit more with the notion of complex algebra the BS tails of serum and most I've noticed fail to mention who named them and skip straight to who first isolated them.

Opioid growth factor receptor (OGFr) or the ζ-opioid receptor, is a protein which in humans is encoded by the OGFR gene.[106][107]. The protein encoded by this gene is aledgedly a receptor for opioid growth factor (OGF), also known as [Met(5)]-enkephalin. The endogenous ligand is thus a known opioid peptide, and OGFr was originally discovered and named as a new opioid receptor zeta (ζ). However it was subsequently found that it shares little sequence similarity with the other opioid receptors, and has quite different function. Affirming this statement and inline with Universal Asylums experimental research results I propose that it is in fact more accurately described as "n,n-dimethyltryptamine growth factor receptor" although also can be accessed via similar substances such as Mesculine presumably with some variable differences. The conserved N-terminal domain followed by a series of imperfect repeats [8] and the zeta (ζ) configuration fits with my hypothesis that DMT (and possibly Tryptophan possess) Plutonium ζ nucleotide(s) (or perhaps photons) [98] capable of facilitating coordination complexes such as nanotubles and Cryptands [96] by alloying transitional metals of various qualities. These include Gallium (Ga) which melts at room tempriature, in addition to others contributing to strength, denderitic formations, and complex conductivity and electro magnetic compositions. This enables Plutonium to coordinate the right combinations of compounds to connect to the right receptors and protien structures and transition from stationary to and between various spin orbital configurations. However problematic for commercial applications [110]. It is likely that this part of the brain is "wired" in this specific way to create the equivelant of a "quantum key" desingned to ensure intermittent access with a certain level of control in so far as consuming combinations of particular plants (or animals). If also enables single particle nuclear fusion, capture and distribution amongst dendritic neural pathways designed specifically for such purposes.
According to Beyribey, Berceste & Çorbacioğlu, Burcu & Altin, Zehra. (2009)., If all the particles in suspension have a large negative or positive zeta potential then they will tend to repel each other and there is no tendency to flocculate. However, if the particles have low zeta potential values then there is no force to prevent the particles from coming together and flocculating. The general dividing line between stable and unstable suspensions is generally taken at either +30mV or - 30mV. Particles with zeta potentials more positive than +30mV or more negative than -30mV are normally considered stable. As can be seen from SEM micrographs and zeta potentials, there is no stability on platinum particles obtained at 25C temperature until pH = 10. For decreasing of particle size, the absolute value of zeta potential increases. After 40c the particles increased in size and decreased in stability [108]. Plutonium as a metal readily dissolves in concentrated mineral acids and normally has six allotropes or crystal structures; alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ), delta (δ), delta prime (δ') and epsilon (ε). It also forms a seventh phase (zeta, ζ) under high temperature and a limited pressure range. It is also sensitive to oxygen and pH but can stablise around the 3-4 mark [109].
Interestingly the δ phase of the Np-U system is Isomorphous with the ζ-Phase of the Np-U charactorised by a very broad homogenety range and deviations from apparent cubic symitry at high tempriatures. Early studies reported a primitive cubic cell, with lattice constant in the range of 10.692-10.651 Å, depernding on the composition (35-70% U). Deviation from cubic symmetry was observed at high temp. Atomic density of 58 atoms per cell in ζ-Phase along with d-spacing and intensities for the η-phase [112].
According to M Kurata (2010) "Regarding the Np-containing system, phase boundary data were reported in the wide region of the composition and temperature of the U-Np and Pu-Np systems [7,8,9]. There are two kinds of intermediate phases, and phases in the U-Np and Pu-Np systems, respectively. There are also two kinds of intermediate phases in the U-Pu system, and phases, respectively. The relationship among these intermediate phases needs to be clarified. Since the Pearson symbol, cP58-type, of the phase in the U-Np system is the same as that of the phase in the U-Pu system, they are assumed to be the same phase. There is no experimental information, on the other hand, on the crystal structure for the phase in the Pu-Np system. This phase was treated as the same phase as the phase in the U-Pu system, based on the similarity for the phase boundary between the and BCC phases in these alloy systems." [113]. The stability of ζ-Phase Pu, U or Pu-U at room tempreture is significantly dependent upon the purity of the Pu, U or Pu-U which under the right conditions can be transported. However, it should be noted that the tetragonal, Pu-U binary intermetallic compound, ζ, is never in equilibrium with BCC, (ε-Pu,U) solid-solution [114] Assuming BCC is in relation to a atomic arrangement in a crystal lattice being in a Body-centered cubic form, and based on reports of A and B U and Pu. Zirconium (Zr)and uranium atoms located randomly positions contributing to non-stoichiometry in a paired compound. Bauer assigned it a space group of P6/mmm, where the structure is partially disordered C 32-type AlB2 structure after detecting a change in thermal expansion and electrical resistivity values of this compound below 673 K. However, dismissed the change being in the crystal symmetry on the premise it may be positioning of atoms in the lattice or change in degree of order. However, X-ray diffraction, metallography and electrical resistance studies on them proved it was optically active under the right conditions and have indexed this pattern as BCC with a=10.68 Å. [114].
The main features of another system are: "(i) presence of four intermetallic compounds, eta (ξ), theta (θ), iota (ι) and kappa (κ). The compounds, eta, theta and iota are plutonium rich compounds. Among these compounds, eta is stable over a narrow composition range [28], but in the absence of sufficient data, it was assumed to be a stoichiometric compound for present calculations. The compounds theta and iota are stable over a reasonably wide composition range. The compound, kappa is a zirconium rich non-stoichiometric compound. (ii) Addition of zirconium in plutonium increases the liquidus and solidus temperatures, which is a very useful aspect of the U-Pu-Zr metallic fuels. (iii) Pu(ε) and Zr(β) form a continuous BCC solid-solution, (ε-Pu,β-Zr), stable over the complete composition range and a wide temperature range. (iv) (δPu) dissolves considerable amount of uranium metal, however, solubility of zirconium in other allotropes of plutonium is very limited. Whereas, all allotropes of zirconium dissolve considerable amount of plutonium." [114]
Apparently, the plutonium-uranium binary system has Two intermetallic compounds ζ (zeta) and η (eta), which are stable over a wide composition range. The low temperature compound ζ, is stable at room temperature, whereas, η is a high temperature compound. [114]. Such equalibrium likely haps make neulear fission and intermetallic compound capture and direction of optical spectomitry and infinite frequency the most safe and efficient natural use of such compounds and provides a plausable explaination for their existence. Or should I say ours? Juries still out on that colourful tail of time!!! On that note, here's some colours and Clocks...

If you count black and white of which at least one is arguably tansitional there are 8 but only ever 7 in each of the depictionsand countless shades of grey in between. I'm not entirely sure if this is most appropriately considered in complex algebra as an iota (an imaginary number) possibly best represented by 𝝋 which I think denotes the kernel (between nothing and everything (ζ} and the Eurler angle ψ, θ, φ. that completes the revolutionary cycle. However, in mathematics, a root of unity, occasionally called a de Moivre number, is any complex number that yields 1 when raised to some positive integer power η. This fits with the notion of singularity, a collective conciousness and why Wilhelm Kühne. named amines with an ι placed before an η
DMT's got fucken Diamond nano particles in it. Diamons are transparent so the closest thing to white you can get and the furthest opposite version of carbon being black and light weight more water permiatable but neither particulay fussed about it. They could well be poliattomic with Tryptophans too and carbolines are named as if they have diamonds in their carbon too. However, there is one named tryptaline or something.. From the Ancient Greek: ἀδάμας adámas, meaning "unbreakable", "proper", or "unalterable".
Out of Room Continued in N,N-Dimethyltryptamine & other "forbidden Fruit": the Original Bio-Nuclear-Physicists: Making Heavy Metal Light with Euler's Angels ψ, θ, φ & the help of the Gods!
Notes from here forth...
is Euler's number, the base of natural logarithms,
is the imaginary unit, which by definition satisfies , and
is pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
In abstract algebra, the sedenions form a 16-dimensional noncommutative and nonassociative algebra over the real numbers, usually represented by the capital letter S, boldface S or blackboard bold
The sedenions are obtained by applying the Cayley–Dickson construction to the octonions, which can be mathematically expressed as .[1] As such, the octonions are isomorphic to a subalgebra of the sedenions. Unlike the octonions, the sedenions are not an alternative algebra. Applying the Cayley–Dickson construction to the sedenions yields a 32-dimensional algebra, called the trigintaduonions or sometimes the 32-nions.[2] It is possible to continue applying the Cayley–Dickson construction arbitrarily many times.
The term sedenion is also used for other 16-dimensional algebraic structures, such as a tensor product of two copies of the biquaternions, or the algebra of 4 × 4 matrices over the real numbers, or that studied by Smith (1995).
In abstract algebra, the trigintaduonions, also known as the 32-ions, 32-nions, 25-nions, or sometimes pathions (),[1][2] form a 32-dimensional noncommutative and nonassociative algebra over the real numbers,[3][4] usually represented by the capital letter T, boldface T or blackboard bold .
Connected sum
For two connected closed n-manifolds one can obtain a new connected manifold via the connected sum operation. The Euler characteristic is related by the formula
Product property
Also, the Euler characteristic of any product space M × N is
These addition and multiplication properties are also enjoyed by cardinality of sets. In this way, the Euler characteristic can be viewed as a generalisation of cardinality; see [1].
Molybdenum is the 54th most abundant element in the Earth's crust with an average of 1.5 parts per million and the 25th most abundant element in the oceans, with an average of 10 parts per billion; it is the 42nd most abundant element in the Universe.[18][50]
Sodium tungstate is a competitive inhibitor of molybdenum. Dietary tungsten reduces the concentration of molybdenum in tissues.[50]
This is an interesting yet possibly inaccurate interpretation as it is entirely possible that they work together under the right conditions which may also include different inhibitory actions under differant conditions.
Protactinium(V) fluoride forms white crystals where protactinium ions are arranged in pentagonal bipyramids and coordinated by 7 other ions. The coordination is the same in protactinium(V) chloride, but the color is yellow. The coordination changes to octahedral in the brown protactinium(V) bromide, but is unknown for protactinium(V) iodide. The protactinium coordination in all its tetrahalides is 8, but the arrangement is square antiprismatic in protactinium(IV) fluoride and dodecahedral in the chloride and bromide. Brown-colored protactinium(III) iodide has been reported, where protactinium ions are 8-coordinated in a bicapped trigonal prismatic arrangement.[67]
Protactinium(V) fluoride and protactinium(V) chloride have a polymeric structure of monoclinic symmetry. There, within one polymeric chain, all halide atoms lie in one graphite-like plane and form planar pentagons around the protactinium ions. The 7-coordination of protactinium originates from the five halide atoms and two bonds to protactinium atoms belonging to the nearby chains. These compounds easily hydrolyze in water.[68] The pentachloride melts at 300 °C and sublimates at even lower temperatures.
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