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Heads of Adelaide Motorcycle Clubs... If Steve Dee/Perna/Henderson is a Member of Your Club Pretending to be Afraid for his Family - You Are Being Played... Just Like Another Club Member 10years Ago!

Mark Parker

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

Heads of all Adelaide Motorcycle Clubs aka "Bikies" I'm raising this issue out of respect for myself and you and your clubs. If Steve Dee, Steve Perna, Steve Henderson from Black Forrest is a member & pretending to be scared for his family - there are some things you should know. If not there are some things you should know anyway. I have reason to believe he is playing the victim pretending to be scared of me to try and get a club to turn on me after failing to kill me a month or so ago.

Why would Steve do that?

This story dates back 10years after he violated another club member by lying to them to manipulate them into commiting a violent crime. I don't know which club as he was possibly a nom for a few at different times and I wish I didn't know the things I do.

I am a recovering Alcoholic with over 20years recovery experience currently 8.5years Sober & roughly 10years ago when Sponsoring Steve I was robbed. Steve said he could get my stuff back which I eventually reluctently agreed to on the condition that there was no violence.

Next thing Steve phoned saying fucked up shit had gone down. Which turned out to be that he had lied to one of his "Bikie" mates and manipulated them to go to someones house and violently assult them. When the police arived the bloke apparently pulled a gun on a cop and got tasered.

I'm not 100% sure what order I got all of that information as he was brief on the phone but said enough for me to freak out and go to an old friends house who I used to go to school with up in the hills and I had recently cought up after over a decade. Bad move but life (& a shit ton of death) had left me in a position with no other options. This was Gab Fox.

As I had previously spoken to Steves mother a few times at his request who was sick to death of her drunken son & apparently had enough respect with Motorcycle Clubs to have bailed him out of shit on numerous occasions - I was considering and even asked Gab if I could swap my shitty but stock 98WRX for his shitty sock VX Commadore to drive to victoria to speak with Steves mothter. I'd basically decided that I possibly needed to approach the head of the club as Steve actions were the opposite to my one condition & as he lied to the member I didn;t trust he would lie and put the situation back on me. Of course I didn't know where to start and it wasn't a converstation I was comfortable having over the phone.

Whilst peaking unable to sleep due to adrenaline and relapsing scared hiding out at Gabs trying to figure out what to do - I ended up in a shit situation after Sammy Henderson/Foot and Issac Hall rocked up. They started rap battling which wasn't really my thing at the best of times let alone under such fucked up circumstances. Tentions started brewing the less I participated. I wasn't particulrly social and at that stage only Gab knew why. Gab started off trying to remain impartial and lead me in but i had far too bigger shit on my mind. It was all recored and later used to gaslight me. Issac dissing me then gab slowing loosing patience. Sammy Henderson was kinda on edge as she could see how it was likely to play out which at the time didn't seem like something she wanted to see though recent years I can see she is another conciencenceless criminal with the subtle role she's played. I could see it too and eventially tried beating around the bush which only made things worse until I let the whole lot out. Gab kinda held me back as when it came it fucken came out. At the time it certainly defused the situation as it was the last thing anyone expected. I even mentioned the fact that I'd been lead to believe the cunt who ordered the hit was a fucken ex Triad which was kind of unique as that's not something you usually like to be an ex.

Issac told me a day or so laer that he told some "friends" by which stage Gab may have said he needed to stopped Issac being "Nommed-Up". Back then it was used against me and I susspect active involvement of at least one club due to the sudden Harleys up and down my street. It became increasingly obvious i was being set up by Gab. I'd taken that much of a beating by that stage i was swinging between having such little fight left in me that at times I'd have let anyone who was shit enough of a cunt kill me. However things got to the point I also serious considered and came extremely close to solving the problem before fucking off interstate. That was the first time someone ever scared me enough to consider such action. However, I chose to just fuck off interstate until things cooled down. I've never trusted him since even though part of me would have liked to have us to all live happily ever after.

At some point several video's namely the ones that proved it was an attempted murder were deleted and Gab and crew were the only people with the oppertunity to delete them. I had a car accident the same week it all happened and had a severe concussion which took me days to find the nock to my head. I was also stupid as I would never do something like that. I do believe there are several back up copies but most I have are of the deleted version which shows a middle file where my brother saved my life was removed, along with footage of and at a hotel after I was robbed featuring a phone coversation to whoever hired Paul.

There was a bit of bullshit juggling Steve who I tried to tell people knew but he was always too pissed and chaotic to get anywhere with. I didn't want to start a war but trying to maintain integrity between all parties became challanging to say the least. Especially once under threat which was also a threat to him.

I don't know how to put into context years of Steve rocking up pissed with knife woulds and alsorts of shit. Eventially him and Gab crossed paths which he minimises.

This will be updated with furth info... & a more concise YouTube Video!!!

Video to Heads of Adelaide Motorcycle clubs telling the they are being played. The fact that he is pretending to be scared for his family suggests he is patched up in a club who moved him imediately. Dangerous lying manipulative CUNT.

I miss read the Facebook & thought they were both on the same day & missed the "sucker punching bit". I also was in such a panic that I missed the fact that all posts for an entire year had been deleted except for these couple. Very crafty. At the time I said - "If he is being moved he has manipulated someone just like the poor guy 10years ago". Or was he manipulated.

Wednesday 31sy July...

"[Tho a few people can probably work it out this post does not name the cunt who ordered the original hit]***

I keep saying I was robbed 10yrs ago. Which is true. Tho, I've kind of avoided the fact I've always known it was a botched hit funded by the only other person with cause to want me dead. Someone associated with at least one death I'm likely to take personally & know enough about to be considered a threat.

I disclosed enough info about that in that rap battle at Gabs all those years ago for them to work out who it is. They aren't huge but likely remain financially positioned to fund low level scum to take another shot at me.

10yrs ago all they could afford was Paul Blakeney (the cunt who druged/robbed me & Steve lied to his bikie "mate" to manipulate into assulting before pulling a gun on cop & getting tazered). Interestingly, whilst I hoped the peice of shit would be dead by now - double checking the spelling of his name suggests hes also involved in the hiphop/rap whatever scene.

Once again, it all comes down to knowing too much about the wrong shit rather than anything I've done. Although, I'm sure I've upset a few people with what I've recently disclosed - To my credit I did keep my mouth shut right up until someone else was stupid enough to fail to kill me."

Added a little bit more context although!!!

I will have to double check but I am sure that Wednesday 20th August is when Steve rang up and manipulated me into removing the burside units from FB and what I didn't realises was the following round about adress showing how he was avioding the "home security camera setup" if he is now a patched member manipulating a club to take action against me. There is no way either Steve or Gab or the countless others involved had the information they did unless they were in contact. And as I have every criminal thug in town surrounding my home I have no reservations regarding disclosing such information. He kept telling me that he was going to the gold coast or somewhere soon when gaslighting me prior to me putting the brakes on. I expect that as Gab is in Bali & I have had others trying everything to bait me that he is far enough away from the city to have a perfect alibi whilst awaiting for news of my demise.

I deleted a map I put up showing how steve avaded the club camera's. Partly due to him ringing up begging and me giving the benifit of the doubt even though I had countless reasons not to. I deleted the adresses then evewntially removed it fully. I even question how I came to believe clubs monitor camera's but who knows. I don't really know who to trust. It's stupid considering the amount of activitiy around my home but seems like the right thing to do. The point is the cameras were avaded so it hardly needs a depiction and as much as I doubt it would cause any issues it seems like the right thing to do for his misses and children.


Interestingly... The Morning of the above Activistic Publicity Stunt I ran into Kristy the mother of my children who lives in Whyalla & I had reached out to on the 20th of July, 2024.

There was something extremely wrong with the fact that she was there in the first place. It was almost too convienient like she was pretending she didn't want me to notice her exactly where she was most likely to be noticed. Considering the advice I had asked her which she didn't respond to, a range of factors over the past decade and the fact that she knows where I live and there are 100 chemists and shopping complexes she could have gone to if she was really trying to aviod me - I'm unsure what to make of the fact she was there and scurried off the way she did.

4th October

I'll upgrade the above from four to five. There are more corssovers than I am comfortable speaking to. Some things are too convenient. I don't know what to fucken do? It's a lot of effort to scare TF out of someone. But the longevity of it and so many other aspects do not make sense.

It's fucked I kinda miss the mad cunt. Not the stress. But watching someone as hopeless as I've described grow and become what I thought was miricle progress as a father, partner and friend was beautiful ini it's own way. At least something whilst I've been took broken to get on my fucked up feet again. This has been in the making for years. I kinda felt like Gad hated me but I had no idea Steve did too. I'm a bit of a dumb cunt in ways really!



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