We'll hopefully my only hackers are Wikipedia which is fair enough. I'd basically assumed they'd lost the fight and was madly trying to rescue enough information to support Universal Asylums futile attempts to save society from our greatest threats. Before I go any further Universal Asylum claimed Global authority several years ago now naming World Governments criminal organisations and recently upgrading the US Government to Bioterrorism. Whilst Universal Asylum is more than diplomatic in allowing it's civilians to remove to criminal from power and understand they'll still need to maintain order amongst themselves whilst we work towards establishing a system that serves all American law is otherwise internationally null and void.
Now I don't want to push my luck on "copyrights" violations but there a couple of last things I'd like to map out before trying to move over to Wikipedia. Once I work out how to use the technology it will be far easier on there. This website is great for a condensed founding page but there I don't have the problem of trying to do it all on my own. A consistent platform from information is a component of what Universal Asylums planning to build anyway and being faced with them being closed down I realised they were one of the few charities with the right skills and proven values that assuming we avoid genocide and WW3 if they got shut down I was more than happy for Wikipedia to rebuild under Universal Asylum. Yeah the whole copyright and AI shit is going to require thorough review. After nearly being driven to suicide and unsure how much of that was humans of AI it needs to be set up safely. Copyrights tricky tho, if everyone rewords every definition it waters things down. Especially in cases like me as a social worker, having done the physical work and learned enough language understand what is happening but unable to speak 10 different languages well enough to get anyone to take me seriously - I kinda need to map the last of this stage of my work out prior to and present it in a manner where people of different backgrounds can tidy things up. I'm scared to use the content I've acquired whilst fiddling with Wikipedia I cannot speculate on there the way I can here....
As things currently stand it would seem all systems and technology Associated with Universal Asylum have been critically compromised. It would appear that this is associated with Wikipedia who are currently outlaw subjects of the notorious terrorist organisation known as the United States of America. Wikipedia has the potential to serve as either an asset of a liability to society. Unfortunately, American entrepreneurs have a shocking history of establishing institutions under the guise of the purest intentions to position themselves precisely in positions of power to commit the atrocious crimes against humanity contradicting all the wonderful values they are pretending to uphold. Universal Asylum has a number of insurance mechanisms supporting its community responsibility to ensure people are no longer in positions to abuse such systems. Therefore, Wikipedia is invited to sign over executive shares to Universal Asylum as the first step in proving they are not merely another terrorist institution conspiring with the WHO, UN and US Government who are all required to forfeit executive powers.
It presently remains unclear the exact extent that myself and Universal Asylum have been compromised. However, it would seem they have acquired administrative powers to almost all accounts associated with my personal/professional computers, emails and possibly the Universal Asylum website. For example I can log into machines yet have been removed from having executive authority to run factory restore or remove potentially malicious files. Due to being burned out and the vulnerabilities associated with having pure intentions I stupidly signed up to Wikipedia which of course was welcoming and provided a “tutorial” which lured me into doing things that I don’t understand the implications of. For example: “you can help” making small edits just click this or that which I expect were anything other than they were presented. After being provided examples of the US buying out copyrights of foreign scientists to ensure they were never reprinted, particularly in English. Many of these were from Germany which as reflected by previous publications there was already enough reasons to question Americas potential contribution to the holocaust. It didn’t make sense for Germany to go from having the highest standard of academics in the history of mankind to murdering 1000’s of innocent Jews. I’m not claiming Germans weren’t involved as the same result could easily be repeated by placing the worst people of any of the best societies in the wrong positions of power. However, Universal Asylum would like to think any of the world leaders who are half worthy of their position would agree that it's in everyones interests for us to all work together in developing a system where noone can ever obtain such levels of power enabling such atrocities.
It is extremely questionable how America was even aware of which scientists work to copyright immediately upon their death or expiry of such rights. Additionally, the Germans had something in common with the Jews providing motive for perhaps the most powerful extremist terrorist institutions in history to reign such severe terror upon them that they are yet to fully recover. This is the fact that evidence suggest that Germans and the Jews rejected Christianity. Wikipedia manipulated me into taking on the rights on numerous works relating to the subject (assuming they provided with correct translations) to protect them with what I was lead to believe was making them publicly owned. I have no idea the licence as I was halfway through filling in some form when my browser started crashing and shut down without completing any forms. When it reopened I somehow had I believe 6 licences all of which are null and void merely providing examples of why technology needs to be set up safely. Anyways, although I support the fact that evidence of what really happened in Germany should all remain publicly available it wasn’t until after the question of why do they need my help with the particular matter. Whilst Wikipedia is in a position to unite all participating countries which is something I fully support they are also in the position to manipulate and divide people of foreign cultures. At this point in time I trust Germany far more than Wikipedia until there’s reason to believe otherwise.
It’s interesting Googling terrorism countless definitions come up often relating to extremist religious ideology and political objectives. Interestingly terrorism is associated with virtually every single form of religion except monotheism. One of the books Wikipedia needed my help to preserve described an insidiously cowardice form of caucasian and the manner by which they massacred unsuspecting religious leaders and otherwise exploited others. This was in in the Caucasus, Georgie which described geological features of critical significance along with aspect of its history written by a German throughout his expedition around the early 1800’s. The text was likely of relevance to Germain academia and also featured a symbol written above the entrance of an ancient place of worship describes as much more basic than anything he’d seen with what were described as ancient texts etched into the walls from an earlier culture that had at some point clearly since been altered to include what was possibly a later translation. The letters above the entrance he copied claiming he was able to get all but one letter translated. This particular glyph just so happened to resemble a half formed Swastika which the closest symbols I can fine are “tones” which can be rearranged into different formations and have long been out of use. This fits with descriptions of psychedelic honey and tungsten like minerals in healing springs. The word features three of letters translated a e’s which from what I’ve seen were commonly associated with “tone” arrangements, and along side a “phi” glyph could be rearranged to reflect the cyclic frequency of shamanic divining substances naturally abundant in the the region. As the mystery letter resembled an upside down T it is possible to arrange the e’s on each of the ends making three connected phi’s which attached to the fourth resembles one of the nicer variations of the infamous swastika.
As Christianity/Catholicism has strictly forbidden and spent thousands of years destroying all knowledge of such sacred connections it seems almost too convenient for everyone to consider a symbol sacred to almost every culture but theirs - associated with genocide. It’s hard to tell without the missing literature from the century between. However, German academics had such knowledge early in their establishment of the most advanced algebraic models in history. Such models contributed to the nomenclature applied to so much of the ecological system it could never be fully erased. One of the first amino acids discovered was proven essential nearly 200years ago according to literature supplied by Wikipedia. However and regardless, the fact so much German scientific literature is missing in relation to DNA and mapping out the amino acid systems is of extreme significance. Especially regarding the “Trypt”orphan and Tryptamine which were most likely complex substitutional algebraic formulas denoting the forma as supporting a standard configuration and the latter an essential secondary configuration. Tryptophan is capable of a limited range of functions whilst secondary configuration in virtually infinite prefixed by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine. The T is interchangeable with Tungsten and possibly Tritium both involved nuclear spin 10fold over the standard for the purpose of DNA/RNA genetic splicing. Although more detailed descriptions of chromosomes came later “Trypt” as an algebraic formula fits with the naming of relevant genetic systems which is clear but difficult to describe without an advanced understanding of algebra and genetic systems. These formulas also apply to nuclear physics which they fit like a glove to. But that’s how advanced the German intellectuals were at the time who treated naming important things like chemicals and nuclear products serious.
The only reason someone would wish to buy up and bury information that would benefit everyone is that it’s not good for business and it proves their monotheistic religion merely an insidious from of social control. Plus you can’t make money out of medicine if everyones eating well enough for sickness to become a rarity. In americas favour once again the knowledge was used to create nuclear weapons and enough war that by time it was over everyone was so confused that only America knew the truth about Germany. However, systems were names so well that science inevitably figured out enough again to know that eating tryptamine regularly supported health and completely depriving such essential amino acids from peoples diets leaves them in a malnourished gradually degenerative state. The US Gov, WHO and UN knew this in 1971 when they created policy preventing science from learning anymore of the truth. Based on the scientific evidence the UN and WHO officially declared themselves bio-terrorist in the policy they released that year kicking off Nixons “war on drugs”. As the degenerative nature was know it is likely that this was and still is part of a long term genocidal plan to take global control cleansing the world of all evil leaving only good christians in their place.
But christians aren’t terrorists just all the religions that came before them. Even though everyone knows that Christianity was nothing but a way for the weak to maintain social control. It was so effective it lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire within a relatively short period. Oh and of course including the mudding of pagans and burning of witches ect. Yeah, nah. Those christian cunts aren’t terrorists with deranges extremist ideology at all.