Diamonds are Carbons only isotope. Therefore, it's not unreasonable to suggest that DMT's got fucken Diamond nano particles in it, which is how it seemingly instantly refracts critical information across the celular network. It's litterally capable operating at the speed of light. Diamons are transparent so the closest thing to white you can get and the furthest opposite version of carbon being black and light weight more water permiatable but neither particulay fussed about it. They could well be polyatomic with Tryptophans. Carbolines are named as if they have diamonds in their carbon too. However, there is one named Tryptaline or something too which may also have a pair of unpaired electrons or charactoristics enabling it to take a lead role with DMT and Tryptophan. Diamond comes from Ancient Greek: ἀδάμας adámas, meaning "unbreakable", "proper", or "unalterable" kind of like DMT. My old man used to call me his "crazy diamond". Not that I'm most of those things unless you consider propper an oxymoron as I do my best to maintain higher standards than that. it's almost certain that Tungsten is one of the main eliments that that DMT and Tryptophan have combinations of unpaired electrons and other particles
According to a bunch of other scientists, due to "independence", free radicals are mostly unstable, highly reactive and potentially dangerous [6][53][54] which is consistent with clear general scientific bias against "instability". However, along with scientists advocating for the significance of free radicals [9] such as N,N-DimethylTryptamine (DMT) (and Tryptophan whlist in one anothers or otherwise the righ company role in proving a stable work environment via equitable donor / acceptor exchanges of NH/CH groups [22][23][24][26] through to electrons, protons atoms, etc - I'd argue that's all about context and treated right free radicals have the potential to serve as our greatest assets as an essential component of evolution [55][56][57] and second others cautioning the critical nature of how such complex chemical interrelationships are interpreted [58]. Ironically, taking romance so seriously I'd never do something as plain and boring as insult a woman by giving her a flower. Except that one time I got cock-blocked by this chicks mates at the end of the night but she told me she was a detective so I dressed up as a delivery boy and walked into the Elizabeth CIB hoping not to get shot for it being mistaken for a bomb. Anyways the point is I had no idea that when it came to freaking out the one bitch I don't even know why I'm so hung up on - presenting her with the most valuable asset on the planet it could well have in fact just been a boring old bag of diamonds..
Based on avaible scientifc evidence and the complex nature of such interaction even if it were possible to identify the exact particle exchanges involved it would not be possible to doccument them in a comprehensive manner succinctly enough for possibly anyone to read in a lifetime. However, that's not nessessary. There is more than enough scientific evidence to support humans consume virtually all elements and that DMT's basic donor acceptor exchanges with tryptophan polarise the amino acid system, and electron transfers to support the following hypothesis. This is that in addition to the amino acid system the consumption of DMT (particularly consumed orrally in combination with β-carbolines) creates a polarised equilibrium between every particle within the entire human system, stablising "unstable" nuclides capable of exciting the otherwise seemingly lazy and unreactive ones by uniting them to work together as one, enhancing and retarding different qualities involving carefully coordinated cascades of more variables than science is currently equipped to trace let alone comprehend.
Universal Asylum has 100's of samples proving that I have incidentally consumbed all kinds of metals which I have recently learned inevitably include radioactive isotopes potentially more powerful than Uranium in conjunction with methyl radicals known for donating un-bonded electrons. Considering collision theory along side the quantities consumed under a diverse range of extreme physical conditions [59] throughout Universal Asylums radical unorthorised experimental medical research which consistently repeated profoundly harmonious results without in a single nuclear disaster, along side the scientific evidence of the profound and diverse health benifits of combinations of such substances: it is not unreasonable to suggest their consumption plays a critical role in facilitating obsolute polarity of all particles beyond the nano scale into the quantum realm that facilitate critical roles in supporting the health of Humans and other species. Although not constantly required like Tryptophan and Oxygen, scientific evidence confirms that prolonged deprivation of such nutritional components of a regular healthy diet presents extreme threats to the health of individuals and genetic degredation of the human collective, posing a critical threat an ecological context on the brink of collapse which we shouldn't have to be dependent upon to give a fuck about. Therefore, there is no ethical logical grounds for organic substances such as DMT in particular along with countless others to be considered anything other than essential nutritional components of a regular healthy diet.
To provide a solid foundation to support speaking in general terms regarding critically significant natural processes many will find hard to comprehend particularly comming from someone who's highest level of education is a Bachelor of Social Work the following paragraps will state some referenced facts. Humans naturally consume far more of basically every element on the periodic table than most are likely to realise which will be discussed in further detail. Whilst our dependance upon amino acids is common knowledge it is of great relevance that amino acids are hierarchal in nature and have significant influence over transitional metals we also consume such as titanium (Ti), Lead (Pb), Platinum (Pt) Yttrium (Y) in the construction of metal alloy coated carbon nano structures such as nanotubes and other coordination complexes [74][75][76]. Amines also naturally absorb as trace elements such as tungsten (W) which collectively contribute to food and nutrition providing we eat the right plants [63][64]. It is possible to extract Tungsten (W) Lanthanum (La), Cerium (Ce) and (neodymium (Nd) from Scheelite which is a calcium tungstate mineral ore using tertiary amines, then extract the other metals prior to the Tungsten via ammonium solution [68][62]. Based on the processes described the results show a dominant affinity between tungsten and amino acids which is possibly due to a stronger nuclear connection [60]. This is of great significance due to the evidence of amines seemingly having dominant influence over transitional metals in the formation nanotubes and coordination complexes responsible for and dependant upon any combination of pressure, thermodynamics, electromagnetic frequency, management of "unstable" nucleotides in radically excited states likely involving quantum scale nuclear reactions of various natures including the release and capture of nuclear energy on a particle scale coordinated via a complex a hyperplane configuration harmoniously increasing the power and efficiency of our biological systems by 10fold.
In fact several recent studies have reported self assembling nano-structures featuring photocatalytic π–π* and n–π* transitions of 2 electrons and UV light [25][26][27]. It is also noteworthy that all of the above is associated with DMT's antiviral, anti-parasite, anti-baterium actions, in addition to anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and anti-cancer actions, and healthy genetic expression which is scientifically recognised to consume unsued mRNA protein which otherwise accumulates causing countless health issues [73][77][78][79][80][81][82][83]. Although much of this could be put down to the supergolden ratio of chemical reactions there would appear to be at least two primary intimately connected conscious entities sharing control in a state that perhaps could be described as singularity. Having narrowed things down as much as possible this could be a case Thorium and Bismuth acting through DMT and Tryptophan via the exchange of a few electrons and other particles or forms of matter. However, there's presumably a connecting intermediate operating through β-carbolines. Not that it really matters, as each would still require the same right combination of electrons, protrons and nutrons (and "smaller" particles) to exchange to activate the polarised configuration. Entertaining Human arrogance one must admit it's entirely possible this all works by consuming DMT merely connecting to our subconscious which knows precisely what to do as reflected by our broader unquestionably devine contribution to life on earth. However, a more plausible possibility would seem that it connects the deepest levels of our subconciousness to some form of collective conscience via particle exchange of radioactive nuclearides capable of naturally facillitating the regular mutual exchange of information to facilitate healthy coevolution of life within this universe and beyond.
It's not just a case of this sacred connection being severed causing unhealthy excess protine causing human disease in adition to genetic deterioration after centuries of nutritional deprivation. Ecologically, urgent attention must be drawn to the fact that 8billion people (and animals) being denied their naturally healthy regular weekly dose of methyl radicals (diriviatives of Methane capable of influencing it's levels) is directly contributing to escalating methane levels on a scale that can be considered the primary cause. According to the United Nations "Methane emissions are driving climate change.". Yet once again just like the viruses it's their recklessly obsurd "drug" policy causing the problem. Which makes them either too ignorant and incompetent for their position, which is hard to believe with the resources at their disposal. Or bioterrorists by their own definition!

In humans excess methane production is associated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-is a Gram negative bacteria that colonizes the gastric epithelium of more than 50% of the adult population worldwide {89] and the excretion of far greater levels of methane gas [90]. However, greater than expected methane excretion is also recognised regardless of infection indicating broader gastrointestinal imbalances [92]. There is evidence of our systems directing the few available free radicals in response to severe infections. However, medical interpretations of this fail to consider this as a sign of malnourished immune response in addition to making assumptions regarding the nature of the bacterium associated with carcinogenesis, inflamation and susspected of altering miRNA expression [91]. Whilst this subject requires it's own publication DMT and similar substances scientifically recognised role in the regulation of antiinflamitory systems and mRNA processes, in addition to it's anticaner, anti-tumour, anti viral and antibacterial actions, etc indicate that nutritional deprivation is more likely the cause of dysfunctional DNA methylation and the cascade of associated issues covered in the litriature above [93][94][95]. In this sense it is likely that DMT is essential to supporting syntrophy which is a form of interdependent cross feeding between multiple microbial species contributing to the healthy metabolism of nutrients, growth factors, or substrates. Their interdependant capacity to do so in a healthy manner is dependant upon their host consuming essential nutritional requirments established over millions of years of coevolution. Where the most important requirments are not sustained even "good" bacteria and "parasites" can become less able to supoort one anothers health creating complex imbalances potentially contributing to unhealthy mutation, spread or pathogenic reactions, whilst leaving the system vulnerable to forign entities. Once it gets to this stage it's difficult to tell the good from the bad. This is where assumptions can get extremely dangerous as a microspecies seemingly causing methane could in fact "thriving" on it? It is entirely possible that H. Pylori are Methanotrophs aka methanophiles, which are prokaryotes that metabolize methane as their source of carbon and chemical energy.
According to Wikipedia, "in biogeochemistry, remineralisation (or remineralization) refers to the breakdown or transformation of organic matter (those molecules derived from a biological source) into its simplest inorganic forms. These transformations form a crucial link within ecosystems as they are responsible for liberating the energy stored in organic molecules and recycling matter within the system to be reused as nutrients by other organisms.[1]
This doesn't just apply to bacterium, viruses and parasites but also the speciece of biomolecules and nutrition we eat. Having read recently that iron is our greatest nutritional deficiency, I'd argue that's more likely due to a deficiency in DMT etc causing a cascade of problems. Like the excess proteins caused by many RNA systems not operating at all or as they should things like build ups of heavy metals in different areas of our bodies start to occur causing complex cascades of issues.
In addition to being the only metallic bioorganic nutrient, Tungsten is reportedly one of the most powerful "antibacterial" and "antiviral" compounds [103] particularly highly negative charged polyoxotungstates against bacterium such as H. Pylori [104]. Some are fixed on ideas of eradicating bacterial disbalences assuming they are strictlly "bad" . However, studies from a more holistic perspective involving a tungsten supplemented molybdenum-free diet have shown that supplemented diet attenuates bacterial translocation [102]. This should not be interpreted that Molybdenum is bad and tungsten good in any exclusive sense as this too is likely a case of creating balance. Unfortunately, our species are cowards and like to perpetuate fear with language such as "tungten-contaminated soil" in relation to a perfectly natural occurrence on the off-chance tungstens presence in cabbage could be detrimental to health. However, interestingly the same study revealed that "bacterial inoculation did not affect lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) growth or tungsten uptake via root, tungsten-resistant bacteria increased translocation of tungsten from root to shoot". Inoculation with tungsten-resistant bacteria and plant growth increased microbial diversity in tungsten-contaminated soil. Then they conclude that the "results indicate a role of the bacteria and plants in phytoremediation of tungsten-contaminated soil" as if they have found a solution to something the results indicate isn't even a problem [106]. One way to get funding I guess. A more critial and integral conclusion might be along the lines of "after exploring a range of variables, the combination of bacteria X and cabbage in a tungsten rich soil appears to support healthy balanced micro-biodiversity". Therefore it is entirely possible a little bit of tungsten naturally filtered through cabbage and other plants could potentially help balance healthy biodiversity of bacteria and other micro-organisms within the human system warrenting further studies into biodiversity in such organic micro-environments.
It would appear that Tungsten has the potential to act as a metabolite for Electrogenic Bacteria which are found in mud. Electrogenic bacteria are a group of microorganisms that can transfer electrons across the cell envelope onto different electron acceptors, such as electrodes and minerals, or even to another bacteria. The process is based on the electrochemical interactions between microbes and electrodes [1,2]. For this process to function, a potential microbe must have proper reducing power and a cellular mechanism through which the electrons can be transferred from the living organism onto the abiotic surface [3] [108].
The essential role of molybdenum in biology has been recognised for decades and molybdoenzymes are ubiquitous. Yet, it is only recently that a biological role for tungsten has been established in prokaryotes, although not as yet in eukaryotes." [109]. "Molybdenum is the only second-row transition metal that is required by most living organisms, and the few species that do not require molybdenum use tungsten" [110]. The best characterized organisms with regard to their metabolism of tungsten are certain species of hyperthermophilic archaea (Pyrococcus furiosus and Thermococcus litoralis), methanogens (Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and Mb. wolfei), Gram-positive bacteria (Clostridium thermoaceticum, C. formicoaceticum and Eubacterium acidaminophilum), Gram-negative anaerobes (Desulfovibrio gigas and Pelobacter acetylenicus) and Gram-negative aerobes (Methylobacterium sp. RXM). Of these, only the hyperthermophilic archaea appear to be obligately tungsten-dependent. Four different types of tungstoenzyme have been purified: formate dehydrogenase, formyl methanofuran dehydrogenase, acetylene hydratase, and a class of phylogenetically related oxidoreductases that catalyze the reversible oxidation of aldehydes. These are carboxylic reductase, and three ferredoxin-dependent oxidoreductases which oxidize various aldehydes, formaldehyde and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. All tungstoenzymes catalyze redox reactions of very low potential (≤−420 mV) except one (acetylene hydratase) which catalyzes a hydration reaction. The tungsten in these enzymes is bound by a pterin moiety similar to that found in molybdoenzymes. The first crystal structure of a tungsten- or pterin-containing enzyme, that of aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase from P. furiosus, has revealed a catalytic site with one W atom coordinated to two pterin molecules which are themselves bridged by a magnesium ion." [109]. Tungsten (W) interferes with molybdenum (Mo) binding sites [111] however, this is to be expected if Tungsten is a key metabolic component of a secondary metabolic tryptic configuration which requires Molybdium to stand down whilst W increases the power and efficience of everything for a temporary period of time dependant upon how much energy is required and how much work is to be done.
Another study confirming tungsten electron acceptation from the most strictly anaerobic bacterium Aromatoleum aromaticum which made it unique amongst other species in a study that identified 24 enzymes indicating tungsten plays a role in the human gut microbiome [112]. The name Aromatoleum aromaticum is very interesting. Almost as if it is relient upon a couple of highly aromating Molecules to funnction properly.
The subject of Methane excretion due to the balance of micro organism / micronutrient biodiversity within the gastrointestinal system re-raised the possibility that it is likely that both DMT and β-Carboline molecules may contain various nanoscale gasious clathrate crypts within their carbons. These could include micro Methane clathrate aka methane hydrate, hydromethane, a solid clathrate compound (more specifically, a clathrate hydrate) in which a large amount of methane is trapped within a crystal structure of water, forming a solid similar to ice.[1][2][3][4][5][6]. β-Carboline (9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) represents the basic chemical structure for more than one hundred alkaloids and synthetic compounds. The effects of these substances depend on their respective substituent. Beta-carboline is the parent compound of the beta-carbolines, a tricyclic structure comprising an indole ring system ortho- fused to C-3 and C-4 of a pyridine ring. It has a role as a marine metabolite and a fungal metabolite. It is a member of beta-carbolines and a mancude organic heterotricyclic parent {99}. However, According to PubChem Ethane aka Dimethyl is a compressed gas with a chemical formula CH3CH3: {66]. Ethyl is an organic radical derive from a hydride of an ethane. [67]. This brings into question weather it's a methyl or ethyl and alll aspects of the name. Why is there an "M" if it's an ethyl?

According to a variety of sources via PubChem Ethane is a compressed gas with a chemical formula CH3CH3: also called Dimethyl {100]. Ethyl is an organic radical derive from a hydride of an ethane. [101]. Ethane appears as a colorless odorless gas. It is easily ignited. The vapors are heavier than air. It can asphyxiate by the displacement of air. Under prolonged exposure to fire or intense heat the containers may rupture violently and rocket. Contact with the liquid may cause frostbite [100].
CAMEO Chemicals: Ethane, refrigerated liquid appears as a colorless odorless very cold liquid. Boils at -88.6 °C. Easily ignited and a flame can flash back to the source of a leak very easily. Vapors are heavier than air. Vapors can asphyxiate by the displacement of air from enclosed spaces. Direct contact can cause frostbite. Contact of very cold liquid with water may result in vigorous or violent boiling. If the water is hot, there is the possibility that a liquid "superheat" explosion may occur. Pressures may build to dangerous levels if liquid gas contacts water in a closed container. CAMEO Chemicals: Ethane is an alkane comprising of two carbon atoms. It has a role as a refrigerant and a plant metabolite. It is a gas molecular entity and an alkane. ChEBI: Ethane has been reported in Humulus lupulus, Aster scaber, and other organisms with data available. LOTUS - the natural products occurrence database ETHANE is a small molecule drug with a maximum clinical trial phase of II and has 1 investigational indication. Open Targets: A two carbon alkane with the formula H3C-CH3. [100]
One of the studies into "9.2 Absorption, Distribution and Excretion" claimed that what they called the precurser of N, N-dimethyltryptamine, presumably their synthetic version of their best attempt to reconstruct "DMT" being N, methyltryptamine did not impact levels in urine in the same manner in respons to them raising the pH levels [100]. This suggests to me that they're so called precursor is in fact a differnet substance and that the real DMT has ethyl in it and the whatever synthetic one possibly methyl. The point was that whilst the N, methyltryptamine might have some benifits it is inferior to DMT, the healthier unadulterated versions. Additionally we want the versions which have other minerals attached to them such as Tungsten. Whilst there were also studies mentioned that suggesting DMT was processed in a manner more like a food than a drug [100] one of the problems with medical science is trying to isolate components of complex processes they are yet to understand

Diphosphooctadecatungstate(6-) [87]
Interestingly the bacteria lead to the identification of the WW domains which are protein–protein interaction modules approximately 40 amino acids residues, and as the name implies, they are defined by the presence of two conserved tryptophan residues [96]. Such domains require DMT and Tryptophan to work together as free radicals to function effectively if even at all and based on their W's possibly require a pair of tungsten diatomic molecules, potentially like the one below to undertake some hardcore overdue system maintenance involving far heavier duty forms of phosphorylation than usual and the formation, application and deconstruction of a range of coordination complexes and interconected metal alloy carbon nanostructures previously hypothesised to directly interact with gasterointestinal systems. Recent studies also demonstrated that Tryptamine induced significant changes in E. coli colony biofilm morphology, transitioning across a range ofphenotypes, indicating reduced extracellular matrix production in addition to broader tests highlighting its potent antibacterial properties [98].

Uptake of tungsten and a broad range of trace elements in plants including Psychotria species increases with pH. Some elements include Nickel (Ni), Cobolt (Co), Copper (Cu), Zink (Zn), Cadium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Maganese (Mn), Selenium (Se), Arsnic (As) andThallium (Tl), common soil elements such as Aluminium (Al) and Silicone (Si) and so called "non-essential "(ultra-)trace elements such as Barium (Ba), Strontium (Sr), Antimony (Sb), Tungsten (W), Palladium (Pd) [69][70]. In addition to pH, plant species and natural Plutonium (Pu) and Uranium (U) as opposed to human processed waste producets were the greatest factors in plant uptakeof Pu and U with a mustard variety comming up high again as with tungsten [71][72]. This is to say that Mustard is just one common example of humans consumtion Uranium and Plutonium. However, at this stage I eexpect a coordinateation complex structure basically mirroring the above forming a distroted diamond cubic formation which might make more sense in relation to hexamethyltungstate.

Hexamethyltungsten is the chemical compound W(CH3)6 also written WMe6. Classified as a transition metal alkyl complex, hexamethyltungsten is an air-sensitive, red, crystalline solid at room temperature; however, it is extremely volatile and sublimes at −30 °C.
W(CH3)6 adopts a distorted trigonal prismatic geometry with C3v symmetry for the WC6 framework and C3 symmetry including the hydrogen atoms. The structure (excluding the hydrogen atoms) can be thought of as consisting of a central atom, capped on either side by two eclipsing sets of three carbon atoms, with one triangular set slightly larger but also closer to the central atom than the other. The trigonal prismatic geometry is unusual in that the vast majority of six-coordinate organometallic compounds adopt octahedral molecular geometry.
At room temperature, hexamethyltungsten decomposes, releasing methane and trace amounts of ethane.
The Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs, 2nd edt. (2015) claims "a radical (sometimes called free radical) is a chemical species that contains one or more unpaired electrons and is sufficiently stable for independent existence [52]. Recent studies are claimed to support what they described as "the thesis that plasma N and H radicals are the kinetics-controlling plasma species. This support stems from the realization that only the inclusion of N and H radicals in our models can readily explain key experimental observations for plasma-assisted NH3 synthesis such as: i) similar catalytic activity for Fe and Ag (two metals at the opposite ends of N2 dissociation capabilities), ii) activity increase in Fe (a metal that readily dissociates N2) relative to thermal catalysis, and iii) detection of catalyst-bound N2HY species. We also find the N radicals (a source of surface-bound N*) to be more important in nitrophobic metals and H radicals (a hydrogenating agent via Eley-Rideal reactions) to be more important in nitrophilic metals" [9]. This elluds to the fact that such free radicals are either in possession of or possessed by some level of conciousness over selectivity and ability to maintain an equalibrium via kinetic control.
Spending time looking at these colours the other week raised the question of how many colours reqired tracking down? 6 or 8? Afterall, black and white kind of count as the equivelent to nothing and everything of colours which in any form is hard to have both at once so perhapscountless gshades of grey makes it lucky 𝛇. I've learned a lot I wish I'd taken more notes for trying to count atomic properties and other counterqualities. I had considered Dimonds for refraction of light but dismisssed them as too heavy. Until learning about Clathrate hydrate forms when a hydrophobic molecule is entrapped inside a water cage or cavity. Although biomolecular structures also have hydrophobic patches, clathrate-like water is found in only a limited number of biomolecules. Also, while clathrate hydrates form at low temperature and moderately higher pressure, clathrate-like water is observed in biomolecular structure at ambient temperature and pressure. These indicate presence of other factors along with hydrophobic environment behind the formation of clathrate-like water in biomolecules [1].

This got me considering the possibilities of a tiny peice of something heavy trapped in an electromagnetic vacuum chamber! Could enough vacue cause something heavy to become weightless? And therefore defy gravity? Or under conditions of any combination of equal and opposite forces. It wasn't until after extensive reading about the enormous variability between element qualities attempting to weight up the countless ways they can influence one another trying to narrow down the most likely eliments hidden in certain carbons that I realised diamonds were carbons. Therefore it would be entirely possibly that DMT and Tryptophan were a perfect pair of polyatomic guardians to the amino family who almost certainly have nano Diamond particles stashed beneath their carbon cloaks. For the sake of stability it also possible the DMT and tryptophan have a balance of them beween themselves and whilst working together. I read about occasions where its possible for one small diamond particle to get inside another which fit's with what I'm sure I read about a DMT anologue having an enlarged N terminus which might make it possible for light containing crypt carbon concealing a small quantity of any of the noble gases. Whilst Krypton has nomiclatural association with DMT Radon is confirmed to possess an ion and hold a gasious state at room temp. Whilst some form of crystal prison is possible once released diamond particles seem the perfect means of refracting photons between the carbons of the amine network.
Unsure how the diamonds page came up as whilst searching on pubchem and ChEBI and the computer crashed and lost countless reference materials, So what do we have? A less obvious pair of isotopic opposites which are easy to overlook as more or less the heaviest and the lightest, the blackest and whitest, dullest and brightest, etc. However, molecules have to be strong and precise as otherwise they's wear out in detrimental ways and cause mutation as opposed to evolution which are two words that warrant critical discussion in due course. I do also believe they have an odd pair which pub med I think lead me to Bismuth but their are several contenders to lets start with diamonds..
According to CHEBI:33417 a diamond is "an allotropic form of the element carbon with cubic structure which is thermodynamically stable at pressures above 6 GPa at room temperature and metastable at atmospheric pressure. At low pressures diamond converts rapidly to graphite at temperatures above 1900 K in an inert atmosphere. The chemical bonding between the carbon atoms is covalent with sp3 hybridization."

Structure pics PubChem [5]
Found some diamonds semi confirming my big small hypothessis but totally unlike what I imagined more like a quarter with orbital particals out covering a quarter to a third so it is possible its missing the other nuclei. Also a heap of evidence that Diamonds are the best thing for ribosomes which is too technical and /or layed out in a difficult manner to site. Several other publications confirm diamonds having influence upon amino acids and diamond and ribsomal protiens [2][3][4]. There certainly aren't any shortage of scientific enquiries into "nano" diamonds and amino acids [2][3][4][6][7]. However most of them are involving nano partilces far bigger than amino acids themselves let alone their carbons and therfore are only otherwise confirm unusual patterns in amino behavioural affinities towards diamonds. Selectivity of C and N terminal was also confirmed.
In their study titled Unraveling the Bonding Complexity of Polyhalogen Anions: High-Pressure Synthesis of Unpredicted Sodium Chlorides Na2Cl3 and Na4Cl5 and Bromide Na4Br5.Yin Y, Aslandukova A, Jena N, et al (2023) achieved remarkable results with a range of compounds. These support diffferent aspects of my hypothesis in a far simpler yet thorough manner proving it is impossible to track the rapid nanoscale interactions I'm suggesting and also provide additional evidence of unidentified but clear variation between carbons. Their experiments they found phonon improved stability of the structures thought not quite as well as I propose DMT does under the right conditions [10]. To qoute their work...
"The cP8-AX3 (A = Na or K, X = Cl or Br) and hP18-Na4X5 phases also contain polyhalogen anions, but of a different type, infinite linear chains [Cl]∞n– and [Br]∞n–, hitherto unknown for any polyhalides at ambient condition.22 In the cP8-AX3compounds, Cl–Cl and Br–Br distances depend on the cation." " At the same pressure, in ionic high-pressure sodium and potassium chlorides, B2-NaCl and B2-KCl, they are of 2.91 and 3.04 Å, respectively, with a difference twice larger.29,30 In sodium and potassium compounds, such as NaN3/KN3, NaC2/KC2, and NaO2/KO2, featuring molecular anions with strong covalent bonds (N3–, C2–, and O2–), the intramolecular distances are almost similar31−33 (1.177 and 1.183 Å in N3– at ambient pressure, for instance32). Thus, the common crystal chemical analysis suggests that in cP8-AX3 compounds, there is a covalent interaction between halogen atoms in infinite chains but much weaker than in molecular anions." [10].
Taking donor/acceptor relationships between DMT and Tryptophan [22][23][24][26] to a whole new level the previously quoted study also confirmed transfers of electrons into their infinite matrixes which were calculated to be infinate due to electical systems forming polyanions which are presumably reductive at a reductive distance or amount of exchanges. Although science has come a long way in recent years regarding DMT and Tryptophans donor acceptor relationship having all kinds of benifits and resolving issues with RNA that science is unable to explain. The ruductive nature of such carbine structures explains a braod range of receptor connections that otherwise don't add up including connection via dendritic cellular formations.

Consider the above along side the fact that alloying Platinium (Pt) with Yttrium (Y) can increase synergistically by over 7 fold [11] with additional synergetic implications for the qualities of countless elements absorbed into amino acids via plants [18][19][20] and/or otherwise into our systems, the enormous amount of scientific evidence of metalic coated carbon nanostructures, evidence aminos influence such metals [14][15][16] and that psychedelics resolve RNA issues along with virtually all other physiological ailment [17] covered extensively in US Patent Pub. No__2022_0143051 [26] and the limmited success scientists have otherwise controlling such actions - it's not only plausable but highly likely that Tryptophan possesses (or is possessed by) enough of the most dominat coordination element in at least two of her carbons probably the NH/NH2 to keep things running under normal conditions all week on her own, with the help of a few aminos that possibly possess carbon with sime similar qualities to DMT. Furthermore, the only way that DMT and Tryptophan could increase the power and efficiency of autoimmune systems by 10 fold is if they were physiologically capable of taking strict polarised control over not only the entire amino acids system but every particle the entire bio-atomic system via a hyper-divergent secondary configuration including a network capable of coordinating the bypass or inclusion of any combination of 1,200 cell groups, from the smallest red blood cells to the largest muscle fibres, across 60 tissues making up estimated total body counts of ≈36 trillion cells in the male, ≈28 trillion in the female, and ≈17 trillion in the child [12]. Including regulation of oxygen which DMT and Tryptophan are equipped to facilitate as opposed to use of reductive agents which might be more suited to technological purposes [13]. The only way this is possible is via a comprehensive microcarbon network attached to systems capable of producing, sending and recieving precice information litterally at the speed of light. A relatively comprehensive study found N and H radicals to be kinetics-controlling species [9] whilst limmited in respect to infinity, highlights the importance of donor accept species and challanges attempting to completely scientifically comprehend them let alone control them. Whether Tryptophan and "substances" such as DMT are conscious themselves or facilitate neurological connections to deep levels of conciseness they can still be considered masters of micro particle allotrophy on an infinately reductive scale.
Now I've just found something which demonstrates this linking it to uranium which I have been hypothesising is possibly the most dominant actinian.

Cyaphide, P≡C−, is the phosphorus analogue of cyanide. It is not known as a discrete salt; however, in silico measurements reveal that the −1 charge in this ion is located mainly on carbon (0.65), as opposed to phosphorus.
The word "cyaphide" was first coined in 1992, by analogy with cyanide.[27]
Organometallic complexes of cyaphide were first reported in 1992.[28] More recent preparations use two other routes:
From SiR3-functionalised phosphaalkynes
Treatment of the η1-coordinated phosphaalkyne complex trans–[RuH(P≡CSiPh3)(dppe)2]+ with an alkoxide resulted in desilylation, followed by subsequent rearrangement to the corresponding
From 2-phosphaethynolate anion (−OC≡P)
An actinide cyaphide complex can be prepared by C−O bond cleavage of the phosphaethynolate anion, the phosphorus analogue of cyanate.[31] Reaction of the uranium complex [((Ad,MeArO)3N)UIII(DME)] with [Na(OCP)(dioxane)2.5] in the presence of 2.2.2-cryptand results in the formation of a dinuclear, oxo-bridged uranium complex featuring a C≡P ligand.
Credit to From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Phosphaalkyne and Cyaphide
So basically by eating the right nutrition, under the right conditions crystals like the one depicted can be transported exactly where they need to be to undertake a range of roles in forming a supermolecular system incorporating complex networks of cryptands, osyclohexanes, and naanotubes out of appropriate metallic alloys and insolative matirials, with other electromagnetic qualities capable of regulating pressure and thermodynamics. To undertake complex combinations of roles including the completion of hardcore RNA gene splicing.
Zero-dimensional (0D) organic-inorganic metal halides, offer high stability and broadband emission features, optoelectronic applications, including disphenoidal coordinated structures that offer photophysical properties and carrier transport behavior In particular, the largest Stokes shift (1.981 eV) and the shortest exciton self-trapping time, demonstrating the best photoluminescence emission ability [32]. Now those scientists were cumming in their jox over the energy industry but these same biophysiolohical principals apply to supporting why DMT, Psilicybin, Ibogadine, Salvia Divinorum and carbolines are confirmed to play major roles in RNA splicing via processes which use up a broad range of otherwise excess protiens admitted to be causing the majority of health issues and genetic degradation!
Here's another quote from open minded nuclear physicists who claim to have found a unique behaviour in the transition pressure claiming to have devised "an approach independent of polyhedral volume which can be used for any AB8 (A: cation, B: anion) type snub-disphenoidal system" [33]. This supports my hypothises on the possibility of DMT and Tryptophan being part of a interconnected duel configuration polar system. Apparently, " An ideal regular polyhedron always contains a unique point inside, equidistant from the vertices. This point represents the position of a cation in the polyhedron, whereas the vertices serve as the positions of anions or the central atoms of ligands.". Interesting to learn that Thorium(Th) / Uranium(U) are classed as Ligands as theoretically DMT and Tryptophan would only require the right combination of particles of Th and U each to attract rich isotopic minerals such as Tungsten, Yrittium, Platinum to the same vacinity to be orally consumed. Several studies prove possible to extract Tungsten and other metals such as Lanthanum (La), Cerium (Ce) and (neodymium (Nd) from Scheelite which is a calcium tungstate mineral that is an important ore of tungsten using tertiary amines. Whilst under certain conditions scientists were able to extract the other metals and minerals the amines held onto 99.5% of the Tungsten. It was then possible to extract the tungsten in ammonium solution [34][38]. The results show the dominant affinity between tungsten and amino acids which may suggest stronger powers at works such as nuclear energy such as Th and U [37]. Other studies showed that increased pH increased the uptake of tungsten and a broad range of trace elements in plants including Psychotria species [35][ 36].
Additionally, "δU and δTh can vary with hydrostatic stresses in the zircon type phases. Both δU and δTh hold inverse relations with pressure. However, it is quite interesting to note that δU for USiO4 is the lowest in ambient condition, and it increases as more and more Th is substituted in place of U, suggesting that the larger element Th partly controls the deformation behaviour of U-polyhedra. In case of Th-polyhedra, δ This maximum for pure ThSiO4, and the degree of distortion is reduced with substitution of Th with U in the solid solution phases. In summary, elemental Th has larger influence on the polyhedral distortion than elemental U. Our analysis reveals that pressure-sensitivity of both δU and δTh drops with increasing pressure. The lower values of δU and δTh at high pressures suggest that hydrostatic pressures counter to the inherent polyhedral distortions, and facilitate the polyhedra to achieve an ideal structure." [33]. Now this fits with everything from the ridgid nature of the standard Amino acid structure to the initmate and almost sexual relationship between the two once combined. In fact the more one learns about the subject and it's role in healthy evolution it's possibly more accurate to say litterally sexual relationship.
Coincidentally this just so happens to be the type of crystal structure containig an extremely powerful equivelent to the crystal dipicted above which is a division of Boron. Interestingly according to that wiki article crystals of that geometry can be divided into around half a dozen subsections with different catalystic requirements. Almost as if they were designed to serve a multitude of purposes inside a single system.
Countless comprehensive studies have been undertaken into Cryptand coordination complexes providing insight into donor acceptor relationships across the periodic table including trinuclear iridium(III) complexes exhibiting intense phosphorescence of unprecedented rate calculated as increasable with multinuclear oscilation [50]. Of those involving donor/acceptor binary extension of Uranium, Thorium proved the dominant species [44][45][46]. Some studies indicate the potential for a triatomic species [47] which would seem likely to facilitate the spin states and broader equalibrium of both configurations with the lower being diatomic and the higher being triatomic. Whilst the third atom would seem incomprehensively small which would account for the low weight of Tryptophan and DMT it would seem plausable that each contain the proportionatly "smallest" di/tri/polyatomic nuclei from U and Th and possibly opposing electrons and/or protons for exchange or collaborative work. Cryptands involving Th and/or U often include phosphorous and arsenic in ruductive multiple bond processess [46]. Electrorn transfers from thorium have been confirmed on several occasions with cryptands of various ligands and stable across a range of combinations of compounds [48]. Encapsulated uranium clusters reveal bonding properties that have never been observed in conventional uranium compounds with thorium. Crystallographic studies revealed encapsulated ThC2 clusters in both featuring a one thorium metal centre connected to two C via a triple bond, forming an isosceles triangular configuration observed of any element and as a component of a fullerene. Whilst these were described as monoatomic with the TH /U ligand maintaining a mirror plane [49] it would be interesting how a cryptand within a fullerene operates under different conditions.
Although an infinate triatomical system might seem as if there is no limits or control over it's maximum spin state the following model suggests that it creates an equalibrium between excited and relaxed states that essentially caps the maximum functional capacity [47?].
According to the Excyclopedia Britanica "thorianite, thorium dioxide mineral (ThO2) that is very heavy, hard, and coloured dark gray to brownish black or bluish black. The refractory nature and scarcity of thorianite have restricted its commercial use as a source of thorium. It forms a solid-solution series with uraninite in which uranium atoms replace thorium atoms in the crystal structure." [41]. On the other hand uraninite, a major ore mineral of uranium, uranium dioxide (UO2). Uraninite usually forms black, gray, or brown crystals that are moderately hard and generally opaque. Through oxidation the composition of uraninite varies between UO2 and UO3. Thorium atoms can substitute for uranium atoms in the crystal structure, so that a complete solid-solution series extends to thorianite. Uraninite often alters to yellow or orange-red hydrated oxides (e.g., gummite) and to greenish yellow silicates. It is not resistant to weathering, and the uranium may be leached and redeposited locally as autunite, torbernite, or other secondary minerals. For detailed physical properties, see oxide mineral (table) [42]. Based on either definition it may not nessessarily matter whether Tryptothan or DMT possessed with either one of Th02 and U02. However, it would make sense that if amino cabons do infact possess nano-diamonds as a componant of their fixed standard configuration that DMT contains Th02 and Tryptophan U02 to aviod refratitory confusion.
Once again according to the excylopedia Britanica section on inorganic compounds which covers nomenclature rules [43] there is a huge clue that the first letter T shouhld possibly represent the element. Under normal circumstances this would involve the entire name Thorium or Thorianite. However, the rules get blury sue to the fact that Tryptophan and DMT are naming the two dominant binary molecules of the entire amino acid system requiring a formula capable of covering virtually infinate combinations of variables to calculate litterally infinate equasions. Tryptophan being the most dominan constant and n,n-DimethlyTryptamine being an infinate binary extention therefore prefixed by n,n- rather than roman numerals to denote an infinate formula. This is getting clearer and clear the more I read up on Cryptands which have already been experimented with quite a bit with Bismuth (Bi) [51] and presents another contender for a couple of borrowed unbonded electrons.
According to Wikipedia Carbon-14, C-14, 14C or radiocarbon, is a radioactive isotope of carbon with an atomic nucleus containing 6 protons and 8 neutrons. By emitting an electron and an electron antineutrino, one of the neutrons in carbon-14 decays to a proton and the carbon-14 (half-lifeof 5700±30 years[1]) decays into the stable (non-radioactive) isotope nitrogen-14. DMT likely contains another variation of Carbon which combined with Tryptophan is quite possibly becomes transient throughout isotopic states. Firstly this is of great relevance to their Nitrogens regardless of other Carbons. This is also of relevance to a range of potential quantum scale particle physics interactions.
Nitrogen contains defects within their lattice capable of accepting un bonded electrons with experimental results proving that the photo-induced electron–hole pairs react with adsorbed O2 to form ˙O2−, facilitating the photo-degradation of organic pollutants [102]. It's is extremely likely that Tryptophan and DMT have Nitrogens with the requal opposite configurations and possibly both containing unpaired electrons. A recent study on "tryptic" digestion confirms the possiblity of a Nitrogen containing a Proton too though I am unclear which one [107]. Many Methylobacterium species are involved in nitrogen fixation during interaction with plants. The M. nodulans and M. radiotolerans are reported as nitrogen-fixing bacteria and they are involved in nodule formation [113]. Therefore it is possibly that such bacterium play a role in the designation of nitrogen of different configurations to particular molecules. Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum has been assumed to play roles in photosynthetic, nitrifying, and oblicate methane oxidising bactier and associated with specialised electron transportation and phosphorylation [114].
Oxidoreductase is the class of all enzymes catalyzing oxidoreduction reactions. The substrate that is oxidized is regarded as a hydrogen donor. The systematic name is based on donor:acceptor oxidoreductase. The recommended name will be dehydrogenase, wherever this is possible; as an alternative, reductase can be used. Oxidase is only used in cases where O2 is the acceptor. (Enzyme Nomenclature, 1992, p9) [MESH:D010088] [97]
Experimental results proved that the photoinduced electron–hole pairs react with adsorbed O2 to form ˙O2−, facilitating the photodegradation of organic pollutants [102]
The nitrogen in ammonia has 5 valence electrons and bonds with three hydrogen atoms to complete the octet. This would result in the geometry of a regular tetrahedron with each bond angle equal to cos−1(−1/3) ≈ 109.5°. However, the three hydrogen atoms are repelled by the electron lone pair in a way that the geometry is distorted to a trigonal pyramid(regular 3-sided pyramid) with bond angles of 107°.
However, lets start with a mish mash of wikiqoutes as a bit of an introduction. The nitrogen-vacancy center (N-V center or NV center) is one of numerous photoluminescentpoint defects in diamond. Its most explored and useful properties include its spin-dependent photoluminescence (which enables measurement of the electronic spin state using optically detected magnetic resonance), and its relatively long (millisecond) spin coherence at room temperature, lasting up to milliseconds.[1] The NV center energy levels are modified by magnetic fields,[2] electric fields,[3] temperature,[4] and strain,[5] which allow it to serve as a sensor of a variety of physical phenomena. There is an additional splitting of the ms = ±1 energy levels, which originates from the hyperfine interaction between surrounding nuclear spins and the NV center. These nuclear spins create magnetic and electric fields of their own leading to further distortions of the NV spectrum (see nuclear Zeeman and quadrupole interaction). Also the NV center's own spin–orbit interaction and orbital degeneracy leads to additional level splitting in the excited 3E state. An F-center or color center or Farbe center (from the original German Farbzentrum, where Farbe means color and zentrum means center) is a type of crystallographic defect in which an anionic vacancy in a crystal lattice is occupied by one or more unpaired electrons. Electrons in such a vacancy in a crystal lattice tend to absorb light in the visible spectrum such that a material that is usually transparent becomes colored. The greater the number of F centers, the more intense the color of the compound. F centers are a type of color center. The nitrogen in ammonia has 5 valence electrons and bonds with three hydrogen atoms to complete the octet. This would result in the geometry of a regular tetrahedron with each bond angle equal to cos−1(−1/3) ≈ 109.5°. However, the three hydrogen atoms are repelled by the electron lone pair in a way that the geometry is distorted to a trigonal pyramid(regular 3-sided pyramid) with bond angles of 107°.
The positron or antielectron is the particle with an electric charge of +1e, a spinof 1/2 (the same as the electron), and the same mass as an electron. It is the antiparticle (antimatter counterpart) of the electron. When a positron collides with an electron, annihilation occurs. If this collision occurs at low energies, it results in the production of two or more photons. Positrons can be created by positron emission radioactive decay (through weak interactions), or by pair production from a sufficiently energetic photon which is interacting with an atom in a material.
210Po has the ability to become airborne with ease: if a sample is heated in air to 55 °C (131 °F), 50% of it is vaporized in 45 hours to form diatomic Po2 molecules

Silicotungstic Acid [85] Molecular Formula
Silicotungstic acid or tungstosilicic acid is a heteropoly acid with the chemical formula H4[SiW12O40]. It forms hydrates H4[SiW12O40]·nH2O. In freshly prepared samples, n is approximately 29, but after prolonged desiccation, n = 6.[1]

phosphotungstic acid [86]
Phosphotungstic acid (PTA) or tungstophosphoric acid (TPA), is a heteropoly acidwith the chemical formula H3PW12O40]. It forms hydrates H3[PW12O40]·nH2O. It is normally isolated as the n = 24 hydrate but can be desiccated to the hexahydrate (n = 6).[2] EPTA is the name of ethanolic phosphotungstic acid, its alcohol solution used in biology. It has the appearance of small, colorless-grayish or slightly yellow-green crystals, with melting point 89 °C (24 H2O hydrate). It is odorless and soluble in water (200 g/100 ml). It is not especially toxic, but is a mild acidic irritant. The compoun
In atomic physics, hyperfine structure is defined by small shifts in otherwise degenerate electronic energy levels and the resulting splittings in those electronic energy levels of atoms, molecules, and ions, due to electromagnetic multipole interaction between the nucleus and electron clouds.
In atoms, hyperfine structure arises from the energy of the nuclear magnetic dipole moment interacting with the magnetic fieldgenerated by the electrons and the energy of the nuclear electric quadrupole moment in the electric field gradient due to the distribution of charge within the atom.
The hydrogen line, 21 centimeter line, or H I line[a] is a spectral line that is created by a change in the energy state of solitary, electrically neutral hydrogen atoms. It is produced by a spin-flip transition, which means the direction of the electron's spin is reversed relative to the spin of the proton. This is a quantum state change between the two hyperfine levels of the hydrogen 1s ground state. The electromagnetic radiation producing this line has a frequency of 1420.405751768(2) MHz (1.42 GHz),[1] which is equivalent to a wavelength of 21.106114054160(30) cm in a vacuum. According to the Planck–Einstein relation E = hν, the photon emitted by this transition has an energy of 5.8743261841116(81) μeV[9.411708152678(13)×10−25 J]. The constant of proportionality, h, is known as the Planck constant.
Antihydrogen (H) is the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen. Whereas the common hydrogen atom is composed of an electron and proton, the antihydrogen atom is made up of a positron and antiproton.
Positronium (Ps) is a system consisting of an electron and its anti-particle, a positron, bound together into an exotic atom, specifically an onium.
Muonium (/mjuːˈoʊniəm/) is an exotic atom made up of an antimuon and an electron,[1] which was discovered in 1960 by Vernon W. Hughes[2] and is given the chemical symbol Mu. In particle physics, true muonium is a theoretically predicted exotic atom representing a bound state of an muon and an antimuon (μ+μ−).
An onium (plural: onia) is a bound state of a particle and its antiparticle.[1] These states are usually named by adding the suffix -onium to the name of one of the constituent particles (replacing an -on suffix when present), with one exception for "muonium"; a muon–antimuon bound pair is called "true muonium" to avoid confusion with old nomenclature.[a] Positronium is an onium which consists of an electron and a positron bound together as a long-lived metastable state.
Antihydrogen (H) is the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen. Whereas the common hydrogen atom is composed of an electron and proton, the antihydrogen atom is made up of a positron and antiproton.
Positronium (Ps) is a system consisting of an electron and its anti-particle, a positron, bound together into an exotic atom, specifically an onium.
Muonium (/mjuːˈoʊniəm/) is an exotic atom made up of an antimuon and an electron,[1] which was discovered in 1960 by Vernon W. Hughes[2] and is given the chemical symbol Mu. In particle physics, true muonium is a theoretically predicted exotic atom representing a bound state of an muon and an antimuon (μ+μ−).
An onium (plural: onia) is a bound state of a particle and its antiparticle.[1] These states are usually named by adding the suffix -onium to the name of one of the constituent particles (replacing an -on suffix when present), with one exception for "muonium"; a muon–antimuon bound pair is called "true muonium" to avoid confusion with old nomenclature.[a] Positronium is an onium which consists of an electron and a positron bound together as a long-lived metastable state.
In 1934, an experiment showed that when natural 209Bi is bombarded with neutrons, 210Bi is created, which then decays to 210Po via beta-minus decay. By irradiating certain bismuth salts containing light element nuclei such as beryllium, a cascading (α,n) reaction can also be induced to produce 210Po in large quantities.[58] The final purification is done pyrochemically followed by liquid-liquid extraction techniques.[59] Polonium may now be made in milligram amounts in this procedure which uses high neutron fluxes found in nuclear reactors.[57] Only about 100 grams are produced each year, practically all of it in Russia, making polonium exceedingly rare.[60][61]
Distortions in gaseous XeF6 are caused by its non-bonding lone pair, according to VSEPR theory.
Hexafluoroarsenate is relatively inert, being the conjugate base of the notional superacid hexafluoroarsenic acid (HAsF6).
Proton emission (also known as proton radioactivity) is a rare type of radioactive decay in which a proton is ejected from a nucleus.
The tetraneutron is considered an unbound isotope with a lifetime around 10-22 seconds.[1]: 275 The stability of this cluster of four neutrons is not supported by current models of nuclear forces.[2]Bertulani and Zelevinsky proposed that, if it existed, the tetraneutron could be formed by a bound state of two dineutron systems.[9]
Researchers from Australia have said they had identified a variation of the fine-structure constant across the observable universe.[57][58][59][60][61][62]
In physics, the fine-structure constant, also known as the Sommerfeld constant, commonly denoted by α (the Greek letter alpha), is a fundamental physical constant which quantifies the strength of the electromagnetic interactionbetween elementary charged particles.
It is a dimensionless quantity (dimensionless physical constant), independent of the system of units used, which is related to the strength of the coupling of an elementary charge e with the electromagnetic field, by the formula 4πε0ħcα= 𝑒². Its numerical value is approximately 0.0072973525643 ≈ 1/137.035999177, with a relative uncertainty of 1.6×10−10.[1]
Tungsten(VI) fluoride, also known as tungsten hexafluoride, is an inorganic compound with the formula WF6. It is a toxic, corrosive, colorless gas, with a density of about 13 kg/m3 (22 lb/cu yd) (roughly 11 times heavier than air).[2][3] It is the only known gaseous transition metal (or d-block) compound and the densest known gas under standard ambient temperature and pressure (298 K, 1 atm).[4] It is one of seventeen known binary hexafluorides. The WF6 molecule is octahedral with the symmetry point group of Oh. The W–F bond distances are 183.2 pm.[6] Between 2.3 and 17 °C, tungsten hexafluoride condenses into a colorless liquid having the density of 3.44 g/cm3 at 15 °C.[7] At 2.3 °C it freezes into a white solid having a cubic crystalline structure, the lattice constant of 628 pm and calculated density 3.99 g/cm3. At −9 °C this structure transforms into an orthorhombic solid with the lattice constants of a = 960.3 pm, b = 871.3 pm, and c = 504.4 pm, and the density of 4.56 g/cm3. In this phase, the W–F distance is 181 pm, and the mean closest molecular contacts are 312 pm. Whereas WF6 gas is one of the densest gases, with the density exceeding that of the heaviest elemental gas radon(9.73 g/L), the density of WF6 in the liquid and solid state is rather moderate.[8] The vapor pressure of WF6 between −70 and 17 °C can be described by the equation
log10 P = 4.55569 − 1021.208/T + 208.45,
In group theory, the symmetry group of a geometric object is the group of all transformations under which the object is invariant, endowed with the group operation of composition. Such a transformation is an invertible mapping of the ambient space which takes the object to itself, and which preserves all the relevant structure of the object.
For an object in a metric space, its symmetries form a subgroup of the isometry group of the ambient space. This article mainly considers symmetry groups in Euclidean geometry, but the concept may also be studied for more general types of geometric structure.
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