Being compatible with virtually everything and broader complexities, I'm unlikely to ever entirely decrypt N, N-Dimethyltryptamine" which there is enough evidence to believe was originally an ingenious original base algebraic formula of extreme significance. It could well be palindromic in terms of algebraic reversibility, particularly TRYPT component though that may be more in terms of the value of equations rather than how they're written though this is merely of relevance to considering it functionally. It's possible similar principles were applied to naming Tryptophan and variations of amine which were recognised as in use well before Tryptamine and perhaps what I'm about to say applies to me now.
Tripsin: 1876: a proteolytic enzyme that is secreted in the pancreatic juice in the form of trypsinogen, is activated in the duodenum, and is most active in a slightly alkaline medium borrowed from German Trypsin, of uncertain origin. NOTE: The term Trypsin was introduced by the German physiologist Wilhelm Kühne (1837-1900) in "Ueber das Trypsin (Enzym des Pankreas)," Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen-Medicinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg, Neue Folge, 1. Band (1877), pp. 194-98. In this article Kühne says nothing about the origin of the word. In a preceding article (pp. 190-93), taken from Kühne's presentation to a session of the Verein ("Ueber das Verhalten verschiedener organisirter un sog. ungeformter Fermente," "Sitzung am 4. Februar 1876"), the following is stated: "Genauer untersucht wurde besonders das Eiweiss verdauende Enzym des Pankreas, für welches, da es zugleich Spaltung der Albuminkörper veranlasst, der Name Trypsin gewählt wurde." ("In particular the pancreatic enzyme that digests albumin was more closely investigated, for which the name trypsin was chosen, as it accomplishes at the same time cleaving of the albuminous bodies.") Though the base tryps- appears to be a nominal derivative of a Greek verb, no verb is known with an appropriate meaning. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests trîpsis "rubbing, wearing down," allegedly because the enzyme is produced by rubbing the pancreas with glycerin, but nothing in Kühne's article supports this, and y for expected i is unexplained. (In Kühne's procedure the fresh pancreas is initially crushed with alcohol and glass powder.) [73]
Also in 1876... Isobutane: : a gaseous branched-chain hydrocarbon (CH3)3CH isomeric with normal butane that is used especially as a fuel [74]. Lipoid [75] Nitration: the process of adding a nitro group to an organic compound [76] Sulfinate: a salt or ester of a sulfonic acid [80]. Metachromatic: staining or characterized by staining in a different color or shade from what is typical metachromatic granules in a bacterium [77]. Pronucleus: the haploid nucleus of a male or female gamete (such as an egg or sperm) up to the time of fusion with that of another gamete in fertilization [78]. Submaximal [79]. Phonate [81]
1887: Macronucleus : a relatively large densely staining nucleus of most ciliate protozoans that is derived from micronuclei and controls various nonreproductive functions [84]. Micronucleus: : a minute nucleus, specifically : one that is primarily concerned with reproductive and genetic functions in most ciliated protozoans [83]. Protozoan: : any of a phylum or subkingdom (Protozoa) of chiefly motile and heterotrophic unicellular protists (such as amoebas, trypanosomes, sporozoans, and paramecia) that are represented in almost every kind of habitat and include some pathogenic parasites of humans and domestic animals [85]. Unsure the year of Tryptone: a peptone produced by the action of trypsin [82]. Togaviridae [86] are extremely interesting but don't have space here.
If not already informally in use DMT was possibly devised or inspired by the German physicist K. Guggenheimer[1] who in the early 1900's changed the "p" in "isotope" from "p" for "proton" to "n" for "neutron" forming the word "isotone".[2]. Two nuclides are isotones if they have the same neutron number N, but different proton number Z. For example, boron-12 and carbon-13 nuclei both contain 7 neutrons, and so are isotones. Similarly, 36S, 37Cl, 38Ar, 39K, and 40Ca nuclei are all isotones of 20 because they all contain 20 neutrons. To confuse matters I'm unsure if DMT and Tryptophan are neither or both containing particles to trade with Tryptophan as a pair of isodiapher style dominant molecules activating a 𝛇 level polyatomic intermolecular superscript either giving them dominance over the entire amine system and the sum of elements within living organisms or providing the dominant eliment control over all particles including those of the amines. The formulation is far more complex than protons and neutrons which weren't formally named until later despite others potentially having similar ideas over the half century the term nucleus had been in use. However, According to Simpson, E.. (2020) K. Guggenheimer also created a "nuclide chart is that it seeks to graphically convey nuclear properties as a function of the number of protons (Z) and neutrons (N). The first to organise nuclear properties in this way was probably Par K. Guggenheimer in 1934 [3, 4], just two years after the discovery of the neutron [5] and the realisation that nuclei were composed of protons and neutrons [6]." {68]. Interestingly , this included an N axis and another axis also to the value of N which could be applied in different ways against known constants and the available information on different elements in calculating their values against one another and adjusting their positions on the chart. In fact, although the neuclic "periodic table" was methodically designed so that established information could be applied to calculating the variables of all other elements is said to have been well refined between the time of it's release and whilst in use until its mysterious abandonment, according to contemporary academics it remians "remarkably unchanged" [68].
The nature of DMT's position in the amines family and their relevance of that to nuclear physics in addition to the style of nomenclature above possibly inspired by earlier work provide a far more plausable explaination for DMT's name starting with N,N- [69] than the blindly accepted claims it represents the two nitrogen molecules. A clear example of some of the literally countless ways "N, N-" could be applied as a functional formula prefix to DMT is demonstrated in Periodic Table of Nuclides Based on the Nuclear Shell Model. [69] Whilst having no direct link to amines the nature of Tryptophan and N, N-dimethyltryptamines equaliberial nucleaithic interrelationship with one another, particularly in the presence of literally any combination of all elements and the increasing evidence of their influence over these is arguably by far the most significance constant factor (including consistent variability between dry and aquarious states and the pH dependance of their excitability) of relevance to constructing a methodical system capable of comprehensively profiling less understood and/or yet to be discovered and organic processes. Furthermore, their capacity to maintain such equalibrium between combinations of nuclearides considered scientifically "unstable" or subject to volitile interactions consistentially without incident is of extreme scientific value in understanding eliments collectively on a particle scale which would have been blatently obvious to those studying them 150 years ago. Therefore, the mutual interest in the most significant amines shared by what was once presumably a far closer interrelationship between physics and chemistry at times of far higher intellectual standards critical of appropriate nomenclature [1] likely contributed to careful consideration in the naming of DMT. Due to the above and many other factors it's not unreasonable to suggest the name included a formula relevant to a revolutionary scientific model which threaterned the interests of people and institutions with enough power to ensure as much of it was swept under the rug as long as possible. There's very little doubt countless scientists and academics have been burried throughout a process that's involved duming down systems of education, language and science, creating division between fields and introducing numerical systems noone could possibly decode them, including the scientists. It's true that trades people rarely use algebra at work unless they were scientists. However, it's important for people to understand science when it comes to things like making decisions relating to their health and voting for governments to ensure we all benifit from the greatest standard of everything that serve the best interests of everyone.
I did not learn much of the above until after alot of what I have written in my ongoing attempts to peice together this cold case puzzle so please excuse the dead ends I've explored and disorderly nature of content covered in however far this incomplete publicatioin goes.
I have used colour coding that almost certainly is incorrect to seperate the main components which might also require additional gramatical adjustments to be absolutely true to it's original form and could probably use a comma and removing the spaces breaking it up. The names Tryptophan 1889 and DMT [42] could not have the perfect formula which I will build upon with relevant links, etc.. Of course a number of other variations of (T/K)rypt have since been identified such as the South African plant Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta and the α-carboline dirivative, neocryptolepine. Along with another Carbiline triptoline which could be relevant due to it's potential role being being along side DMT and main ingredient in ayahuasca. (et to be thoroughly explored) [30] . Although difficult to prove in absolute terms it is likely that krypton (which has evidence to suggest is diatomic though yet to be confirmed [14]) and a number of other known and or yet to be confirmed diatomic or even polyatomic substances are divided between tryptophan and tryptamines. Having come across a number of elements named after people which is kind of egoic should my hypothesis be right and result in identification of anything new I have similar views regaurding nomenclature as Berzelius and others stated in the 1881 textbook that names should be fitting as possible to the eliment. Whilst advanced agebraic formulas are probably rarely required. Given the nature of Trypts I would like to think that wheather written 100% correctly that the main two formulas provided were included in the original nomenclature given the standards of matamatitians at the time. Additionally, I cannot see why someone would require formulas to account for such variables and expect that such acidemic fields influenced one another. Unfortunately, it seems more like the information was swept under the rug and used for evil than the greater good given the level of coincidental crossovers.
After finding an 1891 textbook discussing the importance of nomenclature with credit to Berzelius [1] who introduced superscripts to physics which were later changed to subscripts in chemistry [2] initially had me questioining many lines of enquiry due to the textbook naming early amines until I realised the influence Berzilies may have had upon that. This may apply and making reference to the word "styptic" the following initially eplores some deadends some of which may still be of relevance.
An article seemingly critical of names (deriving from their respective Greek etymons) as “phaneroplasm” (“visible”) “cryptoplasm” (for the “hidden” part of protoplasm), “trophoplasm” (for the “nutritive” part) stating the importance of algebra takes an oversimplified stance on such names which certainly appear influencial to the names of DMT and Tryptophan {6}. According to [3] Enzymes, which are typically proteins, act as biocatalysts and as same as any other catalyst, they speed up biological reactions (Robinson, 2015). The term was first coined by German scientist Wilhelm Kühne in 1878 and it literally means “within yeast” (Robinson, 2015). However, other sources claim "The incredible range and depth of his studies are reflected by some of the terms and concepts he introduced and greatly elaborated on: enzyme, trypsin, neuromuscular junction, muscle spindle, rhodopsin, optogram, and optochemical hypothesis (i.e., photochemical transduction)." [4].Phenyl groups are often represented by the symbol Ph or, archaically, Φ [5] possibly in relation to Tryptophan. Intereestingly brewers yeast has come up frequently over the months of enquiries and there is great consistency with relevant crossover beteween accoiated names.
Complex algebra has clearly been applied to the naming of Tryptophan and Tryptamine however how far this extends and to who the credit rightfully belongs remains unknown. According to Wikipedia "In 1908, Ernst Zermelo proposed the first axiomatic set theory, Zermelo set theory. However, as first pointed out by Abraham Fraenkel in a 1921 letter to Zermelo, this theory was incapable of proving the existence of certain sets and cardinal numberswhose existence was taken for granted by most set theorists of the time, notably the cardinal number and the set where is any infinite set and is the power set operation.[3] Moreover, one of Zermelo's axioms invoked a concept, that of a "definite" property, whose operational meaning was not clear."
Before getting into anything too heavy lets start with a couple of simple yet serious variations that are more plausable than some of the usual claims...
𝕋 = Thorium or Tungsten [rypt]: producing the chemical element Krypton below!?!

Whilst clearly of practicle value in terms of associative meaning of commonalities between trypt amines, enzimes, parasites, protines, physical anatomy and carbon nano structures for a simple example of litterally infinate linguistic possibilities as opposed to trying to recally seemingly random words and numbers it becomes as difficult to describe the infiniate possibilities of how it can be applied. Stumbling upon the word tryptic diestion coind in 1883 according to the merrium Webster dictionary was probably named after the word polyptych supports the following[71] How far does one go attempting to understand and quantify photons etc in terms of the processes involved in their production, distribution, capture and reintegration into the cycle of life. Knowing where to start examining an infinite cycle is a great start but attempting to do justice to that in any combined form of expression is proportioinately futile. In terms of potential associative meanings: polyptych which according to the Collins online Dictionary includes from 1855–60 includes "special use of LL polyptychum ‹ Gk polýptychon a register, roll, n. use of neut. of polýptychos having many folds. See poly-, diptych, triptych which could well be of relevance to DMT and it's mRNA actions.. The term is usually applied to a work of art (usually a panel painting) which is divided into sections, or panels. Some definitions restrict "polyptych" to works with more than three sections:[1] Others merge over to polyrythmic and there are even associations with organic chemistry such as Polyribsomal {8]Or perhaps an element or ligand represented by T and the rest derived from polyptych and Ophanim

Actually quaite a lot could be said about the above. From the way tryptamines play a role in the folding of protines to the historical information they transcribe on RNAwould certainly be far from the worst associations for naming an entity of this particular nature. Then there's the nature of the psychological experience. If their is a religious description that fits particular aspects of such experiences this is certainly the best on that I've heard. Not that I'm hugely familiar with religious texts.
[𝕋]: Could and probably was originally intended to denote the TOP of the set of molecular compounds and possibly the metal ligand or anion salt, in addition to a variety of interchangable functions. In this case T could possibly relate to W (Tungten) being the only biomolecular metal know to have enzyme [46]. Or Thorium possible unboned electrons.
[ℝ]: Rational Numbers, Vector Space which could include any variation of the above measuring geometoric space, thermodynamics, spectromity, electromagnetic and other qualities or measures such as weight, ect,.
At one point it was considered that if one were to apply ýpt or even pt to denoting the above, "the y could be represented by ψ the supergolden ratio[8]". Which is entirely possible as it is fitting yet less likely.
μn The Wikipedia Blackboard Bold page covering most definitions does not have anything for y except - "a blackboard-bold μn (not found in Unicode or amsmath LaTeX) is sometimes used by number theorists and algebraic geometers to designate the group scheme of n-th roots of unity" [45]
[μ/λ] Now this is where it gets interesting. Additionally, assuming my interprettation is correct on Limit ordinals & only focusing on the letter Y... Trλptophan would be normally spelt with an upside down λ until combined with ℵ≥2/ℵ≥η Dimethly𝕋ℝ(μ/λ)PT𝒜emiη˳ to activate the μ's and the superscript underpinning DMT's secondary configuration.

Another similar example related to quantum physics wave function Ψ...If the molecule has certain point group symmetry, then this is reflected in the wave function: Ψ transforms according to a certain irreducible representation λ of the group ("Ψ has symmetry type λ"). This has the consequence that selection rules hold for the expectation value of the multipole operator, or in other words, that the expectation value may vanish because of symmetry.
γ also could represent gamma radiation
In such case you could go straight to DMT as this will basically cancel out the rest of tryptophan which would thereafter apply in forward and reverse due to donor acceptor relationship. However, I think it's best to show her some respect and consider the options that come with this.
[ℙ] Represents projective space, the probability of an event,[26] the prime numbers,[21] a power set, the positive reals, the irrational numbers, or a forcing poset.. However, I believe that both R and P can substitute one another either direction and therefore R can become irrational and P rational once activated by Trypt.
[𝕋]: As above. Time Period. Representing the a circle group, particularly the unit circle in the complex plane (and the n-dimensional torus), the trigintaduonions, or a Hecke algebra (Hecke denoted his operators as Tnor ), or the tropical semiring, or twistor space. And/or could represent a time period for certain functions.
In abstract algebra, the trigintaduonions, also known as the 32-ions, 32-nions, 25-nions, or sometimes pathions (ℙ),[1][2] form a 32-dimensional noncommutative and nonassociative algebra over the real numbers,[3][4] usually represented by the capital letter T, boldface T or blackboard bold (𝕋) .[2]. And/or interchangeable with Tungstate as the metal ligand or anion salt.
ℒadies ℬefore 𝓖entlemen

Before Proceeding in relation to trigintaduonions it is also possible that O Fan is representative of a Fano plane named after Gino Fano (5 January 1871 – 8 November 1952) was an Italian mathematician, best known as the founder of finite geometry who made various contributions on projective and algebraic geometry. His 1892 article {43] on proving the independence of his set of axioms for projective n-space [44] considered the consequences of having a fourth harmonic point be equal to its conjugate. This leads to a configuration of seven points and seven lines contained in a finite three-dimensional space with 15 points, 35 lines and 15 planes, in which each line contained only three points.[43] sighted Wikipedia. This particular publication was very close to the timing of the naming of Tryptophan.
𝕆 Could represent the octonions. Or...
[∂] Boundary of a topological subspace: If S is a subspace of a topological space, then its boundary, denoted, is the set difference between the closure and the interior of S. interchangable with 0, ∅ or Ø Null onset's forbidden in IPA along with code opening up possible contextual spelling variations such as ∂Ph𝔞ℵ˳ / ØPh𝔞ℵ1 / ΩPℏ𝔞ℵωω
Catigory O: In the representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras, Category O (or category ) is a category whose objects are certain representations of a semisimple Lie algebra and morphisms are homomorphisms of representations. SO I think could cancel out the above whilst affirming the context of the dialect.
On the other hand o could also symbolise Omega (US: /oʊˈmeɪɡə, -ˈmɛɡə, -ˈmiːɡə/, UK: /ˈoʊmɪɡə/;[1] uppercase Ω, lowercase ω; Ancient Greek ὦ, later ὦ μέγα, Modern Greek ωμέγα) is the twenty-fourth and last letter in the Greek alphabet. In the Greek numeric system/isopsephy (gematria), it has a value of 800. The word literally means "great O" (o mega, mega meaning "great"), as opposed to omicron, which means "little O" (o mikron, micron meaning "little").[2].
The uppercase letter Ω is used as a symbol:
In chemistry:
For oxygen-18, a natural, stable isotope of oxygen[6]
For omega loop, a protein structural motif consisting of a loop of six or more amino acid residues in any sequence, a structure named for its resemblance to the Greek letter. This would make greater sense as to why they call Tryptophan the Big ω
ℙ Represents projective space, the probability of an event,[26] the prime numbers,[21] a power set, the positive reals, the irrational numbers, or a forcing poset.. However, I believe that both R and P can substitute one another either direction and therefore R can become irrational and P rational once activated by Trypt.
h/ℏ Most likely the variable of the plank constant and reduced plank constant of electron charge.
The Planck constant, or Planck's constant, denoted by h [1] is a fundamental physical constant[1] of foundational importance in quantum mechanics: a photon's energy is equal to its frequency multiplied by the Planck constant, and the wavelengthof a matter wave equals the Planck constant divided by the associated particle momentum. The closely related reduced Planck constant, equal to h/[2π) and denoted ℏ is commonly used in quantum physics equations.
Could also Represent the quaternions (the H stands for Hamilton),[26] or the upper half-plane, or hyperbolic space,[26] or hyperhomology of a complex.
𝔸 Represents affine space, or the ring of adeles. Occasionally represents the algebraic numbers,[26] the algebraic closure of ℚ (more commonly written or ǭ ), or the algebraic integers, an important subring of the algebraic numbers.
ℕ Represents the set of natural numbers.[21] May or may not include zero.
𝕎 Represents the whole numbers (here in the sense of non-negative integers), which also are represented by ℕ₀. This would also make greater sense as to why they call Tryptophan the Big ω
ℵ≥2/ℵ≥η Dimethly𝕋ℝ(μ/λ)PT𝒜emiη˳

Now. Tryptophan rules the roost. But that doesn't mean DMT isn't equally important.
η≥2/ℵ≥η Dimethly𝕋ℝ(μ/λ)ℙ𝕋𝒜emiη˳
In coordination chemistry, hapticity is the coordination of a ligand to a metal center via an uninterrupted and contiguous series of atoms.[1] The hapticity of a ligand is described with the Greek letter η ('eta'). For example, η2 describes a ligand that coordinates through 2 contiguous atoms. In general the η-notation only applies when multiple atoms are coordinated (otherwise the κ-notation is used). In addition, if the ligand coordinates through multiple atoms that are not contiguous then this is considered denticity[2] (not hapticity), and the κ-notation is used once again.[3] When naming complexes care should be taken not to confuse η with μ ('mu'), which relates to bridging ligands.[4][5]. The special nature of the bonding to metals of unsaturated hydrocarbons in a ‘side-on’ fashion via their π-electrons requires the eta (η) convention. In this ‘hapto’ nomenclature, the number of contiguous atoms in the ligand coordinated to the metal (the hapticity of the ligand) is indicated by a right superscript on the eta symbol, e.g., η3 (‘eta three’ or ‘trihapto’). The η-term is added as a prefix to the ligand name, or to that portion of the ligand name most appropriate to indicate the connectivity, with locants if necessary [72]
Whilst usually roman numerals would apply DMT has literally an infinite amount (η) of yet to be deermined
polyatomic ligands (η)- Dependant upon the rest of the formula most of which also includes interdependent unknowns
[η≥2]: geometric mathematical formula, N=2 (fits with the below formula too well not to consider)
[ℵ≥η]: ℵ is equal to or greater than η .DMT has two non bonding electrode orbitals which are often denoted as n. Whilst the article make reference to working out such special cases it doesn't cover some critical information that may not be nessecary in the end [41]
N could also be in relation to the diatomic nucleus which was first used in 1668 with atomic in 1678 including the following sub-variations [59][60][61][62][63][64][65]:
1859 diatomic in relation to: consisting of two atoms : having two atoms in the molecule
1882: polar nuclei: either of the nuclei in the embryo sac of a flowering plant that form the nutritive endosperm
1892: generative nucleus: the one of the two nuclei resulting from the first division in the pollen grain of a seed plant that gives rise to sperm nuclei
1902: caudate nucleus: the most medial of the four basal ganglia in each cerebral hemisphere
Also for addition context to it's potential use consistent with all of the above though more in relation to n amount of ns:
Silicotungstic acid or tungstosilicic acid is a heteropoly acid with the chemical formula H4[SiW12O40]. It forms hydrates H4[SiW12O40]·nH2O. In freshly prepared samples, n is approximately 29, but after prolonged desiccation, n = 6.[1] [58]
The following algebraic example covers a possibility for n ≥ 2 compliments of LibraTexts Mathematics. (The downloadable PDF's is provided if screenshots aren't clear).

Downloadable PDF encase the above isn't clear
Now what everyone is fed, blindly accepts and regurgitates without question like good little parrots
di- : containing two atoms, radicals, or groups [48] There are three options there
Meth an alkyl radical CH3 derived from methane. 1840, in the meaning defined (aledgedly) [49] me-.
yl: having or being a monovalent organic radical (such as phenyl) derived from an aromatic hydrocarbon by the removal of one hydrogen atom —often used in combination: borrowed from German Arryl, from aromatisch AROMATIC entry 1 + -yl -YL NOTE: The term was introduced by the German chemist Daniel Vorländer (1867-1941) in "Alkyl, Alphyl und Arryl," Journal für praktische Chemie, Band 167 (Neue Folge Band 59) (1899), pp. 247-48. The motivation for the doubled -r- is unclear, but in any case one r was soon dropped in both German and English. first use in 1899 along with heterocyclic [36] carbocyclic [37] bimolecular [38] phototropism [39] and alpha hydroxy acid [40]. Proving those naming amines were thinking a little deeper about their actions than commonly portreyed. According to the Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs, 2nd edt. (2015) A radical (sometimes called free radical) is a chemical species that contains one or more unpaired electrons and is sufficiently stable for independent existence. [51]. Unfortuantly, there is no shortage of ignorant fear from people with control issues regarding free radicals too often accompanied with recklessly dangerous arrogant attempts to further violate nature for the sake of arrogance and comercial interests [52][53]. However, despite the mess of western medicine and complications that creates for the subject, there is growing interest in the essential functional actions free radicals are capable of facilitating. [54][55][56] and others cautioning the critical nature of how such complex chemical interrelationships are interpreted [57].
According to PubChem Ethane aka Dimethyl is a compressed gas with a chemical formula CH3CH3: {66]. Ethyl is an organic radical derive from a hydride of an ethane. [67]. This brings into question weather it's a methyl or ethyl and alll aspects of the name. Why is there an "M" if it's an ethyl? It also appears to be one rather than two seperate units which Di could still fit. However, this is the ... Molacule of a highly neuclear species.

N,N - The axis's of the early nuclear periodic tables designed to gradually figurure out the unknown values of elements in relation to one anothers complex qualities [68][69]
D Debye. Possibly as general set of Debye functions to cover the entire formula. However, a Debye is as unit of measure. Professor Chung (Peter) Chieh from Emeritus, Chemistry @ University of Waterloo via LibraTexts: Water Physics: Electric Dipole Moment and Dielectric Constant the reckons symbol D is a cgs-esu unit of measure called debye (cgs-esu: centre-gram-second, electrostatic unit) where 1 D = 1e-18 esu cmi ? Therefore, the situation of ethyl as a direct sufffix denotes at least it significance as the greatest power group prefix formula to those of trypt + amines.
I Nuclear Sipin. Mass moment of Inertia. &/Or Denoting the formula to the primary substances and characteristics of molecule in relation to the following.

M Potentially Archaic Symbol for Water possibly used due to arguably being one of the first elements and encapsulating ethane. Water can reach a metal state under pressure. More likely Metal in general as Atoms measurable against eth.
Eth Prefix for Ethyl
yl Radical Group. Or...
μ coefficient of friction, ratio of the frictional force resisting the motion of two surfaces in contact to the normal force pressing the two surfaces together. It is usually symbolized by the Greek letter mu (μ). Mathematically, μ = F/N, where F is the frictional force and N is the normal force. Because both F and N are measured in units of force (such as newtons or pounds), the coefficient of friction is dimensionless. The coefficient of friction has different values for static friction and kinetic friction [47].
L Lambert W function.
This is to suggest DMTs methyl is actually ethyl gas compressed within a bimolecular Clathrate hydrate [10] type nanostructure involving two carbons and at least one water molecule which I believe is considered a metallic phase of water. Due to the thermo dependant pyrophoric volatility of ethyl it would make sense for such a structure to be stored within a nitrogen molecule but so far it's proving difficult to link the above to a nitrogen.
𝒜 Rank of Matrix A = ...
e e constant / Euler's number... e = 2.718281828... e = lim (1+1/x)x , x→∞a Leonhard Euler started to use the letter e for the constant in 1727 or 1728, in an unpublished paper on explosive forces in cannons,[14] and in a letter to Christian Goldbach on 25 November 1731.[15][16] The first appearance of e in a printed publication was in Euler's Mechanica (1736).[17] It is unknown why Euler chose the letter e.[18]
𝕄 An m-dimensional connected paracompact differentiable manifold M (I think) [34]. Sometimes represents the monster group. The set of all m-by-n matrices is sometimes denoted 𝕄(m, n). In geometric algebra, represents the motor group of rigid motions.
i The closed unit interval or the ideal of polynomials vanishing on a subset.
Or operation i Centrosymmetric molecules at equilibrium have a centre of symmetry at their midpoint (the nuclear center of mass). This includes all homonuclear diatomic molecules as well as certain symmetric molecules such as ethylene, benzene, xenon tetrafluoride and sulphur hexafluoride. For centrosymmetric molecules, the point group contains the operation i which is not to be confused with the parity operation. The operation i involves the inversion of the electronic and vibrational displacement coordinates at the nuclear centre of mass. For centrosymmetric molecules the operation i commutes with the rovibronic (rotation-vibration-electronic) Hamiltonian and can be used to label such states. Electronic and vibrational states of centrosymmetric molecules are either unchanged by the operation i, or they are changed in sign by i. The former are denoted by the subscript g and are called gerade, while the latter are denoted by the subscript u and are called ungerade. The complete electromagnetic Hamiltonian of a centrosymmetric molecule does not commute with the point group inversion operation i because of the effect of the nuclear hyperfine Hamiltonian. The nuclear hyperfine Hamiltonian can mix the rotational levels of g and u vibronic states (called ortho-para mixing) and give rise to ortho-paratransitions[8][9].
In nuclear physics and particle physics, isospin (I) is a quantum number related to the up- and down quark content of the particle. Isospin is also known as isobaric spin or isotopic spin.
Topness: T
Weak isospin: T or T3
Hypercharge: Y
Y = (B + S + C + B′ + T)
Y = 2 (Q − I3)
Weak hypercharge: YW
η˳ Superset denoted by an ordinal i / th .
However, due to the donor acceptor relationship between 𝕋ℝ(μ/λ)ℙ𝕋𝕆ℙℍ𝔸ℕ₀ and η≥2/ℵ≥η Dimethyi𝕋ℝ(μ/λ)ℙ𝕋𝒜emiη˳ group substitution and infinant flow of frequency, theoretically, once combined the formula should be completely reversable with the particles of the final η to become equal to or greater than m(η)
right the way through the equation including the original η≥2/ℵ≥η.
Example Algebra on circle Group with downloadable PDF encase unclear. Main purpose to provide a basic demonstration some of the complexity of such possible formula attachments

Examples of n ≥ 2 in use at least in brackets form.

The parents of Krypton are likely Thorium isotope (Uranium Y) and Uranium suspected to be encapsulated within the nitrogen molecules which if I recall correct one of DMT's is enlarged. It is also possible that Neptunium and Plutonium are traped inside the secondary N molecules. However, sorting though the potential combinations and to what side they balance will take some work. I am expecting 16 to 32 elements with Tryptophan and Tryptamine containing at least one diatomic particle each. This I believe is associated with Clathrate which trap atoms and small molecules such as methane and other small hydrocarbons but particularly compressed helium which have all seen them recognised as a tremendous energy source in the face of global warming [11]. However, I see thes as an alternate form of stored energy along the lines of Hydrogen and Nuclear energy potentially functioning together with all the most important groups in a healthy exchange of energies. Whilst I have some reading to do the particles trapped in Tryptophan and DMT whatever they may be, are similar in the sence of frozen in time or drastically distorted. Either way the equivalent of neautral in contrast to traveling forward or reverse at the speed of light. I'll be interested to learn weather humans eat these things without knowing as if we do they are a major part of the equation.
[11] Here's a few suspects though I am unsure I'm happy with the order yet and am issing a few.

Diatomic deuterium (2H2) has ortho and para nuclear spin isomers like diatomic hydrogen, but with differences in the number and population of spin states and rotational levels, which occur because the deuteron is a boson with nuclear spin equal to one.[29]

Due to the similarity in mass and nuclear properties between the proton and neutron, they are sometimes considered as two symmetric types of the same object, a nucleon. While only the proton has electric charge, this is often negligible due to the weakness of the electromagnetic interaction relative to the strong nuclear interaction. The symmetry relating the proton and neutron is known as isospin and denoted I (or sometimes T).
Isospin is an SU(2) symmetry, like ordinary spin, so is completely analogous to it. The proton and neutron, each of which have isospin-1/2, form an isospin doublet (analogous to a spin doublet), with a "down" state (↓) being a neutron and an "up" state (↑) being a proton. A pair of nucleons can either be in an antisymmetric state of isospin called singlet, or in a symmetric state called triplet. In terms of the "down" state and "up" state, the singlet is

and thus consists of three types of nuclei, which are supposed to be symmetric: a deuterium nucleus (actually a highly excited state of it), a nucleus with two protons, and a nucleus with two neutrons. These states are not stable.

Helium-2, 2He, is extremely unstable. Its nucleus, a diproton, consists of two protons with no neutrons. According to theoretical calculations, it would be much more stable (but still β+ decay to deuterium) if the strong force were 2% greater.[18] Its instability is due to spin–spin interactions in the nuclear force and the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that within a given quantum system two or more identical particles with the same half-integer spins (that is, fermions) cannot simultaneously occupy the same quantum state; so 2He's two protons have opposite-aligned spins and the diproton itself has negative binding energy.[19]
2He may have been observed. In 2000, physicists first observed a new type of radioactive decay in which a nucleus emits two protons at once—perhaps 2He.[20][21]
I'm unsure about protons but biatoms are never symetric and obviously the greater the difference the greater the instability but we will get to that shortly.
After Writing the above and most of what follows I thought I'd type my formula into Google and found a US patent onfirming DMT has duetirium / protium in it in greater oncentrations than Hydrogen (I think, will have to double check. Here's the patent. Now I have four of them, , greedy fucking cunts
Admittedly, Universal Assylums claiming rights over the particles of the universe including the intelectual property of combining all existing and future technology into an antiopressive leaderless global system of "governance" owned by everyone. I've designed medicine dispensory systems that should never be applied to the plants. Whilst they have countless medical applications for the sick people we have we need everyone eating them as regular as possible. Not just for the health of us but for the environment. I've referended material previously regarding drug pollution via sewage. Well that's a double edged sword in terms of our sewage having the potential to replenish the earth with the healthier things that humans exctete when eating "properly" which ironically after flip flopping what that is turns out to be the one thing we're not allowed to eat. .
For further confirmation look how these criminals are trying to write it... "The molecule with the greatest degree of deuteration at the α-carbon (N,N-D2-dimethyltryptamine, D2-DMT) demonstrated the longest half-life and intrinsic clearance in hepatocyte mitochondrial fractions when compared with DMT [12]. Same name by these clowns [13].Then from one of the patents a,a,ß,ß-tetradeutero-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, C.-protio,a-deutero N,N-dimethyltryptamine compounds, a,a-dideutero-N,N dimethyltryptamine. If they use n≥2 and 𝕋 formulas like it was most likely originally written it would cover the unlimited combinations of attractions, absorbtion, exchange and reactions between DMT deuteration (D2-DMT) and all the other other natural eliments. Just becuase science is yet to detect the finer details of microsecond long nano processes doesn't mean they are inorganic which is blatently written as a manipulatice means of claiming exclusive ownership rights over synthetic drugs most of which do an enormouse amount of harm in addition to creating intergenerational degeneration by knowingly depriving people of an intermittently required yet arguably essential amino acid. It's not indogenous, similar compounds are found in our systems as it is one of the most abundent forms of nutrition on earth from seaweed to such a large % of native flaura that Australia alone could release enough nano particles from its acacias for the whole world to test positive. Due to reversibility of the amine donor/acceptor systems [28][29] meaning once consumed DMT can basically exchange any particles available within the system which doesn't mean the system can create it or the combinations of natural raw minerals it offers as a food. This is a huge ethical issue on its own without being clear on how they are defining DMT and D2-DMT which is not doubt to some form of capitalisticly inspired advantage. As amines absorb such substances naturally [20][22][35] cleaning them off and adding one whatever here and there when they're just going to covert to whatever it can once administered is unethical.

According to Specncer and Ditchfield each of the 9 carbon atoms of indole are unique [19] whilst some of these may be subtle compared to nuclear weapons or powerplants, deprivation of the nano scale organic processes they support has already caused enormous implications for our entire species in terms of the suffering and loss of lives of billions possibly trillions over the past 10,000years. It's frightening hearing some scientists talk about defective genes and making modifications to things they quite frankly don't understand. Especially given in the majority of cases consumption of triptamines and other psychedelics on a regular basis is best hope for their own and the future genetics of our species.
Whilst Scientific analysis several years back involving lysine ε-amines and N-terminal α-amines, labeled by 1H-pyrazole-1-carboxamidine, prior to tryptic digestion, with internal peptides removed and negative enrichment of N-terminome protein demonstrated the fusion of TAGS and TAILS significantly enlarged the protein N-terminome and revealed that information could be transfered in addition to identifying some new cleavage sites [18]. This suggest that it is possible the different heads and tails have potential catylitic effects which are possibly more as According to Specncer and Ditchfield each of the 9 carbon atoms of indole are unique [19] DMT and tryptophan have two N connections with placement enabling them to similtaniously form two peptide chains either individually or in rotation whilst maintaining a third connection.

The molecules above and full spectrum of minerals is exactly what "everyone" need to create a scafhold from which they are likely using combinations of Krypton ion for photolytic purposes whilst possibly using combinations of monoamonium phosphate, Ethylene-oxide and Thioacetone as polymer, buffers and catalysts, in creating a tightly spun the peptide chain which will form a tightly spun and presumably heavier duty than either the complete and incomplete ones pictured.
Compared to the gif they can build a very similar structure out of lighter variations of basically the same molecules though its possible that there are a great deal more required for strength and insolation. Of course high valosity processes involving dangerous chemicals and potiential nucleaithic reactions require propper safety equiptment. This will surely require anothing short of a carbon cryptand coated in titanium alloy with Lead and/or Platinum and other transitional metals amines naturally absorb as trace eliments through food providing we eat the right plants [23][24].
Several studies prove possible to extract Tungsten and other metals such as Lanthanum (La), Cerium (Ce) and (neodymium (Nd) from Scheelite which is a calcium tungstate mineral that is an important ore of tungsten using tertiary amines. Whilst under certain conditions it was able to extract the other metals the amines held onto 99.5% of the Tungsten. It was then possible to extract the tungsten in ammonium solution [35][22]. The results show the dominant affinity between tungsten and amino acids which may suggest stronger powers at works such as nuclear energy [20].
Cryptands and nanotube are all the rage in science but whilst I hear some people want to make money offf them medically I'm yet to read anything linking psychedelics, or just amiines with nano structures of such various forms and the fact that we eat enough metals in our lettuce and mustard to create them and that if we created them they must have a purpose. Like I'm just an unusual social worker but i think it's pretty bloody obvious that's exactly what we need to facilitate hardcore mRNA splicing at a velocity of 10fold to regular rate. Now I've done a lot of reading to know that these chemicals complete essential processes reliant upon the excess sugars and protiens cuasing genetic deteriation of the global population.
In relation to the nano structures them selves, with the right food for the job, it becomes bossible to create any combination of pressure, thermodynamics, electromagneticic coordination to maintain and upgrade bodily systems. In fact several recent studies have reported self assembling nano-structures featuring photocatalytic π–π* and n–π* transitions of 2 electrons and UV light [25][26][27]. Interestingly this involved Proline which borders on the opposies end of DMT presumably sharing some molecular similarities.
How trippy is the shit that Ayahausca uses to hardcore RNA splice within carbon alloy micro complexes has "Lucifer" in it's name...
According to CHEBI:33494: A nucleosidyl group is a group formed by loss of OH from a nucleoside molecule. However it's kinda ironic that Luciferin is the name of the main molecular structures that aren't functioning properly due to "the forbidden fruit". Pubchem have a different first name for that code "Dinoflagellate luciferin(1-): the linear tetrapyrrole anion that is dinoflagellate luciferin protonated to pH 7.3. It is a conjugate base of a dinoflagellate luciferin. It is a conjugate acid of a dinoflagellate luciferin(2-)." but the first of 73 hits on luciferin was :Firefly luciferin which has quite a few names including the description : Photinus luciferin is a 1,3-thiazolemonocarboxylic acid consisting of 3,5-dihydrothiophene-4-carboxylic acid having a 6-hydroxybenzothiazol-2-yl group at the 2-position. It has a role as a luciferin. It is a member of benzothiazoles, a 1,3-thiazolemonocarboxylic acid and an imidothioate. It is a conjugate acid of a Photinus luciferin(1-). It is an enantiomer of an ent-Photinus luciferin.

ChEBI only had 15 results which the following provides some idea of with the middle pic representing the scaffold whilst the others form some system of rotation to splice mRNA. Under normal circumstances lighter gene splicing occurs with carbon calcium nanostructure carbon structure which don't require carbon / titanium alloy Fullerene and nanotube complexes.
It's interesting as the experience can be precisely like being in hell and heaven at the same time as providing you pack for a decent "trip", once you're there it litterally has everything as it's the one place. It's interesting as after renovating the misses joint DMT seems to sacrifice whats left of himself as reflected by the remanence of ring structures fused to to DNA/RNA strands. The centre structure is almost like post with eastern religious star in it for the upper level of normal splicing which can be reconfigured. I can't find the correct cross as I expect that this type of splicing requires a molecule with nine members, up down then 7 directions. However, it could also go the other way with heavier duty work the requires more space with perhaps a 5 sided pentagram scaffold within an appropriate micro carbon alloy boiler room.
According to Wikipedia Luciferin (from Latin lucifer 'light-bearer') is a generic term for the light-emitting compound found in organisms that generate bioluminescence. Luciferins typically undergo an enzyme-catalyzed reaction with molecular oxygen. The resulting transformation, which usually involves breaking off a molecular fragment, produces an excited state intermediate that emits light upon decaying to its ground state. The term may refer to molecules that are substrates for both luciferases and photoproteins
Clathrate hydrate forms when a hydrophobic molecule is entrapped inside a water cage or cavity. Although biomolecular structures also have hydrophobic patches, clathrate-like water is found in only a limited number of biomolecules. Also, while clathrate hydrates form at low temperature and moderately higher pressure, clathrate-like water is observed in biomolecular structure at ambient temperature and pressure. These indicate presence of other factors along with hydrophobic environment behind the formation of clathrate-like water in biomolecules [10].
It is highly possible that Tryptamines include carbons that are opposite to Clathrate and could well contain depressurised nano or even pico polyatomic nucleus particles. This is to suggest that some carbons may include combinations of particles to create various buffers capable keeing things in and out such as protons, electrons, phontons or quarks.. For example, the regulation of tempreiture, electro magnetism [15][16] creating adiquate vacume to make heavy particles boyant or contain something moving as fast as the speed of light. Even the negitive charge could make a huge difference, presumably to thing like excitablity, volitility, attraction to other and mass [17].
But mother nature know fuck loads more about this than science otherwise it would have quantum tunneled world like weavelsthrough everythign in a cupbourd. Considering the would has enough hardcore shit to make a pretty big bang in the universe and hasn't for 4billion years whilst generally flourishing with life until piss weak humans killed everything, asside from the latter she's doing a pretty good job. There are an enormous range of factors which imact the "stability" of natural particles which most of science seem to either be a bunch of pussies or too closed minded about. Yes it's sensible to be minful in not being too reckless but from where I'm sitting like women the best of them are all a little unstable. The spin states of Thorium, Uranium and especially the seeminging equal but opposite parallel between Neptunium and Plutonium have a purpose. Whilst I wouldn't be surprised if any of the above are associated with DMT and it's unavoidable not to eat them in combination via the level of thir uptake in plants, I'm going to be more mindfulll of including more of such plants in combination with psychedelics into my regular diet.
They also need molecules or particles with different qualities to still be able to attract and retain the right natural elements in as close to order of priority as possible so that once consumed they have everything they need to work with regardless who or what eats them. I'll try to remember to find one of the many references there are to amines absorbing and otherwise demonstrating influence over natural substances. Iif I recall correct one found tungsten difficult to remove from particular amines. For example, whilst Uranium atom may weigh more than the molecules them selves it is entirely possible that the big bang or whatever occured at the transition between the infinate states of nothing through to everything unltil whenever that one proton, electron or neutron from each element somehow got trapped. Perhaps all of the strangest of the strange quarks had a party fucked with something that accidentally created this universe yet left them encaptulated in carbon crypts. Alternately, prehaps lead is biatomic with an extreme difference between it's atom sizes? Lead is involved in some way and this hypothesis is plausable given leads extreme weight and general lack of reactivity sense the nomenclature Pb which I learned yesterday stands for Plumb Bumb which I'm sure cancel culture will love but fuck am I approve especially if it terns out the little bubble butt bitch goes off like noone can imagine.
In fact there are a great deal of heavy metals which get trapped and accumulate in our bones along with excess sugars and protines collectively contributing to the majority of health issues humans exprerience. I even read a certain eliment clearly directly involved in mRNA splicing claimed to be of no neutritional value to humans which will be cited if the opportunity arrised despite far greater priorities. WHlist I'll be doing everything I can to narrow things down it's possible DMT contains an unknown element along the lines of the hypothetical eliment I think was called protium which has a name fitting my original hypothesis though I didn't take an extensive look at how it was defined. it also includes sharp spectrometry spikes [32] as one would expect the failitate the splicing process at 10X the usual rate.
In the current study, we presented a systematic approach to explore the factors behind the formation of clathrate-like water in biomolecules by means of molecular dynamics simulation of a model protein, maxi, which is a naturally occurring nanopore and has clathrate-like water inside the pore. Removal of either confinement or hydrophobic environment results in the disappearance of clathrate-like water ordering, indicating a coupled role of these two factors. Apart from these two factors, clathrate-like water ordering also requires anchoring groups that can stabilize the clathrate-like water through hydrogen bonding. Our results uncover crucial factors for the stabilization of clathrate-like ordering in biomolecular structure which can be used for the development of new biomolecular structure promoting clathrate formation.[10]
(n,2n) reactions produce small amounts of protactinium-231 and uranium-232 in the thorium cycle which is otherwise relatively free of highly radioactive actinide products.
Electron spin resonance studies indicated the formation of Y3+ and (C82)3− ion pairs.[9] The carbides Y3C, Y2C, and YC2 can be hydrolyzed to form hydrocarbons.[14]
Yttrium has also been observed at +1 in oxide clusters in the gas phase.[25]
Hapticity is a term to describe the coordination of a group of contiguous atoms of a ligand bound to the central atom; it is indicated by the Greek letter eta, η. In coordination chemistry, hapticity is the coordination of a ligand to a metal center via an uninterrupted and contiguous series of atoms.[1] The hapticity of a ligand is described with the Greek letter η ('eta'). For example, η2 describes a ligand that coordinates through 2 contiguous atoms.
The Y3+ ion is colorless in solution due to the absence of electrons in the d and f electron shells.[14]
More evidence of 2He was found in 2008 at Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, in Italy.[15][22] A beam of 20Ne ions was directed at a target of beryllium foil. This collision converted some of the heavier neon nuclei in the beam into 18Ne nuclei. These nuclei then collided with a foil of lead. The second collision excited the 18Ne nucleus into a highly unstable condition. As in the earlier experiment at Oak Ridge, the 18Ne nucleus decayed into an 16O nucleus, plus two protons detected exiting from the same direction. The new experiment showed that the two protons were initially ejected together, correlated in a quasibound 1S configuration, before decaying into separate protons much less than a nanosecond later.
Further evidence comes from Riken in Japan and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, where beams of 6He nuclei were directed at a cryogenic hydrogen target to produce 5H. It was discovered that the 6He can donate all four of its neutrons to the hydrogen. The two remaining protons could be simultaneously ejected from the target as a diproton, which quickly decayed into two protons. A similar reaction has also been observed from 8He nuclei colliding with hydrogen.[23]
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Notes n crap
Including a reversibility of the amine donor/acceptor systems [28][29].
Within nano structures them selves, with all the right food for the job, it becomes bossible to create any combination of pressure, thermodynamics, electromagneticic coordination to maintain and upgrade bodily systems. In fact several recent studies have reported self assembling nano-structures featuring photocatalytic π–π* and n–π* transitions of 2 electrons and UV light [25][26][27]. Interestingly this involved Proline which borders on the opposies end of DMT presumably sharing some molecular similarities.
In addition to pH, plant species and natural Plutonium and Uranium as opposed to human processed waste producets were the greatest factors in plant uptakeof Pu and U with a mustard variety comming up high again as with tungsten [23][24].
Several studies prove possible to extract Tungsten and other metals such as Lanthanum (La), Cerium (Ce) and (neodymium (Nd) from Scheelite which is a calcium tungstate mineral that is an important ore of tungsten using tertiary amines. Whilst under certain conditions it was able to extract the other metals the amines held onto 99.5% of the Tungsten. It was then possible to extract the tungsten in ammonium solution [35][22]. The results show the dominant affinity between tungsten and amino acids which may suggest stronger powers at works such as nuclear energy [20].
According to Specncer and Ditchfield each of the 9 carbon atoms of indole are unique [19].
⎲aʸ ˳ªº¹²³ʰ ˣ ʲʸʳˢ ʳʸ𝑃 ͭ ͥ ͭ ͪ ͫ ħ ℏ ∑ ∏
⎳ ≠ ≡ ≣ ∈ ⎷⎸⎹⋂⋃⋀⊂⊃π 𝛆 𝚫𝚪𝛀𝛴𝟂𝞿𝝅𝇇 ˉ ⎺ɑ= ⏤⎺ ⋋⋌≞ ⁿ ⨧ ₑ e²
𝑒² 𝑒²
ɑ = ⏤ = ⏤
2𝛆₀hc 4𝝅𝛆ℏc
𝔻 Represents the unit disk in the complex plane, for example as the conformal disk model of the hyperbolic plane. By generalisation may mean the n-dimensional ball. Occasionally may mean the decimal fractions (see number), split-complex numbers, or domain of discourse.
𝕀 The closed unit interval or the ideal of polynomials vanishing on a subset. Occasionally the identity mapping on an algebraic structure, or an indicator function. The set of purely imaginary numbers (i.e., the set of all real multiples of the imaginary unit).
𝕄 Sometimes represents the monster group. The set of all m-by-n matrices is sometimes denoted 𝕄(m, n). In geometric algebra, represents the motor group of rigid motions.
𝔼 Represents the expected value of a random variable, or Euclidean space, or a field in a tower of fields, or the Eudoxus reals.
𝕋 Represents the circle group, particularly the unit circle in the complex plane (and the n-dimensional torus), occasionally the trigintaduonions, or a Hecke algebra (Hecke denoted his operators as Tn or ), or the tropical semiring, or twistor space.
ℍ Represents the quaternions (the H stands for Hamilton),[26] or the upper half-plane, or hyperbolic space,[26] or hyperhomology of a complex.