The dumb cunts were to stupid to work out that part of the reason I was doing better in Glossop was that I kinda got taken under the wing of a group of girls who I'd previously met elsewhere who were kind to me & I didn't experience no where near as much bullying or conflict there. I think one cunt tried to fight me there but I stood my ground & unlike Renmark the incident went unnoticed.

On the other hand. When I arrived in Renmark - Being the "new kid on the block" I had to fight every BULLY in town. I couldn't win. I always tried to talk my way out of conflict & then they would either hit or try to hit me & I would beat the fuck out of them. Of course then I'd get punished by the teachers for winning the fight I didn't want to be in the the first place. I remember Mum questioning the principal "Has Mark ever hit anyone who's not a known bully?" when he replied "No" Mum said "well isn't that telling you something?" & the Dumb cunt still couldn't get it through his think head. This is not to say I didn't develop "attitude problems", fucken oath I did. Whilst the ADHD medication was certainly of some assistance aspects of this report also reflect that environmental factors were major contributing factors to my ability to cope throughout a challenging time of my development.
