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Criminal Justice & Legal Systems

Mark Parker

Updated: Jul 2, 2022

[The following blogpost is one of a series of subjects originally published mid 2021 under the website section:

Universal Asylum advocates on behalf of the general population in informing Governments that our dangerously primitive & out of date Legal Systems are in critical need of comprehensive reform to address a broad range of inconsistencies existing due to the influence of corrupt economic & political systems throughout their establishment.

This is an enormously complex conversation surrounding macro level miscarriage of justice with centuries of immeasurable direct & indirect consequences for the general population. The most obvious example of this is the "war on drugs" for the sake of economic interests associated with the pharmaceutic industry & political objectives surrounding social control.

Universal Asylum strongly urges that in addition to efficiently facilitating comprehensive reform of corrupt legal systems compatible with reform of our political, economic & broader social systems we also need to serious rethink our approach to "criminal justice" & whether it is truly about "justice" or merely a primitive form of revenge as a means of institutionally sanctioned violence.

As there are literally countless ways in which outdated systems are perpetuating complex social issues to the detriment of everyone, Universal Asylum will require cooperation across all social systems in working towards the establishment of systems capable of efficiently facilitating comprehensive & compatible social reform across all social systems.

Universal Asylum Youtube:



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