The introductory image relates to technical difficulties. I'm unsure if I was hacked and conned into wasting time thinking I was supporting someone else's work which I think I am able to confirm the most important aspect of. My only reservation is that I've recently been hacked am have struggled to know where that begins and ends as they seem to have very broad access. My computer also barely functions and I'm burning out. I don't understand what I'm being asked to do or how to seperate aspects of my work. It was like I i was being asked to sign a public copyright in relation to something which should be publicly copyrighted which to be specific is "Tryptamine's are Essential Amino Acids" which my work has enough evidence to prove. That is what they are and that information should never be hidden from the public again. After a decades work with DMT puts me in a prime position to provide peer review confirming that that aspect of their work fits with aspects of my work which are supported by a variety of sources. But my work is soo complex in it's crossovers and I expect I was conned into starting to attempt to fill out some form which rather than deleting a half finished hack-job draft when my computed crashed. apparently turned in into some legal shit I don't understand.

Anyway, prior to this and in a similar fashion ... Bacteriophages were a topic Wiki I was pretty sure I'd double checked before getting swept away attempting to save Wikipedia. According to Science Direct there are no shortage of peer reviewed publications on Bacteriophages dating back to the late 1800's [1][2][3][4]. So far accounts generally claim bacteriophages were discovered in 1896 by Ernest Hanbury Hankin prior to claiming Phages were not discovered until 1915-1917 by Fredrick William Twort and Felix d’Herelle respectively. With the latter coining the name “Bacteriophage” (viruses that kill bacteria) for the first time [4]. This is important to consider in terms of informal use and potential use in foreign dialects that may have gone undetected particularly given high standards of nomenclature would have demanded a certain level of understanding prior to officially coinage of names. Universal Asylum has now confirmed usage of word Tryptamine in in 1921 and 1922 publications citing Tryptamine in literature as early as 1917 [38] and 1918 [40]. This is a round 11-12years earlier than 1929 which the Miriam Webster Dictionary currently states to be the first known use of the word Tryptamine [39].
By 1921 there were already scientific experiments involving tryptamine substrates of variable pH up around the 7-8 mark noting variables between bacteriophages and acknowledging the limitless principles in attempting to understand complex micro-ecological systems [41]. It's interesting examining the arrogance of an 1899 European publication and it's perspective of the world by which stage DNA and RNA had been identified although there appear to be some wild assumptions regarding the why viruses and bacteria evolve in different ways under different conditions. Almost the opposite extreme of oversimplified [42]. In fact (assuming this isn't associated with being hacked) it was nearly 200years ago in 1833 via thorough scientific analysis of Asparagine's left and right handedness and differentiation of it's Nitrogen configuration [44][51][[53] that it, along with DMT & other substances meet the definition of essential amino acids. Here's what was presented as the most significant of Guareschi (1876) Asparagine formula's proving it's left and right handedness. I'm not literate enough with formulas to comment on more than the fact it fitted with the context of a text I believe required translation & similar principles to proline (I think).
![Guareschi I (1876). [53]](,h_1454,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/279e3e_4faa49ffccd84f5782c9d9a31b3797b1~mv2.jpg)
No matter how much people think it's cool to claim Tryptamine's are "endogenous" they're not, we cannot produce them [44] and they facilitate critical nutritional roles supporting healthy coevolution along side our Viral and Bacterial buddies who've collectively built all life on earth. Although the details of the complexities of nutritional balance the micro ecological systems we are responsible for are strongly noted [41][42][43]. Unfortunately, t's seems that almost immediately after science realised how significant DMT was it appears to have been swept under the rug by the WHO, UN and Other corrupt institutions [38][42] [45]. It's hard to tell how much is pure evil in terms of denying the facts at the expense of the population fuelled by sheer arrogance, ignorance and cowardice. So full of fear they can't even admit that another culture who has actual experience might know a few things they don't [46].
Bacteriophages are claimed to be the most abundant organisms on the planet [3] with the interaction of bacteriophages and bacteria and their coevolution said to be well known [5]. Mathematical modelling is confirmed to have been well established throughout the 1800's during the nomenclature of the amines [6] and was likely applied to studies well before the release of official models including Trypsin later followed by 'Trypto' (Cryptogamae) 'Phane' (Phanerogamae) and N,N-(n [number of Chromosomes], x n [number of chromosomes]-) Di(counterparts?/Diploid)M(macrophage?/Meiosis)Ethyle(catalyst)"T? RYPT(Cryptogamae)amine. Such suggestions directly challenge oversimplified claims that "the life cycle or more precisely the reproduction cycle of Cyanobacteria and bacteriophages particle solely depends on its host bacterium" [5]. The nomenclature of Tryptophan strongly indicates an association with at least one phage dependant upon a catalytically mediated counterpart. So what are we naming. Molecules, yeah? Seem pretty simple until taking into consideration cyanobacterium fixing ethly and/or nitrogen configurations [47] in addition to particular carbons of atoms on molecules acting as a Trojan horse for potential male bacteriophage spawn. At this point one must question where the beginning of life starts and ends, particularly as the could involve a host of bacteria and phages as we know that without DMT the major phages responsible for TCD4+, CD8+, Dendritic Cells and Th17 cells are unable to function leading to genetic degeneration and a range of associated issues including potentially pathogenic imbalances [50]. When fed right Bacteriophages play an important role in natural selection [52].
This makes Asparagine and Tryptamine essential amino acids as the body cannot synthesise them. This also brings into question the common belief that tryptophan can synthesis DMT which without the help of nitrogen fixing bacterium is untrue. Sure once DMT and Tryptophan hook up it's like two become one in a donor acceptor exchange which explains some of the discrepancies in their formulas [49]. The only so called evidence to suggest DMT is endogenous is circumstantial as it's not possible to 100% rule out atmospheric exposure to nanoparticle amounts of DMT being such an abundant molecules. Certainly, in Australia would be enough wattle scrub to for people to potentially test positive overseas [48].

Interestingly only 208 bacteriophages (3.7%) are polyhedral, filamentous, or pleomorphic (Ackermann, 2007) sighted [1] with the dictionary definition linking filamentous to Myosin which was coincidentally discovered and named in 1864 by Kuhne, who considered it responsible for the rigor state of muscle [9]. The term Macropharge was first used in 1882. Interestingly the intestine has a population of TIM4+ CD4+ macrophages which happens to be where Kühne was working and CD4+ [7] being one of the dysfunctional cell groups identified in relation to both opioids and viruses. Although the Mass Action Law of the 1800s is said to have "had an impact on chemistry, biochemistry, biomathematics, and systems biology that is difficult to overestimate", "easily recognized that it is the direct basis for computational enzyme kinetics, ecological systems models, and models for the spread of diseases" [10]. Somehow, Kühne fails to get a mention. Interestingly work carried out by Langley in Kühnes laboratory in 1877 into the physiology of glandular secretion developed into his first major research field, in which he worked until about 1890, combining morphological, physiological, and chemical methods of investigation [11]. It hardly makes sense for Kühne to be surrounded by the greatest academics in history in Germany at it's peak, interested in holistic understandings of complex microbiological components in their broader ecological context - just to pull names out of a hat.
According to Sreejit, Fleetwood, Murphy and Nagareddy (2020) "Macrophages were first identified by Metchnikoff in 1882 when he observed phagocytes surrounding and trying to devour a rose thorn introduced into the transparent body of a starfish larva. 1 , 2 Metchnikoff also identified major roles for these phagocytes in host resistance against infections, phagocytosis of unwanted cells during development, injury and repair. Macrophages have subsequently been shown to initiate and shape the adaptive immune system and in general acting as an inflammation rheostat. Macrophages achieve this by processing and presenting antigens to T cells 3 and by integrating multiple signals from a repertoire of cell surface and cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptors. 4" [7]. Who goes on to add "Macrophages are the first immune cells to appear in an organism’s development and are essential during the early stages of development. 5 Tissue macrophages also play a crucial role in homeostasis, 6 , 7 wound healing 8 and tissue regeneration. 9 , 10 The wide variety of macrophage functions partly arise because of their ability to sense and sample the local tissue environment and via expression of specific transcription factors and enhancer‐associated histone modifications unique to a local microenvironment" [7]. This suggests the term phages was in use and fits with the cell groups and actions identified in earlier publications and the nature of therapeutic actions in addition to other dysfunctional cascades of problems associated with Macrophages identified in the publication previously quoted. In fact anti-fungal actinophages of countless varieties were recognised including those capable of nitrogen fixing, and different responses to methyl and other environmental factors [43].
Interestingly there are 6 genes involved in Nitrogen fixing all sequenced prokaryotic genomes and six Nif proteins suggested as H, D, K, E , N , B. Although, It could well include archeal bacreriophages it is likely the particular bacteria are transporters of the WtpA protein sequences of earliest lineages. These collectively relate to metal coordination complexes associated with the ribosome [54][[55]. Tungsten Transport Protein A (WtpA) in Pyrococcus furiosus: the First Member of a New Class of Tungstate and Molybdate Transporters. Initially I expected it to start of as a salt (NH4)10(H2W12O42) before converting into the oxyanion (NH4)10H2W12O42·4H2O although it could well be 1 to 2 x or variations of tungsten trioxide WO3 for TupA, E. acidaminophilum and WtpA, P. furiosusas opposed to ModA from E. coli Molybdenum. The tungsten metallome of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus has been investigated using electroanalytical metal analysis and native-native 2D-PAGE with the radioactive tungsten isotope (187)W (t(1/2) = 23.9 h). P. furiosus cells have an intracellular tungsten concentration of 29 μM, of which ca. 30% appears to be free tungsten, probably in the form of tungstate or polytungstates. The remaining 70% is bound by five different tungsten enzymes: formaldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase, aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate ferredoxin oxidoreductase and the tungsten-containing oxidoreductases WOR4 and WOR5 [58]. Eubacterium Acidaminophilum has also been found to contain Tungsten but no Molybdenum E. Coli has also been found to accumulate Tungsten [59] so at this stage its rather unclear how the metal is going to work between species of bacteria, bacteriophage and the yet to be named meta-molecule Tryptophan, n,n-dimethyltryptamine and the amine family become once combined.
What is becoming increasingly clear is that processes involving reactions between tritium and helium into [62] Tungsten. However, there is also evidence indicating that tritium and helium along with fluoride double the fluidity of lead which builds up in bones and have been expecting to come up based on the results of the experimental research [63]. No idea what tests that opens up for blood serum and urine samples but sure to certainly a worthy consideration.

Delta (δ) notation is not a concept that I'm overly familiar and will require revision but from what I recall it's initiated either by Protium and Deuterium or Microparticles of heavier states of hydrogen on a nano scale into Tritium (T) causing beta-decay into Helium which I'm unsure which of two heavier helium atomic states it becomes. Presumably, the hypothesised X17 Helium before settling into the Tungsten defect in as depicted in the following illustration. However, this is not overly surprising as I have been expecting a photolytic interaction involving helium Tritium and Tungsten for some time now yet which I'd considered as either or in different directions or both at once and basically every other possible combination other than the above chain reaction. On all other accounts in addition to being in the right place at the right time only Helium took all of less than a minute to confirm was associated with nitrogen fixing bacterium to be confident in providing peer review confirmation of the most important aspects of someone else's work and my work. Although I do-not profess to understand the complexities of either of the complex processes above Tritium in scientifically associated with nitrogen fixing in relation to tungsten {60] which one source even suggested involves yeast in addition to bacteria which is entirely possible as far as potentially including at least 4 species of Tungsten between tryptophan and DMT Tritium is apparently quite common and selective able to hang around in water until the right connection requires its services. {61]

some studies acknowledge the complexities of different Tungsten configuration in relation to H, T, He attraction. I'm yet to come across consideration of the potential roles of bacterium and how this impacts variations in in interactions. The more I read on this subject the more strongly it would seem that there are the T's in Tryptamine which appear to algebraically set and reversible like I' previously suggestion [64] At this stage Universal Asylum anticipates at least two or more sets of bacteriophages associated with Tryptophan which require n,n-Dimethyletryptamine accompanied by potentially 2 different nitrogen fixing bacteria and male Macrophages. DMT's Ethyl catalyst to create the ideal conditions in any host environment for complex feeding and breeding processes conducive of DNA/RNA genetic expression, including forward and reverse transcription prior to being spawned back into the environment via urine and possibly other forms of excretion. This is to say that DMT acts as a "Restriction Modification System" with methylation protecting the host DNA [8] which is the only plausible reason for "ethyle" to take precedence over trypt. As a requirement for such an important action DMT's name states that it is an essential amino acid. The thermoproteus tenax virus 1 (TTV1), was shown to have evolved relatively recently through exaptation from a CRISPR-associated Cas4 nuclease.
T even phage functional variation initially appeared as T2 most independent followed by T6 and lastly T4 barely able to function at all [12]. Bacteriophage are said to have 2 types of reproductive strategies: lytic or lysogenic [13]. However, this may be an oversimplified perspective. Another proposed virus communication phenomenon, also seen with T-even phages, can be described as "a phage-adsorption-induced synchronized lysis-inhibition collapse" [14]. Although this description is unclear it essentially describes Universal Asylums feed, breed, spawn back into the external environment and take a well deserved nap model. I'm unsure what this means for the phages or the bacteria of different descriptions. Some may die once they have reproduced, others may need to digested to germinate their seed. These are likely to include details which currently remain scientifically unknown.
Based on the standards outlined in the International Bacteriological Code of Nomenclature [15] it is likely that Kühne coined Trypsin after "Crypts of Henle" [16] which at this stage remains it's earliest known use & is consistent in involving anatomical processes of excretion. Trypsin however, would have likely drawn it's T from Thermoproteales which are Diazotrophs a form of bacteria and archaea [17] that fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere into bioavailable forms such as ammonia. "Thermoprotei are the only known organisms to lack the SSB proteins, instead possessing the protein ThermoDBP that has displaced them. The rRNA genes of these organisms contain multiple introns, which can be homing endonuclease encoding genes, and their presence can impact the binding of "universal" 16S rRNA primers" sighted Wiki and [18].
The Thermoproteota are prokaryotes that have been classified as a phylum of the domain Archaea.[19][20][21] Initially, thought to be sulfur-dependent extremophiles, recent studies have identified characteristic Thermoproteota environmental rRNA indicating the organisms may be the most abundant archaea in the marine environment.[22] Originally, they were separated from the other archaea based on rRNA sequences; other physiological features, such as lack of histones, have supported this division, although some crenarchaea were found to have histones.[23] Until 2005 all cultured Thermoproteota had been thermophilic or hyperthermophilic organisms, some of which have the ability to grow at up to 113 °C.[24] These organisms stain Gram negative and are morphologically diverse, having rod, cocci, filamentous and oddly-shaped cells.[25] Recent evidence shows that some members of the Thermoproteota are methanogens.
Thermoproteota were initially classified as a part of Regnum Eocyta in 1984,[25]but this classification has been discarded. The term "eocyte" now applies to either TACK (formerly Crenarchaeota) or to Thermoproteota.
According to Wikipedia and a bunch of sources "One of the best characterized members of the Crenarchaeota is Sulfolobus solfataricus. This organism was originally isolated from geothermally heated sulfuric springs in Italy, and grows at 80 °C and pH of 2–4.[26]Since its initial characterization by Wolfram Zillig, a pioneer in thermophile and archaean research, similar species in the same genus have been found around the world. Unlike the vast majority of cultured thermophiles, Sulfolobus grows aerobically and chemoorganotrophically(gaining its energy from organic sources such as sugars). These factors allow a much easier growth under laboratory conditions than anaerobic organisms and have led to Sulfolobus becoming a model organism for the study of hyperthermophiles and a large group of diverse viruses that replicate within them".
Irradiation of S. solfataricus cells with ultraviolet light strongly induces formation of type IV pili that can then promote cellular aggregation.[28] Ultraviolet light-induced cellular aggregation was shown by Ajon et al. [29] to mediate high frequency inter-cellular chromosome marker exchange. Cultures that were ultraviolet light-induced had recombination rates exceeding those of uninduced cultures by as much as three orders of magnitude. S. solfataricus cells are only able to aggregate with other members of their own species.[29] Frols et al.[28][30] and Ajon et al.[29] considered that the ultraviolet light-inducible DNA transfer process, followed by homologous recombinational repair of damaged DNA, is an important mechanism for promoting chromosome integrity.
This DNA transfer process can be regarded as a primitive form of sexual interaction.

Cryptogam (straight out of Wiki again)
"A cryptogam (scientific name Cryptogamae) is a plant (in the wide sense of the word) or a plant-like organism that reproduces by spores, without flowers or seeds. "
The name Cryptogamae (from Ancient Greek κρυπτός (kruptós) 'hidden' and γαμέω(gaméō) 'to marry') means "hidden reproduction", meaning non-seed bearing plants. Other names, such as "thallophytes", "lower plants", and "spore plants" have occasionally been used.
As a group, Cryptogamae are paired with the Phanerogamae or Spermatophyta, the seed plants. At one time, the cryptogams were formally recognised as a group within the plant kingdom. In his system for classification of all known plants and animals, Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) divided the plant kingdom into 24 classes,[31] one of which was the "Cryptogamia". This included all plants with concealed reproductive organs. He divided Cryptogamia into four orders: Algae, Musci (bryophytes), Filices (ferns), and fungi,[32] but it had also traditionally included slime molds, and Cyanophyta.[33] The classification is now deprecated in Linnaean taxonomy. Cryptogams have been classified into three sub-kingdoms: Thallophyta, Bryophyta, and Pteridophyta.[33]
Cryptogamae are paired with the Phanerogamae

Not all cryptogams are treated as part of the plant kingdom today; the fungi, in particular, are a separate kingdom, more closely related to animals than plants, while blue-green algae are a phylum of bacteria. Therefore, in contemporary plant systematics, "Cryptogamae" is not a taxonomically coherent group, but is polyphyletic. However, the names of all cryptogams are regulated by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.
In human culture
An apocryphal story: it is said that during World War II, the British Government Code and Cypher School recruited Geoffrey Tandy, a marine biologist expert in cryptogams, to Station X, Bletchley Park, when someone confused these with cryptograms.[34][35][36]However, the story is a myth; though Tandy did indeed work at Bletchley, he was not recruited by mistake. At the time the field of cryptography was very new, and so it was typical to hire those with education and expertise in other fields.[37]
Monoecy (/məˈniːsi/; adj. monoecious /məˈniːʃəs/)[1] is a sexual system in seed plants where separate male and female cones or flowers are present on the same plant.[2] I

Nomenclature rules on naming bacteria and microorganisms states to use latin numerals as prefixes where possible. However, the use of letter abbreviations is permitted where necessary or otherwise appropriate [15]. Such as N,N- (n x chromosomes, x n x chromosomes + unknown symbiotic bacteria and "parasites")
The title must also state the type which in this case following the above prefix [15] would presumably be Di (Diploid) stating the nature of the 2part sexual system as opposed to other uses of "Di" as a basic figure of x2.
In this case M would represent: Meiosis (/maɪˈoʊsɪs/ ⓘ; from Ancient Greek μείωσις (meíōsis) 'lessening', (since it is a reductional division)[1][2] is a special type of cell division of germ cells in sexually-reproducing organisms that produces the gametes, the sperm or egg cells. It involves two rounds of division that ultimately result in four cells, each with only one copy of each chromosome (haploid). Additionally, prior to the division, genetic material from the paternal and maternal copies of each chromosome is crossed over, creating new combinations of code on each chromosome.[3] Later on, during fertilisation, the haploid cells produced by meiosis from a male and a female will fuse to create a zygote, a cell with two copies of each chromosome again.

Sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that involves a complex life cycle in which a gamete (haploid reproductive cells, such as a sperm or egg cell) with a single set of chromosomes combines with another gamete to produce a zygote that develops into an organism composed of cells with two sets of chromosomes (diploid).[1] This is typical in animals, though the number of chromosome sets and how that number changes in sexual reproduction varies, especially among plants, fungi, and other eukaryotes.[2][3]
In placental mammals, sperm cells exit the penis through the male urethra and enter the vagina during copulation,[4][5] while egg cells enter the uterus through the oviduct. Other vertebrates of both sexes possess a cloaca for the release of sperm or egg cells.
Sexual reproduction is the most common life cycle in multicellular eukaryotes, such as animals, fungi and plants.[6][7] Sexual reproduction also occurs in some unicellular eukaryotes.[2][8] Sexual reproduction does not occur in prokaryotes, unicellular organisms without cell nuclei, such as bacteria and archaea. However, some processes in bacteria, including bacterial conjugation, transformation and transduction, may be considered analogous to sexual reproduction in that they incorporate new genetic information.[9] Some proteins and other features that are key for sexual reproduction may have arisen in bacteria, but sexual reproduction is believed to have developed in an ancient eukaryotic ancestor.[10]
Now this is where it get's debatable that either Tryptophan and n,n-dimethyletryptamine, or the carbon/nitrogen fixing bacteria or bacteriophages are reliant upon one another for a interspecies coevolutionary gang-bang of sorts. DMT alters the pH, salinity, contributing to methylation, phosphorylation and sulphur related actions during a feeding and fucking frenzy which involves exchange of DNA/RNA between numerous bacteriophage and bacteria groups, supporting healthy growth of their host who presumably excretes their spawn back into the cycle of life. Like many plant species such processes are likely necessary for the reproduction of such microorganisms to repeat the cycle of genetic exchange throughout the broader ecosystem. Where is the life? in the carbon fixing bacteria?, the bacteriophage? The amino acids? of the Elements involved with such complex coevolutionary roles? I expect that part of the missing in action common ancestor is partly due to the rate of evolution when it's in host and the fact that the WHO are CRIMINALS WHO know DAMN well the NOMENCLATURE yet have been LYING to the GLOBAL POPULATION FOR 50 YEARS whilst making them SICK!!!
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