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Post Ceremony:

On the 29th of May 2021. I Drove Universal Asylums flag deep into the ground in Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia . After doing so a megaphone was used in delivering a short speech accusing the Australian (and World) Governments criminal negligence and advising that they were currently destined for social darwinism, demanding forfeiture of all right and authorities over DMT and of Forbidden Fruit, and announcing it's intention to facilitate the transition to it's leaderless system of Governance. After delivering its speech a nice pink cock was painted on an Australian flag before it was set it alight. Video footage of the event which is unfortunately of poor visual and sound quality due to camera positioning was then posted to the Universal Asylum YouTube page linked to this website & emailed it to the Prime Minister Scott Morison CC'd to as many politicians & news companies as possible, & of course the state & federal police. 


Universal Asylums flag flew freely in Victoria Square for 3-4days before eventually being stolen by an unknown entity. 


Universal Asylum Flag Gently Dancing in the Breeze




Universal Asylum employs "Mega-Can" in challenging the Australian Government.

Universal Asylums Youtube Channel:

Loading "Mega-Can"

Committed to "Mega-Can"

Mega Flop

Criminal Organisation

See Universal Asylums Youtube Channel:

Nerf Prep

Criminal Organisation

Town Hall

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